5 research outputs found

    Baseline Subject Characteristics.

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    <p>All values are means (standard deviations).</p>*<p>Central blood pressures and stiffness measurements were obtained from 37 subjects in the placebo and 38 subjects in the vitamin D arms, respectively.</p><p>25OH Vitamin D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D.</p><p>DBP  =  diastolic blood pressure.</p><p>FMD  =  flow-mediated dilation.</p><p>HDL  =  high density lipoprotein.</p><p>LDL  =  low density lipoprotein.</p><p>SBP  =  systolic blood pressure.</p

    Measurement of Carotid Artery Longitudinal Displacement.

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    <p><b>Panel A.</b> Image of the right common carotid artery. The overlay schematic of the tracing point locations (green circles) are used for the determination of longitudinal displacement. A region of interest was identified by measuring 0.5 cm caudal from the carotid bulb along the far wall of the distal common carotid artery, using an onscreen measuring tool (Microsoft Windows Ruler). The second and third points were placed 0.1 cm apart, extending caudally. Each point that was placed at the intima-media interface is tracked using a “speckle tracking” algorithm (TomTec, Unterscheissheim, Germany) that tracks specific pixel movement during the cardiac cycle. <b>Panel B.</b> Sample output of a longitudinal displacement waveform indicated by the solid blue line. This was generated using a “speckle tracking” algorithm (TomTec, Unterscheissheim, Germany) with a free-trace feature that makes no geometric assumptions about the shape of the object being analyzed. Longitudinal displacement (mm) is on the y-axis and time (ms) is on the x-axis. Arrows mark the maximum and minimum displacement of the second and third beats in the ultrasound loop. The dotted lines represent the total longitudinal displacement for these beats. Reported longitudinal displacement values are averaged over two cardiac cycles.</p

    CONSORT 2010 Flow Diagram.

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    <p>The first 34 subjects were part of a pilot study performed under NCT 00690417. The remainder of the subjects were performed under NCT 01049048.</p

    Bland-Altman Plot for Inter-Reader Reproducibility of Carotid Artery Longitudinal Displacement.

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    <p>The solid line at zero represents perfect inter-reader reproducibility. The second solid line at 0.012 represents the mean difference. The dashed lines represent +2 standard deviations (top) and -2 standard deviations (bottom) from the mean.</p

    Participant Characteristics by Tertiles of Carotid Artery Longitudinal displacement.

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    <p>Abbreviations: IMT = intima-media thickness; YEM = Young’s Elastic Modulus; DC = Distensibility coefficient; LD = longitudinal displacement.</p><p>Participant Characteristics by Tertiles of Carotid Artery Longitudinal displacement.</p