54,342 research outputs found
The de Rham functor for logarithmic D-modules
In the first part we deepen the six-functor theory of (holonomic) logarithmic
D-modules, in particular with respect to duality and pushforward along
projective morphisms. Then, inspired by work of Ogus, we define a logarithmic
analogue of the de Rham functor, sending logarithmic D-modules to certain
graded sheaves on the so-called Kato-Nakayama space. For holonomic modules we
show that the associated sheaves have finitely generated stalks and that the de
Rham functor intertwines duality for D-modules with a version of
Poincar\'e-Verdier duality on the Kato-Nakayama space. Finally, we explain how
the grading on the Kato-Nakayama space is related to the classical
Kashiwara-Malgrange V-filtration for holonomic D-modules.Comment: 37 page
Beyond Standard Model Higgs
Recent LHC highlights of searches for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model
are presented. The results by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations are based on
2011 and 2012 proton-proton collision data at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and
8 TeV, respectively. They test a wide range of theoretical models.Comment: Presented at the XXXIV Physics in Collision Symposium, Bloomington,
Indiana, September 16-20, 2014. 9 pages, 9 figure
An elementary representation of the higher-order Jacobi-type differential equation
We investigate the differential equation for the Jacobi-type polynomials
which are orthogonal on the interval with respect to the classical
Jacobi measure and an additional point mass at one endpoint. This scale of
higher-order equations was introduced by J. and R. Koekoek in 1999 essentially
by using special function methods. In this paper, a completely elementary
representation of the Jacobi-type differential operator of any even order is
given. This enables us to trace the orthogonality relation of the Jacobi-type
polynomials back to their differential equation. Moreover, we establish a new
factorization of the Jacobi-type operator which gives rise to a recurrence
relation with respect to the order of the equation.Comment: 17 page
Book Review: Witness Against History: Literature, Film, and Public Discourse in Twentieth-Century China
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