694 research outputs found

    Interazioni tra città, spazi monumentali e creatività: un imprevisto reportage su Napoli

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    In Italia il paesaggio e il patrimonio artistico diventano il palcoscenico ideale della narrazione visiva quando, a metà Novecento, la fotografia di moda li include negli scatti per enfatizzare i valori dell’ancora timida creatività manifatturiera nazionale. Anche Napoli entra nel caleidoscopio delle visioni nate da quest’approccio narrativo coi lavori curati dall’editoria di settore e con gli sguardi dei fotoreporter locali, nei cui reportage si rintraccia un’interazione tra spazi urbani e modelle senz’altro imprevista, che documenta una ricercata, e forse riuscita, tensione verso la modernità.In Italy the landscape and the artistic heritage become the ideal setting of the visual narration in the mid-1900s, when the fashion photography includes them in its shots to emphasize the values of the still shy sartorial creativity. Even Naples enters the kaleidoscope of visions born from this narrative approach with works curated by fashion publishing and with the looks of local photojournalists; in their reports there is an interaction between urban spaces and models that is certainly unexpected, documenting a successful tension towards modernity

    Tissue Factor/Factor FVII Complex Inhibitors in Cardiovascular Disease. Are Things Going Well?

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    Blood coagulation is a complex biological mechanism aimed to avoid bleeding in which a highly regulated and coordinated interplay of specific proteins and cellular components respond quickly to a vascular injury. However, when this mechanisms occurs in the coronary circulation, it has not a “protective” effect, but rather, it plays a pivotal role in determining acute coronary syndromes. Coagulation recognizes Tissue Factor (TF), the main physiological initiator of the extrinsic coagulation pathway, as its starter

    Вища математика. Ч.1. Диференціальне числення у прикладах та задачах

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    Викладено набір теоретичних та практичних тестів з диференціального числення функції однієї та багатьох змінних. Докладні відповіді, вказівки, розв’язання типових завдань та достатня кількість прикладів для самостійної роботи дозволяють використовувати посібник для всіх видів занять

    Case studies of automation in services

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    A full understanding of the technological complexity underlying robotics and automation is still lacking, most of all when focusing on the impacts on work in services. By means of a qualitative analysis based on over 50 interviews to HR managers, IT technicians, workers and trade union delegates, this work provides evidence on the main changes occurring at shopfloor level in selected Italian companies having adopted technological artefacts potentially affecting labour tasks by automating processes. The analysis of interviews complemented with visits to the companies and desk research on business documents highlights that so far labour displacement due to the adoption of automation technologies is not yet in place, while tasks and organizational reconfiguration appear more widespread. Major heterogeneity applies across plants due to the final product/service produced, the techno-organizational capabilities of the firm and the type of strategic orientation versus technological adoption. These elements also affect drivers and barriers to technological adoption. Overall, the analysis confirms the complexity in automating presumably low-value-added phases: human labour remains crucial in conducting activities that require flexibility, adaptability and reconfiguration of physical tasks. Further, human agency and worker representation, in particular the role of trade unions, are almost disregarded and not considered by the firms when deciding to introduce a new technology

    Case Studies of Automation in Services. A workplace analysis of logistics, cleaning and health sectors in Italy

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    A full understanding of the technological complexity underlying robotics and automation is still lacking, most of all when focusing on the impacts on work in services. By means of a qualitative analysis relying on the administration of more than 50 interviews to HR managers, IT technicians, workers and trade union delegates, this work provides evidence on the main changes occurring at shopfloor level in selected Italian companies having adopted technological artefacts potentially affecting labour tasks by automating processes. The analysis of interviews complemented with visits to the companies and desk research on business documents highlights that so far labour displacement due to the adoption of automation technologies is not yet in place, while tasks and organizational reconfiguration appear more widespread. Major heterogeneity applies across plants due to the final product/service produced, the techno-organizational capabilities of the firm and the type of strategic orientation versus technological adoption. These elements also affect drivers and barriers to technological adoption. Overall, the analysis confirms the complexity in automating presumably low-valueadded phases: human labour remains crucial in conducting activities that require flexibility, adaptability and reconfiguration of physical tasks. Further, human agency and worker representation, in particular the role of trade unions, are almost disregarded and not considered by the firms when deciding to introduce a new technology