11 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of A standardized framework for representation of ancestry data in genomics studies, with application to the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog

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    Figure S1. Detailed sample description displayed in the internal GWAS Catalog curation interface. Figure S2. a Structured ancestry and recruitment information displayed in the internal GWAS Catalog curation interface. b GWAS Catalog ancestry and recruitment data entry page of internal curation interface. Supplementary Box 1. Genomic methods of ancestry determination. Figure S3. Distribution of studies by ancestry category focused on Catalog traits with highest number of studies in the Catalog. Figure S4. Methods of ancestry ascertainment used in a subset of publications included in the GWAS Catalog. Supplementary References. (DOCX 893 kb

    Haplotype plot for <i>pfcrt</i> (MAL7P1.27), sorted by CQ and PQ activities.

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    <p>Left panel is sorted top to bottom by increasing CQ IC<sub>50</sub>, and the right panel is sorted by PQ IC<sub>50</sub>. Each row represents a sample, and each column a potential SNP. Drug activity is shown as increasing green intensity in the far left column of each plot. Blue cells indicate positions matching the reference genome, and red the alternate allele. Mixed infections are represented by blending of red and blue, proportional to the within-sample allele frequencies. White cells indicate missing data. Nonsynonymous SNPs are labeled with the amino acid substitution along the bottom, and with a dot if synonymous.</p