250 research outputs found

    Il progetto CliMAlp

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    Il progetto CLiMAlp (Corpus Linguistics meets Alpine Space) è il risultato di una collaborazione fra l’Università degli Studi di Torino e l’Università della Valle d’Aosta sostenuto dal Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca italiano (bandi PRIN). Il progetto si propone di analizzare, valorizzare e conservare il patrimonio linguistico e testuale delle parlate minoritarie tedescofone e galloromanze del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta attraverso metodologie e strumenti della co..

    Fourth Industrial Revolution: Current Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities

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    The globalization and the competitiveness are forcing companies to rethink and to innovate their production processes following the so-called Industry 4.0 paradigm. It represents the integration of tools already used in the past (big data, cloud, robot, 3D printing, simulation, etc.) that are now connected into a global network by transmitting digital data. The implementation of this new paradigm represents a huge change for companies, which are faced with big investments. In order to benefit from the opportunities offered by the smart revolution, companies must have the prerequisites needed to withstand changes generated by “smart” system. In addition, new workers who face the world of work 4.0 must have new skills in automation, digitization, and information technology, without forgetting soft skills. This chapter aims to present the main good practices, challenges, and opportunities related to Industry 4.0 paradigm

    Recycling of Pre-Washed Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash in the Manufacturing of Low Temperature Setting Geopolymer Materials

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    In this work, three samples of municipal solid waste incinerators fly ash (MSWI-FA) have been stabilized in systems containing coal fly ash to create geopolymers through a polycondensation reaction. Monolithic products have been obtained with both MSWI fly ash as received and after the partial removal of chloride and sulfate by water washing. The polycondensation products have been characterized qualitatively by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy and quantitatively, through the determination of the volume of reacted water and silicate. Furthermore, the heavy metals and chloride releases together with the physico-mechanical properties have been evaluated on the hardened products. In conclusion, considering the technological and environmental performances of the obtained geopolymers, they could be suitable for many non-structural applications, such as backfilling of abandoned quarries, decorative materials or brick fireplaces, hearths, patios, etc

    Development of geopolymer materials for sustainable design

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    Mechanical Performances of Weathered Coal Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Bricks

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    In this paper weathered coal fly ash has been used in polycondensation processes aimed at the production of geopolymer-based low temperature ceramic bricks. The ash has been employed both "as received" and after drying, showing favorable reactivity in any case. Different curing conditions with a variable period at 60 °C have been tested. Samples obtained have been characterized by measuring Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and by SEM observations. Good strength values have been obtained with the systems tested. Furthermore, it has been found that mechanical performance increases as the time during which samples are kept at 60 °C increases
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