2,521 research outputs found
Heating rates for an atom in a far-detuned optical lattice
We calculate single atom heating rates in a far detuned optical lattice, in
connection with recent experiments. We first derive a master equation,
including a realistic atomic internal structure and a quantum treatment of the
atomic motion in the lattice. The experimental feature that optical lattices
are obtained by superimposing laser standing waves of different frequencies is
also included, which leads to a micromotional correction to the light shift
that we evaluate. We then calculate, and compare to experimental results, two
heating rates, the "total" heating rate (corresponding to the increase of the
total mechanical energy of the atom in the lattice), and the ground bande
heating rate (corresponding to the increase of energy within the ground energy
band of the lattice).Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
Resonances for a Hydrogenic System or a Harmonic Oscillator Strongly Coupled to a Field
We calculate resonances which are formed by a particle in a potential which
is either Coulombian or quadratic when the particle is strongly coupled to a
massless boson, taking only two energy levels into consideration. From these
calculations we derive how the moving away of the particle from its attraction
center goes together with the energy lowering of hybrid states that this
particle forms with the field. We study the width of these states and we show
that stable states may also appear in the coupling.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
Decays in Quantum Hierarchical Models
We study the dynamics of a simple model for quantum decay, where a single
state is coupled to a set of discrete states, the pseudo continuum, each
coupled to a real continuum of states. We find that for constant matrix
elements between the single state and the pseudo continuum the decay occurs via
one state in a certain region of the parameters, involving the Dicke and
quantum Zeno effects. When the matrix elements are random several cases are
identified. For a pseudo continuum with small bandwidth there are weakly damped
oscillations in the probability to be in the initial single state. For
intermediate bandwidth one finds mesoscopic fluctuations in the probability
with amplitude inversely proportional to the square root of the volume of the
pseudo continuum space. They last for a long time compared to the non-random
Nonlinear Faraday Rotation and Superposition-State Detection in Cold Atoms
We report on the first observation of nonlinear Faraday rotation with cold
atoms at a temperature of ~100 uK. The observed nonlinear rotation of the light
polarization plane is up to 0.1 rad over the 1 mm size atomic cloud in
approximately 10 mG magnetic field. The nonlinearity of rotation results from
long-lived coherence of ground-state Zeeman sublevels created by a
near-resonant light. The method allows for creation, detection and control of
atomic superposition states. It also allows applications for precision
magnetometry with high spatial and temporal resolution.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Decoherence and dephasing in strongly driven colliding Bose-Einstein condensates
We report on a series of measurements of decoherence and wavepacket dephasing
between two colliding, strongly coupled, identical Bose-Einstein condensates.
We measure, in the strong excitation regime, a suppression of the mean-field
shift, compared to the shift which is observed for a weak excitation. This
suppression is explained by applying the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. By
selectively counting only the non-decohered fraction in a time of flight image
we observe oscillations for which both inhomogeneous and Doppler broadening are
suppressed, in quantitative agreement with a full Gross-Pitaevskii equation
simulation. If no post selection is used, the decoherence rate due to
collisions can be extracted, and is in agreement with the local density average
calculated rate.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Entanglement swapping between spacelike separated atoms
We show a mechanism that projects a pair of neutral two-level atoms from an
initially uncorrelated state to a maximally entangled state while they remain
spacelike separated. The atoms begin both excited in a common electromagnetic
vacuum, and the radiation is collected with a partial Bell-state analyzer. If
the interaction time is short enough and a certain two-photon Bell state is
detected after the interaction, a high degree of entanglement, even maximal,
can be generated while one atom is outside the light cone of the other, for
arbitrary large interatomic distances.Comment: v2: version accepted in Phys. Rev.
Narrow band microwave radiation from a biased single-Cooper-pair transistor
We show that a single-Cooper-pair transistor (SCPT) electrometer emits
narrow-band microwave radiation when biased in its sub-gap region. Photo
activation of quasiparticle tunneling in a nearby SCPT is used to
spectroscopically detect this radiation, in a configuration that closely mimics
a qubit-electrometer integrated circuit. We identify emission lines due to
Josephson radiation and radiative transport processes in the electrometer, and
argue that a dissipative superconducting electrometer can severely disrupt the
system it attempts to measure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Entanglement, identical particles and the uncertainty principle
A new uncertainty relation (UR) is obtained for a system of N identical pure
entangled particles if we use symmetrized observables when deriving the
inequality. This new expression can be written in a form where we identify a
term which explicitly shows the quantum correlations among the particles that
constitute the system. For the particular cases of two and three particles,
making use of the Schwarz inequality, we obtain new lower bounds for the UR
that are different from the standard one.Comment: 5 pages, no figure; v2: title, abstract, and focus slightly changed;
a couple of sections rewritten and a new one added; published versio
Atom Lithography with Near-Resonant Light Masks: Quantum Optimization Analysis
We study the optimal focusing of two-level atoms with a near resonant
standing wave light, using both classical and quantum treatments of the
problem. Operation of the focusing setup is considered as a nonlinear spatial
squeezing of atoms in the thin- and thick-lens regimes. It is found that the
near-resonant standing wave focuses the atoms with a reduced background in
comparison with far-detuned light fields. For some parameters, the quantum
atomic distribution shows even better localization than the classical one.
Spontaneous emission effects are included via the technique of quantum Monte
Carlo wave function simulations. We investigate the extent to which
non-adiabatic and spontaneous emission effects limit the achievable minimal
size of the deposited structures.Comment: 10 pages including 11 figures in Revte
Slow quench dynamics of periodically driven quantum gases
We study the evolution of bosons in a periodically driven optical lattice
during a slow change of the driving amplitude. Both the regime of high
frequency and low frequency driving are investigated. In the low frequency
regime, resonant absorption of energy is observed. In the high frequency
regime, the dynamics is compared to a system with an effective Hamiltonian in
which the atoms are `dressed' by the driving field. This `dressing' can
dramatically change the amplitude and sign of the effective tunneling. A
particular focus of this study is the investigation of the time-scales
necessary for the evolving quantum state to follow almost adiabatically to the
ground-state of the effective many body system.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
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