1,160 research outputs found

    The Civil Suability, at Law, of Labor Unions

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    ISLA DE ELY (Reino Unido) (Inglaterra). Parcelación del suelo (1789)

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    Dedicatoria : "To the Honorable the Corporatión of Bedford Level This Reduced Map of that Level is Inscribed By Charles Nalson Cole Esqr. their Register, Executed by their Order under his Direrction & Inspectión"Título redactado a partir del contenido del documentoOrientado con lis en rosa de ocho vientosOrografía de perfilSeñala la división del terreno en parcelas, indicando su extensión probablemente en acresLos márgenes derecho e izquierdo aparecen divididas del 1 al 28 y el superior e inferior del 1 al 39, al parecer para la localización de puntos en el map

    Implementing non-traditional assessment strategies in teacher preparation: Opportunities and challenges

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    Assessment and grading in higher education have traditionally focused on “A” through “F”, or point-based alpha-numeric letter grades and subjective, independent grading systems. Despite the ubiquity of this system, there are no universal guidelines on how to assess student learning on that scale. What can be problematic about “the way things have always been” is that students are frequently de-humanized; higher education faculty often focus on compliance and authoritarian teaching rather than engaging in the learning process alongside the students. In contrast, some faculty members have explored non-traditional assessment practices in their coursework to enhance the learning process and improve individualized student support. This article offers strategies for implementing non-traditional assessments, specifically mediated office hours, mastery learning, and ungrading strategies are addressed

    Social capital and political participation: understanding the dynamics of young people's political disengagement in contemporary Britain

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    Only 37 per cent of young people voted at the 2005 British General Election, seemingly confirming the oft-cited view that this generation is becoming increasingly disconnected from the political process. Results from a nationwide survey however, indicate that their withdrawal from formal politics is more a result of their scepticism of the way the political system operates, than apathy. Furthermore, they are diverse in their political (dis)engagement. Results from an examination of the relative effects of socio-economic location and social capital are inconclusive, although the data indicate that government social policy aimed at mobilising social capital and addressing socio-economic issues may increase civic engagement

    Social capital and political participation: understanding the dynamics of young people's political disengagement in contemporary Britain

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    Only 37 per cent of young people voted at the 2005 British General Election, seemingly confirming the oft-cited view that this generation is becoming increasingly disconnected from the political process. Results from a nationwide survey however, indicate that their withdrawal from formal politics is more a result of their scepticism of the way the political system operates, than apathy. Furthermore, they are diverse in their political (dis)engagement. Results from an examination of the relative effects of socio-economic location and social capital are inconclusive, although the data indicate that government social policy aimed at mobilising social capital and addressing socio-economic issues may increase civic engagement

    Precision Doppler Shift Measurements with a Frequency Comb Calibrated Laser Heterodyne Radiometer

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    We report precision atmospheric spectroscopy of CO2CO_2 using a laser heterodyne radiometer (LHR) calibrated with an optical frequency comb. Using the comb-calibrated LHR, we record spectra of atmospheric CO2CO_2 near 1572.33 nm with a spectral resolution of 200 MHz using sunlight as a light source. The measured CO2CO_2 spectra exhibit frequency shifts by approximately 11 MHz over the course of the five-hour measurement, and we show that these shifts are caused by Doppler effects due to wind along the spectrometer line of sight. The measured frequency shifts are in excellent agreement with an atmospheric model, and we show that our measurements track the wind-induced Doppler shifts with a relative frequency precision of 100 kHz (15 cm/s), equivalent to a fractional precision of a few parts in 101010^{10}. These results demonstrate that frequency-comb-calibrated LHR enables precision velocimetry that can be of use in applications ranging from climate science to astronomy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure