15 research outputs found

    Pulmonary function and arterial blood gas analysis.

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    <p>Means ±SD. FVC, FEV1, PEF: forced expiratory vital capacity, expiratory volume in 1 sec and peak expiratory flow, respectively; CV: closing volume above residual volume. TLC, RV: total lung capacity and residual volume measured by methane dilution; SNIP: sniff nasal inspiratory pressure; DLCO: carbon monoxide single-breath diffusing capacity in absolute units, in % predicted and in % predicted after adjustment for reduced PIO<sub>2</sub>.</p>*<p>P<0.05 vs. 490 m within group.</p>¶<p>P<0.05 vs. controls.</p>#<p>P = 0.05 vs. controls.</p

    Changes in lung function in subjects developing HAPE and in healthy controls.

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    <p>FVC (upper panel), closing volume above RV (middle panel) and DLCO adjusted for PIO<sub>2</sub> (lower panel), all expressed in percent of the value at 490 m. HAPE  =  subjects subsequently developing HAPE, controls  =  subjects not developing HAPE; first and last day at 4559 m  =  values measured on the day of arrival and either on the last day before clinically overt HAPE occurred, or on day 3 in controls. *P<0.05 vs. 490 m. **P<0.05 vs. controls.</p

    Nocturnal polygraphic monitoring.

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    <p>Means±SD; 490 m refers to the baseline examinations in Zurich performed in HAPE susceptibles exclusively; night 1 corresponds to the 1<sup>st</sup> measurement, last night to the last measurement before overt HAPE occurred in the HAPE group and to the measurement in the 2<sup>nd</sup> night at 4559 m in controls respectively.</p>*<p>P<0.05 vs. 490 m within group.</p>¶<p>P<0.05 vs. controls.</p

    Physical Performance.

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    <p>Values are presented as mean (SD). PAL: physical activity level; MET: metabolic equivalent; TEE<sub>ACC</sub>: total energy expenditure per day as assessed by accelerometry; TSA>3METs: time spend per day in activities demanding more than 3 metabolic equivalents; steps/day: number of steps per day; TEE<sub>ZPAQ</sub>: total energy expenditure per day as assessed by the Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire.</p

    Anthropometrics and Pulmonary Function.

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    <p>Values are presented as mean (SD). BMI: body mass index; FEV<sub>1</sub>: forced expiratory volume in one second; FEV<sub>1</sub>/FVC ratio: forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV<sub>1</sub>) expressed as percent of FVC; DLCO: diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide; TLC: total lung capacity; RV/TLC: residual volume/total lung capacity ratio; PaO<sub>2</sub>: partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO<sub>2</sub>: partial pressure of carbon dioxide.</p

    Multiple Regression Analysis of Predictors of Physical Activity (Steps per Day).

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    <p>6MWT: 6-Minute Walk Test; STST: <i>Sit-</i>to-<i>Stand Test;</i> TEE<sub>ZPAQ</sub>: total energy expenditure per day as assessed by the Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire; PaO<sub>2</sub>: partial pressure of oxygen; FEV<sub>1</sub>: forced expiratory volume in one second; BMI: body mass index.</p

    Correlations with Average Steps per Day.

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    <p>Correlation is expressed as Pearson’s correlation coefficient. MET: metabolic equivalent; TEE<sub>ACC</sub>: total energy expenditure per day as assessed by accelerometry; TSA>3METs: time spend per day in activities demanding more than 3 metabolic equivalents; TEE<sub>ZPAQ</sub>: total energy expenditure per day as assessed by the Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire.</p