57,793 research outputs found
Implications of Lee-Yang Theorem In Quantum Gravity
The contributions of this note are twofold: First, it gives a generic recipe
to apply Lee-Yang Theorem to solutions of Einstein field equations. Secondly,
this existence of the applicability of Lee-Yang Theorem on a partition function
of spacetime manifolds might also shed some light on the connection between the
number theory, gravity, and gauge field theory. The connection to the Riemann
Zeta function is quite interesting when one is also studying the distribution
of non-trivial zeroes of the Riemann Zeta function\cite{BRiemann}, or its
generic form (Dirichlet L-function)
Solid-state production of complex organic molecules: H-atom addition versus UV irradiation
Complex organic molecules (COMs) have been observed in comets, hot cores and
cold dense regions of the interstellar medium. It is generally accepted that
these COMs form on icy dust grain through the recombination reaction of
radicals triggered by either energetic UV- photon or non-energetic H-atom
addition processing. In this work, we present for the first time laboratory
studies that allow for quantitative comparison of hydrogenation and UV-induced
reactions as well as their cumulative effect in astronomically relevant
CO:CH3OH=4:1 ice analogues. The formation of glycolaldehyde (GA) and ethylene
glycol (EG) is confirmed in pure hydrogenation experiments at 14 K, except
methyl formate (MF), which is only clearly observed in photolysis. The
fractions for MF:GA:EG are 0 : (0.2-0.4) : (0.8-0.6) for pure hydrogenation,
and 0.2 : 0.3 : 0.5 for UV involving experiments and can offer a diagnostic
tool to derive the chemical origin of these species. The GA/EG ratios in the
laboratory (0.3-1.5) compare well with observations toward different objects.Comment: Astrochemistry VII Through the Cosmos from Galaxies to Planets
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 332, 2017. arXiv admin note: This version has
been removed because it is in violation of arXiv's copyright polic
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Symmetric groups, wreath products, Morita equivalences, and Broue's abelian defect group conjecture
It is shown that for any prime p, and any non-negative integer w less than p, there exist p-blocks of symmetric groups of defect w, which are Morita equivalent to the principal p-block of the group Sp [rmoust ] Sw. Combined with work of J. Rickard, this proves that Broué's abelian defect group conjecture holds for p-blocks of symmetric groups of defect at most 5
Derived equivalences for symmetric groups and sl2- categorification
We define and study sl2-categorifications on abelian categories. We show in particular that there is a self-derived (even homotopy) equivalence categorifying the adjoint action of the simple reflection. We construct categorifications for blocks of symmetric groups and deduce that two blocks are splendidly Rickard equivalent whenever they have isomorphic defect groups and we show that this implies Brou´e’s abelian defect group conjecture for symmetric groups. We give similar results for general linear groups over finite fields. The constructions extend to cyclotomic Hecke algebras. We also construct categorifications for category O of gln(C) and for rational representations of general linear groups over ¯Fp, where we deduce that two blocks corresponding to weights with the same stabilizer under the dot action of the affine Weyl group have equivalent derived (and homotopy) categories, as conjectured by Rickard
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