44 research outputs found
Revisiting CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction with NaBH<sub>4</sub> under Aprotic Conditions: Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium Triformatoborohydride
reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> to formate using sodium borohydride
was originally investigated in the 1950s. Despite this clue from the
chemical literature, many recent publications describe catalytic CO<sub>2</sub> hydroboration methods leading to formate or methoxide with
more expensive and less reactive boranes such as pinacolborane. Herein
we describe the uptake of 3 equiv of CO<sub>2</sub> by NaBH<sub>4</sub>, along with full spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization
of the resulting triformatoborohydride, Na[HB(OCHO)<sub>3</sub>].
Conducting the synthesis in acetonitrile under 300 psi of CO<sub>2</sub> constitutes a new preparative procedure for generating Na[HB(OCHO)<sub>3</sub>]. This reaction does not require the presence of a strongly
coordinating alkali metal cation, as evidenced by the analogous reactivity
of [NEt<sub>4</sub>][BH<sub>4</sub>]. Even at 1 atm pressure and without
using rigorously dry solvent, treatment of NaBH<sub>4</sub> with CO<sub>2</sub> and subsequent quenching gave formic acid (1.5 equiv based
on B)
Facile Synthesis of Dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>‑phosphanorbornadiene Derivatives Using Magnesium Anthracene
Unprotected dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>-phosphanorbornadiene
RP<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> = C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub> or
anthracene; R = <sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu, dbabh = N<b>A</b>, HMDS = (Me<sub>3</sub>Si)<sub>2</sub>N, <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>N) are synthesized by treatment of the corresponding
phosphorus dichloride RPCl<sub>2</sub> with Mg<b>A</b>·3THF,
in cold THF (∼20% to 30% isolated yields). Anthracene and the
corresponding cyclic phosphane (RP)<sub><i>n</i></sub> form
as coproducts. Characteristic NMR features of the RP<b>A</b> derivatives include a doublet near 4 ppm in their <sup>1</sup>H
NMR spectra and a triplet peak in the 175–212 ppm region of
the <sup>31</sup>P NMR spectrum (<sup>2</sup><i>J</i><sub>PH</sub> ∼14 Hz). The X-ray structures of the <b>A</b>N–P<b>A</b> and (HMDS)P<b>A</b> derivatives are
discussed. Thermolysis of RP<b>A</b> benzene-<i>d</i><sub>6</sub> solutions leads to anthracene extrusion. This process
has a unimolecular kinetic profile for the <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> derivative. The 7-phosphanorbornene <i>anti</i>-<sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>) could be synthesized (70% isolated yield) by
thermolysis of <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> in 1,3-cyclohexadiene
Facile Synthesis of Dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>‑phosphanorbornadiene Derivatives Using Magnesium Anthracene
Unprotected dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>-phosphanorbornadiene
RP<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> = C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub> or
anthracene; R = <sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu, dbabh = N<b>A</b>, HMDS = (Me<sub>3</sub>Si)<sub>2</sub>N, <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>N) are synthesized by treatment of the corresponding
phosphorus dichloride RPCl<sub>2</sub> with Mg<b>A</b>·3THF,
in cold THF (∼20% to 30% isolated yields). Anthracene and the
corresponding cyclic phosphane (RP)<sub><i>n</i></sub> form
as coproducts. Characteristic NMR features of the RP<b>A</b> derivatives include a doublet near 4 ppm in their <sup>1</sup>H
NMR spectra and a triplet peak in the 175–212 ppm region of
the <sup>31</sup>P NMR spectrum (<sup>2</sup><i>J</i><sub>PH</sub> ∼14 Hz). The X-ray structures of the <b>A</b>N–P<b>A</b> and (HMDS)P<b>A</b> derivatives are
discussed. Thermolysis of RP<b>A</b> benzene-<i>d</i><sub>6</sub> solutions leads to anthracene extrusion. This process
has a unimolecular kinetic profile for the <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> derivative. The 7-phosphanorbornene <i>anti</i>-<sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>) could be synthesized (70% isolated yield) by
thermolysis of <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> in 1,3-cyclohexadiene
Thrombus composition in acute coronary syndrome
Atherothrombosis and, specifically intracoronary thrombosis is a major cause of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and consequently of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. While management of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has dramatically improved over the last years, there is still a need to find thrombosis-related biomarkers for an early identification of ischemic processes and a better stratification of patients that have suffered an ACS. In fact, the ischemia time, defined as the time from the onset of symptoms to reperfusion, has been recently suggested as the “New Gold Standard for STEMI-Care”. This thesis mainly focuses on the protein composition of the occluding coronary thrombus, occurring both in the native coronary arteries and in the commonly implanted coronary stents. The study based on the proteomic analysis of coronary thrombi, obtained after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), has provided consistent evidence of the dynamic composition of the coronary thrombi in relation with the time of ischemia, and has resulted in the identification of novel biomarkers of potential use to be translated to the clinical practice. Furthermore, the comparison of native and in-stent-thrombosis has allowed the identification of proteins that might serve as interesting therapeutic targets to prevent thrombosis in patients who undergo PCI with stent-implantation.La enfermedad aterotrombotica y concretamente la trombosis intracoronaria es la mayor causa de los síndromes coronarios agudos (SCA), y consecuentemente de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. El manejo de los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST ha mejorado considerablemente en los últimos años, a pesar de esto sigue siendo necesario encontrar biomarcadores para la detección temprana de los procesos isquémicos y que permitan una estratificación más eficiente de los pacientes que han sufrido un evento isquémico agudo. De hecho, el tiempo de isquemia, definido como el tiempo entre el inicio del dolor y la revascularización, ha sido recientemente definido como el parámetro fundamental en el tratamiento de los pacientes con STEMI. Este trabajo de tesis está enfocado a elucidar la composición proteica de los trombos coronarios oclusivos que se forman tanto en las arterias coronarias nativas como en aquellas con stent. El estudio se basa en el análisis proteómico de trombos coronarios en relación al tiempo de isquemia, con la finalidad de encontrar nuevos biomarcadores para trasladar a la práctica clínica. Además, la comparación entre trombos nativos y trombos desarrollados sobre el stent permite la identificación de proteínas diferenciales que podrían ser futuras dianas terapéuticas para prevenir la formación del trombo en pacientes sometidos a angioplastia coronaria transluminal percutánea (ACTP) con implantación de un stent coronario
Facile Synthesis of Dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>‑phosphanorbornadiene Derivatives Using Magnesium Anthracene
Unprotected dibenzo-7λ<sup>3</sup>-phosphanorbornadiene
RP<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> = C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub> or
anthracene; R = <sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu, dbabh = N<b>A</b>, HMDS = (Me<sub>3</sub>Si)<sub>2</sub>N, <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>N) are synthesized by treatment of the corresponding
phosphorus dichloride RPCl<sub>2</sub> with Mg<b>A</b>·3THF,
in cold THF (∼20% to 30% isolated yields). Anthracene and the
corresponding cyclic phosphane (RP)<sub><i>n</i></sub> form
as coproducts. Characteristic NMR features of the RP<b>A</b> derivatives include a doublet near 4 ppm in their <sup>1</sup>H
NMR spectra and a triplet peak in the 175–212 ppm region of
the <sup>31</sup>P NMR spectrum (<sup>2</sup><i>J</i><sub>PH</sub> ∼14 Hz). The X-ray structures of the <b>A</b>N–P<b>A</b> and (HMDS)P<b>A</b> derivatives are
discussed. Thermolysis of RP<b>A</b> benzene-<i>d</i><sub>6</sub> solutions leads to anthracene extrusion. This process
has a unimolecular kinetic profile for the <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> derivative. The 7-phosphanorbornene <i>anti</i>-<sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>) could be synthesized (70% isolated yield) by
thermolysis of <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>NP<b>A</b> in 1,3-cyclohexadiene
Terminal Titanyl Complexes of Tri- and Tetrametaphosphate: Synthesis, Structures, and Reactivity with Hydrogen Peroxide
synthesis and characterization of tri- and tetrametaphosphate titanium(IV)
oxo and peroxo complexes is described. Addition of 0.5 equiv of [OTi(acac)<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> to dihydrogen tetrametaphosphate ([P<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>H<sub>2</sub>]<sup>2–</sup>) and monohydrogen
trimetaphosphate ([P<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9</sub>H]<sup>2–</sup>) provided a bis(μ<sub>2</sub>,κ<sup>2</sup>,κ<sup>2</sup>) tetrametaphosphate titanyl dimer, [OTiP<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>]<sub>2</sub><sup>4–</sup> (<b>1</b>; 70% yield),
and a trimetaphosphate titanyl acetylacetonate complex, [OTiP<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9</sub>(acac)]<sup>2–</sup> (<b>2</b>;
59% yield). Both <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> have been structurally
characterized, crystallizing in the triclinic <i>P</i>1̅
and monoclinic <i>P</i>2<sub>1</sub> space groups, respectively.
These complexes contain TiO units with distances of 1.624(7)
and 1.644(2) Å, respectively, and represent rare examples of
structurally characterized terminal titanyls within an all-oxygen
coordination environment. Complexes <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> react with hydrogen peroxide to produce the corresponding peroxotitanium(IV)
metaphosphate complexes [O<sub>2</sub>TiP<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>]<sub>2</sub><sup>4–</sup>(<b>3</b>; 61% yield) and
[O<sub>2</sub>TiP<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9</sub>(acac)]<sup>2–</sup> (<b>4</b>; 65% yield), respectively. Both <b>3</b> and <b>4</b> have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction
studies, and their solid-state structures are presented. Complex <b>3</b> functions as an oxygen atom transfer (OAT) reagent capable
of oxidizing phosphorus(III) compounds (P(OMe)<sub>3</sub>, PPh<sub>3</sub>) and SMe<sub>2</sub> at ambient temperature to result in
the corresponding organic oxide with regeneration of dimer <b>1</b>
Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermolysis of Dibenzo-7-dimethylgermanorbornadiene
dibenzo-7-dimethylgermanorbornadiene Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> <i> = </i> C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub>) has been synthesized in one step by treatment of Mg<b>A</b>·3THF with Me<sub>2</sub>GeCl<sub>2</sub> in tetrahydrofuran
(−35 °C) and isolated in 69% yield. The thermolysis of
Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> in toluene leads to the effective expansion
of the bicyclic framework to the dibenzo-7,8-tetramethyldigermabicyclo[2.2.2]octadiene
(Me<sub>2</sub>Ge)<sub>2</sub><b>A</b>, isolated in 71% yield
(based on germanium). The bicyclic compounds Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> and (Me<sub>2</sub>Ge)<sub>2</sub><b>A</b> have been
characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies and their
structures discussed
Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermolysis of Dibenzo-7-dimethylgermanorbornadiene
dibenzo-7-dimethylgermanorbornadiene Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> <i> = </i> C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub>) has been synthesized in one step by treatment of Mg<b>A</b>·3THF with Me<sub>2</sub>GeCl<sub>2</sub> in tetrahydrofuran
(−35 °C) and isolated in 69% yield. The thermolysis of
Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> in toluene leads to the effective expansion
of the bicyclic framework to the dibenzo-7,8-tetramethyldigermabicyclo[2.2.2]octadiene
(Me<sub>2</sub>Ge)<sub>2</sub><b>A</b>, isolated in 71% yield
(based on germanium). The bicyclic compounds Me<sub>2</sub>Ge<b>A</b> and (Me<sub>2</sub>Ge)<sub>2</sub><b>A</b> have been
characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies and their
structures discussed
Cobalt Complexes Supported by <i>cis</i>-Macrocyclic Diphosphines: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Activity toward Coupling Carbon Dioxide and Ethylene
coordination chemistry of <i>cis</i>-macrocyclic
diphosphines readily accessed from white phosphorus was explored,
with a focus on preparing and studying cobalt complexes. <i>cis</i>-1,6-Dicyclohexyl-3,4,8,9-tetramethyl-2,5,7,10-tetrahydro-1,6-DiPhospheCine,
or Cy<sub>2</sub>–DPC (<b>1</b>), was primarily used
as a model diphosphine. Cobalt(II) dihalide diphosphine complexes
such as (Cy<sub>2</sub>–DPC)CoX<sub>2</sub>, X = Cl (<b>2</b>) and I (<b>3</b>), were prepared, and their reactivity
toward a variety of reducing agents was studied. We were successful
in preparing and structurally characterizing an unusual iodide-bridged
cobalt(I) dimer, [(Cy<sub>2</sub>–DPC)CoI]<sub>2</sub> (<b>8</b>). These cobalt complexes were also investigated as potential
catalysts for the coupling of carbon dioxide and ethylene to produce
acrylate, a valuable polymer precursor. Although not yet catalytic,
the first examples of cobalt complexes capable of mediating this transformation
are reported. Notably, the well-known commercial complex ClCo(PPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub> was also found to be active in mediating acrylate
production. As part of our mechanistic investigation, a pseudotetrahedral
cobalt methyl acrylate complex, (Cy<sub>2</sub>–DPC)CoI(CH<sub>2</sub>CHCOOMe) (<b>10</b>), was prepared and structurally
Phosphinidene Reactivity of a Transient Vanadium PN Complex
the preparation of a coordination complex of the heterodiatomic
molecule PN, PN-V(N[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]Ar)<sub>3</sub> (<b>1</b>, Ar = 3,5-Me<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>), we report the use of ClP<b>A</b> (<b>A</b> = C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>10</sub>, anthracene) as a formal source of
phosphorus(I) in its reaction with Na[NV(N[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]Ar)<sub>3</sub>] (Na[<b>4</b>]) to yield
trimeric cyclo-triphosphane [PNV(N[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]Ar)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> (<b>3</b>) with a core composed
exclusively of phosphorus and nitrogen. In the presence of NapS<sub>2</sub> (<i>peri</i>-1,8-naphthalene disulfide), NapS<sub>2</sub>P-NV(N[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]Ar)<sub>3</sub> (<b>6</b>) is instead generated in 80% yield, suggesting trapping
of transient <b>1</b>. Upon mild heating, <b>3</b> readily
fragments into dimeric [PNV(N[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]Ar)<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>), while in the presence of bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene
or <i>cis</i>-4-octene, the respective phosphirene (Ar[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]N)<sub>3</sub>VN-PC<sub>2</sub>(SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (<b>7</b>) or phosphirane (Ar[<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu]N)<sub>3</sub>VN-P(C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>16</sub>) (<b>8</b>) compounds are generated. Kinetic data were found
to be consistent with unimolecular decay of <b>3</b>, and [2+1]-cycloaddition
with radical clocks ruled out a triplet intermediate, consistent with
intermediate <b>1</b> reacting as a singlet phosphinidene.
In addition, both <b>7</b> and <b>8</b> were shown to
reversibly exchange <i>cis</i>-4-octene and bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene,
serving as formal sources of <b>1</b>, a reactivity manifold
traditionally reserved for transition metals