38,867 research outputs found
A Category Theoretical Argument Against the Possibility of Artificial Life
One of Robert Rosen's main contributions to the scientific community is summarized in his book 'Life itself'. There Rosen presents a theoretical framework to define living systems; given this definition, he goes on to show that living systems are not realisable in computational universes. Despite being well known and often cited, Rosen's central proof has so far not been evaluated by the scientific community. In this article we review the essence of Rosen's ideas leading up to his rejection of the possibility of real artificial life in silico. We also evaluate his arguments and point out that some of Rosen's central notions are ill- defined. The conclusion of this article is that Rosen's central proof is wrong
The Localization Hypothesis and Machines
In a recent article in 'Artificial Life', Chu and Ho suggested that Rosen's central result about the simulability of living systems might be flawed. This argument was later declared ''null and void'' by Louie. In this article the validity of Louie's objections are examined
A theoretical study of nonlinear fuel sloshing in an elastic circular tank
Nonlinear fuel sloshing in elastic cylindrical tank - steady state response and stability boundary determination
Coherent optical instrumentation for measurements of particle parameters
The application of cross-beam Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) for sizing small particles was investigated from September 1973 to August 1974. Theoretical results were obtained by analyzing the scattering characteristics of small particles in a cross-beam LDV system. Theoretical calculations based on scalar diffraction theory and Mie scattering theory were performed. Experimental results were also obtained to compare with theoretical predictions. It is concluded that the forward scattering characteristics of small particles in a cross-beam LDV system can be used for particle sizing
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