2 research outputs found

    HISOL: high-energy soliton dynamics enable ultrafast far-ultraviolet laser sources

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    Ultrafast laser sources in the far ultraviolet (100 nm to 300 nm) have been the subject of intense experimental efforts for several decades, driven primarily by the requirements of advanced experiments in ultrafast science. Resonant dispersive wave emission from high-energy laser pulses undergoing soliton self-compression in a gas-filled hollow capillary fibre promises to meet several of these requirements for the first time, most importantly by combining wide-ranging wavelength tuneability with the generation of extremely short pulses. In this Perspective, we give an overview of this approach to ultrafast far-ultraviolet sources, including its historical origin and underlying physical mechanism, the state of the art and current challenges, and our view of potential applications both within and beyond ultrafast science

    Ultra-low threshold deep-ultraviolet generation in hollow-core fiber

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    We have lowered the pump energy threshold for the generation of tuneable deep-ultraviolet pulses to the tens of nano-joules level by pumping a record small-core anti-resonant fiber with a hollow core diameter of just 6 μm