1,281 research outputs found
Symmetry classification of quasi-linear PDE's containing arbitrary functions
We consider the problem of performing the preliminary "symmetry
classification'' of a class of quasi-linear PDE's containing one or more
arbitrary functions: we provide an easy condition involving these functions in
order that nontrivial Lie point symmetries be admitted, and a "geometrical''
characterization of the relevant system of equations determining these
symmetries. Two detailed examples will elucidate the idea and the procedure:
the first one concerns a nonlinear Laplace-type equation, the second a
generalization of an equation (the Grad-Schl\"uter-Shafranov equation) which is
used in magnetohydrodynamics.Comment: 15 pages; to be published in Nonlinear Dynamic
Resonant Bifurcations
We consider dynamical systems depending on one or more real parameters, and
assuming that, for some ``critical'' value of the parameters, the eigenvalues
of the linear part are resonant, we discuss the existence -- under suitable
hypotheses -- of a general class of bifurcating solutions in correspondence to
this resonance. These bifurcating solutions include, as particular cases, the
usual stationary and Hopf bifurcations. The main idea is to transform the given
dynamical system into normal form (in the sense of Poincar\'e-Dulac), and to
impose that the normalizing transformation is convergent, using the convergence
conditions in the form given by A. Bruno. Some specially interesting
situations, including the cases of multiple-periodic solutions, and of
degenerate eigenvalues in the presence of symmetry, are also discussed with
some detail.Comment: PlainTeX, no figure
On the connections between symmetries and conservation rules of dynamical systems
The strict connection between Lie point-symmetries of a dynamical system and
its constants of motion is discussed and emphasized, through old and new
results. It is shown in particular how the knowledge of a symmetry of a
dynamical system can allow to obtain conserved quantities which are invariant
under the symmetry. In the case of Hamiltonian dynamical systems it is shown
that, if the system admits a symmetry of "weaker" type (specifically, a
\lambda\ or a \Lambda-symmetry), then the generating function of the symmetry
is not a conserved quantity, but the deviation from the exact conservation is
"controlled" in a well defined way. Several examples illustrate the various
aspects.Comment: 13 pages, no fi
Convergent Normal Forms of Symmetric Dynamical Systems
It is shown that the presence of Lie-point-symmetries of (non-Hamiltonian)
dynamical systems can ensure the convergence of the coordinate transformations
which take the dynamical sytem (or vector field) into Poincar\'e-Dulac normal
form.Comment: 11 pag., Plain Te
On the convergence of normalizing transformations in the presence of symmetries
It is shown that, under suitable conditions, involving in particular the
existence of analytic constants of motion, the presence of Lie point symmetries
can ensure the convergence of the transformation taking a vector field (or
dynamical system) into normal form.Comment: 14 pag, Plain Te
Reduction of systems of first-order differential equations via Lambda-symmetries
The notion of lambda-symmetries, originally introduced by C. Muriel and J.L.
Romero, is extended to the case of systems of first-order ODE's (and of
dynamical systems in particular). It is shown that the existence of a symmetry
of this type produces a reduction of the differential equations, restricting
the presence of the variables involved in the problem. The results are compared
with the case of standard (i.e. exact) Lie-point symmetries and are also
illustrated by some examples.Comment: 12 page
Convergence of normal form transformations: The role of symmetries
We discuss the convergence problem for coordinate transformations which take
a given vector field into Poincar\'e-Dulac normal form. We show that the
presence of linear or nonlinear Lie point symmetries can guaranteee convergence
of these normalizing transformations, in a number of scenarios. As an
application, we consider a class of bifurcation problems.Comment: 20 pages, no figure
Twisted symmetries and integrable systems
Symmetry properties are at the basis of integrability. In recent years, it
appeared that so called "twisted symmetries" are as effective as standard
symmetries in many respects (integrating ODEs, finding special solutions to
PDEs). Here we discuss how twisted symmetries can be used to detect
integrability of Lagrangian systems which are not integrable via standard
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