2,820 research outputs found

    AFB(b) Status of Results

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    The status of results on forward-backward asymmetry in Z -> bbbar decays is reviewed. A comparison of LEP measurements, with emphasis on the final ALEPH measurement with leptons, and a critical discussion of average from heavy flavour electroweak combination is presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Proceedings of "XXXVIIth Rencontres de Moriond - Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories", Les Arcs, 9-16 March, 200

    The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker: from integration to start-up

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    The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (SST) integration has been completed. After an extensive period of testing with cosmic muons the detector is ready for the final installation inside the CMS magnet. This paper will review the integration procedures and the tests completed to ensure that SST performs according to specifications

    Determination of the Lorentz Angle in Microstrip Silicon Detectors with Cosmic Muons

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    The microstrip silicon tracker of the CMS experiment will operate in a 4 T magnetic field in the harsh radiation environment of the Large Hadron Collider. The drift motion of the charge carriers will be therefore affected by the Lorentz force due to the high magnetic field. Furthermore, radiation damage will change in time the properties of this drift. In this note a method to measure the Lorentz angle from reconstructed tracks is presented and results obtained on Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge data are compared to the values expected from a model, developed by the authors, which takes into account all the relevant parameters during the tracker lifetime (e.g. temperature and depletion voltage of the detectors)
