23 research outputs found

    Stand density of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> (a), total basal area of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> (b), stand density of other conifers (c), total basal area of other conifers (d), stand density of broadleaves (e), total basal area of broadleaves (f) of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> and other conifers (<i>Abies</i> and <i>Picea</i> and <i>Larix</i>) and broadleaf trees (broadleaves) in the ten sites (from left to right: Kuandian, Dongsheng, Liangshui, Shengshan and Changbai from A to F) observed under current condition and modeled under current climate and under +2Β°C and +10% precipitation scenario and under +4Β°C and +10% precipitation scenario (using the currently observed MeanDBH<sub>Pinus</sub> values).

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    <p>Stand density of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> (a), total basal area of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> (b), stand density of other conifers (c), total basal area of other conifers (d), stand density of broadleaves (e), total basal area of broadleaves (f) of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> and other conifers (<i>Abies</i> and <i>Picea</i> and <i>Larix</i>) and broadleaf trees (broadleaves) in the ten sites (from left to right: Kuandian, Dongsheng, Liangshui, Shengshan and Changbai from A to F) observed under current condition and modeled under current climate and under +2Β°C and +10% precipitation scenario and under +4Β°C and +10% precipitation scenario (using the currently observed MeanDBH<sub>Pinus</sub> values).</p

    Structure and composition of Gmelin larch forests in different sites.

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    <p>Values represent mean Β± standard error (nβ€Š=β€Š3). Different letters in each column indicate significant differences among sites (post-Duncan test, P<0.05).</p

    Matrix of two-tailed partial correlation coefficients between every dependent variable and the independent variables excluded from its model, controlling for the independent variable(s) included in its model.

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    <p>β€œβ€“β€ indicates controlling for that variable. Significance level:<sup> NS</sup> (Non-significant) P>0.05.</p><p>*P<0.05.</p><p>**P<0.01 (nβ€Š=β€Š30).</p

    Composition and structure of <i>Pinus koraiensis</i> mixed forests in different sites.

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    <p>Values represent mean Β± standard error (nβ€Š=β€Š3). Different letters in each column indicate significant differences among sites (post-Duncan test, P<0.05).</p

    Climatic variables of Gmelin larch forests in different sites.

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    <p>Values represent mean Β± standard error (nβ€Š=β€Š3). TempWarmestQuarter, TempColdestQuarter, PrecipWarmestQuarter and PrecipColdestQuarter are exactly the same as TempWettestQuarter, TempDriestQuarter, PrecipWettestQuarter and PrecipDriestQuarter in the sites.</p