34 research outputs found
Mercury pollution for marine environment at Farwa Island, Libya
Coimmobilization of pyranose dehydrogenase
as an enzyme catalyst,
osmium redox polymers [OsĀ(4,4ā²-dimethoxy-2,2ā²-bipyridine)<sub>2</sub>(polyĀ(vinylimidazole))<sub>10</sub>Cl]<sup>+</sup> or [OsĀ(4,4ā²-dimethyl-2,2ā²-bipyridine)<sub>2</sub>(polyĀ(vinylimidazole))<sub>10</sub>Cl]<sup>+</sup> as mediators,
and carbon nanotube conductive scaffolds in films on graphite electrodes
provides enzyme electrodes for glucose oxidation. The recombinant
enzyme and a deglycosylated form, both expressed in Pichia pastoris, are investigated and compared as
biocatalysts for glucose oxidation using flow injection amperometry
and voltammetry. In the presence of 5 mM glucose in phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS) (50 mM phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4, with 150 mM
NaCl), higher glucose oxidation current densities, 0.41 mA cm<sup>ā2</sup>, are obtained from enzyme electrodes containing the
deglycosylated form of the enzyme. The optimized glucose-oxidizing
anode, prepared using deglycosylated enzyme coimmobilized with [OsĀ(4,4ā²-dimethyl-2,2ā²-bipyridine)<sub>2</sub>(polyĀ(vinylimidazole))<sub>10</sub>Cl]<sup>+</sup> and carbon
nanotubes, was coupled with an oxygen-reducing bilirubin oxidase on
gold nanoparticle dispersed on gold electrode as a biocathode to provide
a membraneless fully enzymatic fuel cell. A maximum power density
of 275 Ī¼W cm<sup>ā2</sup> is obtained in 5 mM glucose
in PBS, the highest to date under these conditions, providing sufficient
power to enable wireless transmission of a signal to a data logger.
When tested in whole human blood and unstimulated human saliva maximum
power densities of 73 and 6 Ī¼W cm<sup>ā2</sup> are obtained
for the same fuel cell configuration, respectively
lāArabinose Isomerase and dāXylose Isomerase from Lactobacillus reuteri: Characterization, Coexpression in the Food Grade Host Lactobacillus plantarum, and Application in the Conversion of dāGalactose and dāGlucose
The l-arabinose isomerase (l-AI) and the d-xylose
isomerase (d-XI) encoding genes from Lactobacillus
reuteri (DSMZ 17509) were cloned and
overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21
(DE3). The proteins were purified to homogeneity by one-step affinity
chromatography and characterized biochemically. l-AI displayed
maximum activity at 65 Ā°C and pH 6.0, whereas d-XI showed
maximum activity at 65 Ā°C and pH 5.0. Both enzymes require divalent
metal ions. The genes were also ligated into the inducible lactobacillal
expression vectors pSIP409 and pSIP609, the latter containing a food
grade auxotrophy marker instead of an antibiotic resistance marker,
and the l-AI- and d-XI-encoding sequences/genes
were coexpressed in the food grade host Lactobacillus
plantarum. The recombinant enzymes were tested for
applications in carbohydrate conversion reactions of industrial relevance.
The purified l-AI converted d-galactose to d-tagatose with a maximum conversion rate of 35%, and the d-XI isomerized d-glucose to d-fructose with a maximum
conversion rate of 48% at 60 Ā°C
Active-site geometry of pyranose oxidase from <i>T</i>. <i>multicolor</i>.
<p>In the closed form of the active-site loop of pyranose oxidase from <i>T</i>. <i>multicolor</i> (<i>Tm</i>POx, PDB code 1TT0; [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0148108#pone.0148108.ref003" target="_blank">3</a>]), which is thought to be relevant for the oxidative half-reaction of POx [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0148108#pone.0148108.ref003" target="_blank">3</a>], Phe454 is positioned in the direct vicinity of the isoalloxazine ring and the C4a/N5 locus, at which oxygen is reduced. The figure was generated using PyMOL (<a href="http://www.pymol.org/" target="_blank">http://www.pymol.org/</a>).</p
Accessibility of methionine residues.
<p>Surface of the <i>T</i>. <i>multicolor</i> POx monomer in the vicinity of (<b>A</b>) Met417, showing the surface-exposed sulphur atom which is oxidised by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, and (<b>B</b>) Met380 with its sulphur-containing side chain pointing towards the interior of the polypeptide matrix, in which it is buried and hence is not accessible from the surface.</p
Oxidation of methionines.
<p>Methionine-containing peptide fragments detected that show a mass increase of 16 or 32 Da after proteolytic digestion of <i>Tm</i>POx (inactivated during turnover of 100 mM D-glucose, treated with endogenous H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> or unaffected). Proteolytic digestion was performed with trypsin or Asp-N protease as indicated. The last column indicates whether the particular Met is considerably oxidised during substrate turnover and by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment compared to the unaffected sample (see also <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0148108#pone.0148108.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>).</p
Engineering Pyranose 2-Oxidase for Modified Oxygen Reactivity
<div><p>Pyranose 2-oxidase (POx), a member of the GMC family of flavoproteins, catalyzes the regioselective oxidation of aldopyranoses at position C2 to the corresponding 2-ketoaldoses. During the first half-reaction, FAD is reduced to FADH<sub>2</sub> and reoxidized in the second half-reaction by reducing molecular oxygen to H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Alternative electron acceptors including quinones, radicals or chelated metal ions show significant and in some cases even higher activity. While oxygen as cheap and abundantly available electron acceptor is favored for many processes, reduced oxygen reactivity is desirable for some applications such as in biosensors/biofuel cells because of reduced oxidative damages to the biocatalyst from concomitant H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> production as well as reduced electron āleakageā to oxygen. The reactivity of flavoproteins with oxygen is of considerable scientific interest, and the determinants of oxygen activation and reactivity are the subject of numerous studies. We applied site-saturation mutagenesis on a set of eleven amino acids around the active site based on the crystal structure of the enzyme. Using microtiter plate screening assays with peroxidase/2,2ā²-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, variants of POx with decreased oxidase activity and maintained dehydrogenase activity were identified. Variants T166R, Q448H, L545C, L547R and N593C were characterized with respect to their apparent steady-state constants with oxygen and the alternative electron acceptors DCPIP, 1,4-benzoquinone and ferricenium ion, and the effect of the mutations was rationalized based on structural properties.</p></div
Identification of the exact site of oxidation in the peptide <sup>452</sup>DAFSYGAVQQSIDSR<sup>466</sup> by LC-ESI-MS/MS.
<p>The nearly complete series of C-terminal y-ions in the MS/MS spectrum of the double-charged ion of 830.4 confirms the peptide sequence. The +16 Da mass shift found for the ion y<sub>13</sub> further indicates that Phe454 is oxidised during substrate turnover and by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment.</p
Mass spectrometric identification of methionine residues oxidized by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> during <i>Tm</i>POx inactivation.
<p>MALDI MS spectra were measured for unaffected POx (<b>A</b>), for POx inactivated during D-glucose oxidation (<b>B</b>) or for POx inactivated by endogenous H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (<b>C</b>). The selected MALDI spectra in the left panel illustrate that Met497 of the tryptic peptide ITDAYNMPQPTFDFR with a theoretical MH<sup>+</sup> of 1815.8 was extensively oxidised in <i>Tm</i>POx inactivated either during substrate turnover (<b>B</b>, left panel) or by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment (<b>C</b>, left panel). In contrast, some methionine residues were found not to be oxidised during <i>Tm</i>POx inactivation as shown for Met74 of the peptide VAMFDIGEIDSGLK having a MH<sup>+</sup> of 1494.8 (right panel). The small signals at m/z 1510.8 are related to the oxidized form of the peptide generated due to the presence of air oxygen.</p
Apparent steady-state kinetic constants of wild-type and mutant POx with D-glucose as electron donor (100 mM) and 1,4-BQ (varied from 0.01ā0.5 mM) as electron acceptor.
<p>*data from reference <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0109242#pone.0109242-Spadiut2" target="_blank">[47]</a>.</p><p>Apparent steady-state kinetic constants of wild-type and mutant POx with D-glucose as electron donor (100 mM) and 1,4-BQ (varied from 0.01ā0.5 mM) as electron acceptor.</p
Apparent steady-state kinetic constants of wild-type and mutant POx with D-glucose as electron donor (100 mM) and DCPIP (varied from 0.015ā1.2 mM) as electron acceptor.
<p>Apparent steady-state kinetic constants of wild-type and mutant POx with D-glucose as electron donor (100 mM) and DCPIP (varied from 0.015ā1.2 mM) as electron acceptor.</p