228 research outputs found
Apparent magnitudes in an inhomogeneous universe: the global viewpoint
Apparent magnitudes are important for high precision cosmology. It is
generally accepted that weak gravitational lensing does not affect the
relationship between apparent magnitude and redshift. By considering metric
perturbations it is shown that objects observed in an inhomogeneous universe
have, on average, higher apparent magnitudes than those observed at the same
redshift in a homogeneous universe.Comment: 2 pages, Latex, with aastex and emulateapj
Gravitational lensing in spherically symmetric static spacetimes with centrifugal force reversal
In Schwarzschild spacetime the value of the radius coordinate is
characterized by three different properties: (a) there is a ``light sphere'',
(b) there is ``centrifugal force reversal'', (c) it is the upper limiting
radius for a non-transparent Schwarschild source to act as a gravitational lens
that produces infinitely many images. In this paper we prove a theorem to the
effect that these three properties are intimately related in {\em any}
spherically symmetric static spacetime. We illustrate the general results with
some examples including black-hole spacetimes and Morris-Thorne wormholes.Comment: 18 pages, 3 eps-figure
Gravitational lensing in the strong field limit
We provide an analytic method to discriminate among different types of black
holes on the ground of their strong field gravitational lensing properties. We
expand the deflection angle of the photon in the neighbourhood of complete
capture, defining a strong field limit, in opposition to the standard weak
field limit. This expansion is worked out for a completely generic spherically
symmetric spacetime, without any reference to the field equations and just
assuming that the light ray follows the geodesics equation. We prove that the
deflection angle always diverges logarithmically when the minimum impact
parameter is reached. We apply this general formalism to Schwarzschild,
Reissner-Nordstrom and Janis-Newman-Winicour black holes. We then compare the
coefficients characterizing these metrics and find that different collapsed
objects are characterized by different strong field limits. The strong field
limit coefficients are directly connected to the observables, such as the
position and the magnification of the relativistic images. As a concrete
example, we consider the black hole at the centre of our galaxy and estimate
the optical resolution needed to investigate its strong field behaviour through
its relativistic images.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, in press on Physical Review
Quasi-Equatorial Gravitational Lensing by Spinning Black Holes in the Strong Field Limit
Spherically symmetric black holes produce, by strong field lensing, two
infinite series of relativistic images, formed by light rays winding around the
black hole at distances comparable to the gravitational radius. In this paper,
we address the relevance of the black hole spin for the strong field lensing
phenomenology, focusing on trajectories close to the equatorial plane for
simplicity. In this approximation, we derive a two-dimensional lens equation
and formulae for the position and the magnification of the relativistic images
in the strong field limit. The most outstanding effect is the generation of a
non trivial caustic structure. Caustics drift away from the optical axis and
acquire finite extension. For a high enough black hole spin, depending on the
source extension, we can practically observe only one image rather than two
infinite series of relativistic images. In this regime, additional non
equatorial images may play an important role in the phenomenology.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Improved version with detailed physical
Lensing Effects on Gravitational Waves in a Clumpy Universe -Effects of Inhomogeneity on the Distance-Redshift Relation-
The distance-redshift relation determined by means of gravitational waves in
the clumpy universe is simulated numerically by taking into account the effects
of gravitational lensing. It is assumed that all of the matter in the universe
takes the form of randomly distributed point masses, each of which has the
identical mass . Calculations are carried out in two extreme cases:
and , where denotes the
wavelength of gravitational waves. In the first case, the distance-redshift
relation for the fully homogeneous and isotropic universe is reproduced with a
small distance dispersion, whereas in the second case, the distance dispersion
is larger. This result suggests that we might obtain information about the
typical mass of lens objects through the distance-redshift relation gleaned
through observation of gravitational waves of various wavelengths. In this
paper, we show how to set limitations on the mass through the observation
of gravitational waves in the clumpy universe model described above.Comment: 35 pages, 21 figures, ApJ accepted versio
On the exact gravitational lens equation in spherically symmetric and static spacetimes
Lensing in a spherically symmetric and static spacetime is considered, based
on the lightlike geodesic equation without approximations. After fixing two
radius values r_O and r_S, lensing for an observation event somewhere at r_O
and static light sources distributed at r_S is coded in a lens equation that is
explicitly given in terms of integrals over the metric coefficients. The lens
equation relates two angle variables and can be easily plotted if the metric
coefficients have been specified; this allows to visualize in a convenient way
all relevant lensing properties, giving image positions, apparent brightnesses,
image distortions, etc. Two examples are treated: Lensing by a
Barriola-Vilenkin monopole and lensing by an Ellis wormhole.Comment: REVTEX, 11 pages, 12 eps-figures, figures partly improved, minor
Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence: Null geodesics
We have studied the null geodesics of the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded
by quintessence matter. Quintessence matter is a candidate for dark energy.
Here, we have done a detailed analysis of the geodesics and exact solutions are
presented in terms of Jacobi-elliptic integrals for all possible energy and
angular momentum of the photons. The circular orbits of the photons are studied
in detail. As an application of the null geodesics, the angle of deflection of
the photons are computed.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures. typos corrected and some of the notation
Non-Commutative Correction to Thin Shell Collapse in Reissner Nordstrm Geometry
This paper investigates the polytropic matter shell collapse in the
non-commutative Reissner-Nordstrm geometry. Using the Israel
criteria, equation of motion for the polytropic matter shell is derived. In
order to explore the physical aspects of this equation, the most general
equation of state, , has been used for finite
and infinite values of . The effective potentials corresponding to the
equation of motion have been used to explain different states of the matter
shell collapse. The numerical solution of the equation of motion predicts
collapse as well as expansion depending on the choice of initial data. Further,
in order to include the non-commutative correction, we modify the matter
components and re-formulate the equation of motion as well as the corresponding
effective potentials by including non-commutative factor and charge parameter.
It is concluded that charge reduces the velocity of the expanding or collapsing
matter shell but does not bring the shell to static position. While the
non-commutative factor with generic matter favors the formation of black hole.Comment: 18 pages,17 figure
Dynamics of Charged Plane Symmetric Gravitational Collapse
In this paper, we study dynamics of the charged plane symmetric gravitational
collapse. For this purpose, we discuss non-adiabatic flow of a viscous fluid
and deduce the results for adiabatic case. The Einstein and Maxwell field
equations are formulated for general plane symmetric spacetime in the interior.
Junction conditions between the interior and exterior regions are derived. For
the non-adiabatic case, the exterior is taken as plane symmetric charged Vaidya
spacetime while for the adiabatic case, it is described by plane
Reissner-Nordstrm spacetime. Using Misner and Sharp formalism, we
obtain dynamical equations to investigate the effects of different forces over
the rate of collapse. In non-adiabatic case, a dynamical equation is joined
with transport equation of heat flux. Finally, a relation between the Weyl
tensor and energy density is found.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication Gen. Relativ. Gra
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