64 research outputs found
Za sztabkę cyny. Archeologia przekładu ustnego
For a solder rod. The archeology of interpreting This paper, based on research conducted by the pioneers of the history of interpreting (A. Hermann, I. Kurz) in the 1950s and on modern archeological evidence, presents the earliest references to interpreters in the Bronze Age, in the Near East and the Mediterranean area (Mesopotamy, Egypt, Crete, Cartagina). It discusses a Summerian Early Dynastic List, a summerian-eblaic glossary from Ebla, the Shu-ilishu’s Cylinder Seal, the inscriptions and reliefs from the Tombs of the Princes of Elephantine and of Haremhab, the mention of a 1/3 mina of tin dispensed at Ugarit to the interpreter of Minoan merchants and the Hannon’s stela, as well as terms used by these early civilizations to denote an interpreter: „eme-bal”, „targumannu”, „jmy-r(A) aw”, „mls”
Literary translation during World War 2 : a reconnaissance
Na podstawie opracowań historyków literatury (zwłaszcza monumentalnej bibliografii Literatura polska i teatr w latach II wojny światowej) oraz wspomnień inicjatorów, twórców i odbiorców przekładów podaję przykłady tłumaczy, którzy zginęli oraz tych, którym udało się przeżyć i prowadzić działalność przekładową; pokazuję miejsce tłumaczeń w podziemnym ruchu wydawniczym i w teatrze konspiracyjnym; omawiam różne rodzaje obecności w okupacyjnym obiegu kulturalnym tłumaczeń wykonanych przed wojną oraz nowe przedsięwzięcia przekładowe podjęte w ramach struktur takich jak Tajna Rada Teatralna lub z inicjatywy prywatnej, w okupowanej Polsce, w oflagach, na uchodźstwie.On the basis of studies by literary historians (especially the monumental Polish Literature and Theatre in the Years of World War II) and memoirs of initiators, creators and recipients of translations in the years 1939–1945, I present examples of translators who died during the war and those who managed to survive and work. I show the place of translations in the underground publishing movement and theatre; I discuss different ways translations made before the war as well as new ones, undertaken within structures such as the Secret Theatre Council or on private initiative, were present in occupational cultural life
For a tin ingot : the archaeology of oral interpretation
This paper, based on research conducted by the pioneers of the history of oral interpreting (A. Hermann, I. Kurz) in the 1950s and on modern archaeological evidence, presents the earliest references to interpreters in the Bronze Age, in the Near East and the Mediterranean area (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Carthage). It discusses a Sumerian Early Dynastic List, a Sumerian-Eblaic glossary from Ebla, the Shu-ilishu’s Cylinder Seal, the inscriptions and reliefs from the Tombs of the Princes of Elephantine and of Horemheb, the mention of one-third of a mina of tin dispensed at Ugarit to the interpreter of Minoan merchants and the Hanno’s stele, as well as terms used by these early civilisations to denote an interpreter: eme-bal, targumannu, jmy-r(A) aw, and mls
For a Tin Ingot: The Archaeology of Oral Interpretation
This paper, based on research conducted by the pioneers of the history of oral interpreting (A. Hermann, I. Kurz) in the 1950s and on modern archaeological evidence, presents the earliest references to interpreters in the Bronze Age, in the Near East and the Mediterranean area (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Carthage). It discusses a Sumerian Early Dynastic List, a Sumerian-Eblaic glossary from Ebla, the Shu-ilishu’s Cylinder Seal, the inscriptions and reliefs from the Tombs of the Princes of Elephantine and of Horemheb, the mention of one-third of a mina of tin dispensed at Ugarit to the interpreter of Minoan merchants and the Hanno’s stele, as well as terms used by these early civilisations to denote an interpreter: eme-bal, targumannu, jmy-r(A) aw, and mls
A look from afar : history of literary translation in Poland from the perspective of the research project "Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane"
Inspired by the questionnaire answered while working on the international research project “Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane” (Inalco, France, 2009–2018), the author discusses the reasons behind and the characteristics of pseudotranslations published in Poland after 1945 and of the “urgent” translations done in Poland between 1945 and 1989
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