15 research outputs found
Selectivity of Br/Li Exchange and Deprotonation of 4,4′-Dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene for Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Dithienoheteroaromatic Rings
The novel selective synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical
dithienoheteroaromatic rings (<b>DTHA</b>s) has been developed
via intramolecular cyclization of 4,4′-dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene
(<b>3</b>). Four reaction conditions including <i>n</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, <i>n</i>-BuLi/THF, <i>s</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, and <i>t</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O were employed to react with <b>3</b> for selective formation
of two types of dicarbanions, which generate the symmetrical and unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s after quenching with three electrophilic reagents (<b>4a</b>–<b>c</b>). The possible mechanism of formation
of <b>DTHA</b>s was proposed. In addition, two unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s were confirmed by X-ray single-crystal analyses
Synthesis of Dendrimers Based on Tetrakis(thiophene-2-yl)ethene as New Dendron
Two novel dendrimers, <b>16T</b> and <b>20T</b>, based on 1,1,2,2-tetra(thiophen-2-yl)ethene (<b>4T</b>) as a new dendron, were efficiently synthesized via carbonylation, Suzuki, and McMurry reactions. All intermediates and title compounds were fully characterized by <sup>1</sup>H NMR, <sup>13</sup>C NMR, and HRMS. <b>4T</b> and <b>16T</b> were confirmed by X-ray single crystal analyses. In addition, the absorption behaviors of two titled dendrimers are also described
Selectivity of Br/Li Exchange and Deprotonation of 4,4′-Dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene for Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Dithienoheteroaromatic Rings
The novel selective synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical
dithienoheteroaromatic rings (<b>DTHA</b>s) has been developed
via intramolecular cyclization of 4,4′-dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene
(<b>3</b>). Four reaction conditions including <i>n</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, <i>n</i>-BuLi/THF, <i>s</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, and <i>t</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O were employed to react with <b>3</b> for selective formation
of two types of dicarbanions, which generate the symmetrical and unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s after quenching with three electrophilic reagents (<b>4a</b>–<b>c</b>). The possible mechanism of formation
of <b>DTHA</b>s was proposed. In addition, two unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s were confirmed by X-ray single-crystal analyses
Selectivity of Br/Li Exchange and Deprotonation of 4,4′-Dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene for Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Dithienoheteroaromatic Rings
The novel selective synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical
dithienoheteroaromatic rings (<b>DTHA</b>s) has been developed
via intramolecular cyclization of 4,4′-dibromo-3,3′-bithiophene
(<b>3</b>). Four reaction conditions including <i>n</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, <i>n</i>-BuLi/THF, <i>s</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O, and <i>t</i>-BuLi/Et<sub>2</sub>O were employed to react with <b>3</b> for selective formation
of two types of dicarbanions, which generate the symmetrical and unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s after quenching with three electrophilic reagents (<b>4a</b>–<b>c</b>). The possible mechanism of formation
of <b>DTHA</b>s was proposed. In addition, two unsymmetrical <b>DTHA</b>s were confirmed by X-ray single-crystal analyses
From Saddle-Shaped to Planar Cyclic Oligothienoacenes: Stepped-Cyclization and Their Applications in OFETs
A series of cyclic oligothienoacenes
(<b>1</b>, <b>3</b>, and <b>4</b>) have been successfully
synthesized through
a stepped-cyclization synthetic strategy from tetraÂ[3,4-thienylene]
(<b>2</b>). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis combined
with theoretical calculations elucidated that the molecular configuration
transforms from the saddle shape of <b>2</b> to the quasi-saddle
shape (<b>3b</b>, <b>3c</b>), then to the quasi-helical
shape (<b>4b</b>), and at last to the quasi-plane shape (<b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, <b>4a</b>). Organic field-effect
transistors (OFETs) based on <b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, and <b>4a</b> were fabricated. The field-effect mobilities of 7.5 ×
10<sup>–4</sup>, 2.6 × 10<sup>–3</sup>, and 6.8
× 10<sup>–4</sup> cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> were obtained for <b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, and <b>4a</b>, respectively. Compounds <b>3a</b> and <b>4a</b> can act as air-stable p-type organic semiconductors, while <b>1</b> is sensitive to the air
Synthesis of Dendrimers Based on Tetrakis(thiophene-2-yl)ethene as New Dendron
Two novel dendrimers, <b>16T</b> and <b>20T</b>, based on 1,1,2,2-tetra(thiophen-2-yl)ethene (<b>4T</b>) as a new dendron, were efficiently synthesized via carbonylation, Suzuki, and McMurry reactions. All intermediates and title compounds were fully characterized by <sup>1</sup>H NMR, <sup>13</sup>C NMR, and HRMS. <b>4T</b> and <b>16T</b> were confirmed by X-ray single crystal analyses. In addition, the absorption behaviors of two titled dendrimers are also described
A Chemically Accurate Implicit-Solvent Coarse-Grained Model for Polystyrenesulfonate Solutions
A systematic molecular coarse-graining (CG) approach
for aqueous
polyelectrolyte solutions is presented with sodium polystyrenesulfonate
(NaPSS) with different chain tacticities as example systems. The styrenesulfonate
repeat unit is mapped on a three-site CG representation with the counterion
being modeled explicitly while the solvent is modeled implicitly.
The CG force field discriminates between bonded and nonbonded forces,
which have been developed independently. The bonded interactions correspond
to the potentials of mean force of CG bond, angle, and torsion degrees
of freedom obtained from sampling isolated chains with an atomistic
force field that includes only the local interactions along the chain.
The nonbonded interactions correspond to bead–bead potentials
of mean force, obtained from simulations of small molecule or ion
pairs in explicit water. The CG model reproduces the local and global
conformations of polyelectrolyte chains in good agreement with the
parent atomistic chains in aqueous solution. By using a relative dielectric
permittivity based on the local concentration of counterions around
the polyelectrolyte chain, the quality of our CG models can be further
improved substantially. The effect of added salt (NaCl) on the radius
of gyration of PSS chains with different tacticities has also been
studied and results show the transferability of the CG NaPSS model
to regimes with different electrostatic conditions. We furthermore
show that the CG procedure presented here can easily be extended to
CG models for partially sulfonated polystyrene systems
Synthesis of Dendrimers Based on Tetrakis(thiophene-2-yl)ethene as New Dendron
Two novel dendrimers, <b>16T</b> and <b>20T</b>, based on 1,1,2,2-tetra(thiophen-2-yl)ethene (<b>4T</b>) as a new dendron, were efficiently synthesized via carbonylation, Suzuki, and McMurry reactions. All intermediates and title compounds were fully characterized by <sup>1</sup>H NMR, <sup>13</sup>C NMR, and HRMS. <b>4T</b> and <b>16T</b> were confirmed by X-ray single crystal analyses. In addition, the absorption behaviors of two titled dendrimers are also described
Understanding the Control of Mineralization by Polyelectrolyte Additives: Simulation of Preferential Binding to Calcite Surfaces
Understanding the mechanisms that
govern the crystallization of
natural minerals such as calcium carbonate, calcium oxalate, or hydroxyapatite
and its control by biological and synthetic polymers can help to guide
the design of new biomimetic materials. In this paper, the adsorption
behavior of oligomers of polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) on calcite surfaces
was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The binding strengths
of PSS oligomers to different calcite surfaces were computed via potential
of mean force calculations, and the binding modes were analyzed in
detail. These results could be set in relation to and serve as a molecular-level
explanation of the experimentally observed PSS-stabilized exposure
of (001) surfaces during calcite mineralization. The simulations show
that oligomers of PSS preferentially bind to the polar calcite (001)
surface, much stronger than to the nonpolar (104) surface. While sharing
in common a dominant role of solvent-induced forces, the mode of binding
to the two surfaces is different. The interaction of the sulfonate
group with the (001) surface is dominated by both direct and solvent-mediated
binding, while the binding of the styrene sulfonate to the (104) surface
is mediated by one or two layers of water molecules. Moreover, local
solvent density variations at the interface impact the geometry of
binding which vastly differs between the two surfaces. In particular,
these last effects have important further implications for the preferential
binding of PSS polymers (compared to monomers or oligomers) and specific
material recognition by synthetic polymers and peptides in general
From Saddle-Shaped to Planar Cyclic Oligothienoacenes: Stepped-Cyclization and Their Applications in OFETs
A series of cyclic oligothienoacenes
(<b>1</b>, <b>3</b>, and <b>4</b>) have been successfully
synthesized through
a stepped-cyclization synthetic strategy from tetraÂ[3,4-thienylene]
(<b>2</b>). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis combined
with theoretical calculations elucidated that the molecular configuration
transforms from the saddle shape of <b>2</b> to the quasi-saddle
shape (<b>3b</b>, <b>3c</b>), then to the quasi-helical
shape (<b>4b</b>), and at last to the quasi-plane shape (<b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, <b>4a</b>). Organic field-effect
transistors (OFETs) based on <b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, and <b>4a</b> were fabricated. The field-effect mobilities of 7.5 ×
10<sup>–4</sup>, 2.6 × 10<sup>–3</sup>, and 6.8
× 10<sup>–4</sup> cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> were obtained for <b>1</b>, <b>3a</b>, and <b>4a</b>, respectively. Compounds <b>3a</b> and <b>4a</b> can act as air-stable p-type organic semiconductors, while <b>1</b> is sensitive to the air