63 research outputs found
The aim of this research is to examine the influence of digital capital services represented by market aggregator variables on MSME performance. Market aggregator examines the aspect of access to information related to capital for business actors. The research used a survey method through observation and distributing questionnaires to business actors in Ambon City. Samples were taken based on purposive sampling technique. The research results show that digital capital services can significantly boost the performance of MSMEs. Business actors who utilize market aggregator platforms to access capital information encourage them to obtain quality information related to capital decision making so that ultimately it supports business actors to achieve satisfactory business performance. These results also have an impact on the economic sector in general, where when business actors gain access to adequate capital, sales and profit levels can increase. If sales and profits increase then in the long term the business level can increase to the next level. Increasing the level of business certainly encourages an increase in state revenues through taxes, employment, and an increase in gross domestic product (GDP)
Desain Pembelajaran Ipa Terpadu Dengan Topik Sistem Kapilaritas Membantu Proses Fotosintesis Pada Tumbuhan
Ada banyak kendala yang dialami guru akibat diberlakukannya pembelajaran IPA Terpadu pada kurikulum 2013, diantaranya yaitu guru harus menguasai bidang lain yang selama ini tidak dipelajari, dan guru harus memadukan ketiga mata pelajaran menjadi satu topik yang terpadu. Penelitian bertujuan membuat contoh RPP IPA Terpadu “Sistem Kapilaritas Membantu Proses Fotosintesis Pada Tumbuhan” dan mengetahui hasil pembelajaran IPA pada siswa jika disampaikan dengan pembelajaran IPA Terpadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas tipe guru sebagai peneliti, dengan sampel sebanyak 24 siswa kelas VII. Setelah instrumen yaitu RPP, soal evaluasi, lembar observasi, dan kuisioner dibuat, kemudian dijalankan dalam pembelajaran di kelas, dan dibantu oleh seorang observer untuk mengisi lembar observasi. Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran selesai, siswa diberi soal evaluasi dan kuisioner untuk diisi. Lembar observasi dan kuisioner dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan hasil tes evaluasi siswa dianalisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, desain pembelajaran IPA Terpadu dengan topik Sistem Kapilaritas Membantu Proses Fotosintesis Tumbuhan yang dibuat dapat dijalankan dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan berhasil membantu siswa memahami materi pembelajaran cukup baik. Sebanyak 83% siswa mendapat nilai minimal 70 dan lebih dari 70% siswa terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain itu juga antara materi fisika, kimia dan biologinya benar-benar terpadu, sehingga pergantian antar mata pelajaran pun tidak membuat siswa kesulitan
Perwilayahan Peri Urban Berdasarkan Aspek Fisik Sosial dan Ekonomi di Kecamatan Kalawat, Talawaan dan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
Tuntutan kebutuhan lahan perkotaan seringkali berdampak pada kawasan sekitarnya atau disebut juga kawasan pinggiran kota, khususnya Kecamatan Kalawat, Talawaan dan Wori yang merupakan kawasan yang berbatasan dengan kota Manado sebagai pusat kota Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang mulai mengalami perubahan fisik serta perubahan sosial dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi penelitian, menganalisis wilayah dan mengklasifikasikan zona perwilayahan peri urban berdasarkan klasifikasi WPU yaitu peri urban primer, peri urban sekunder dan rural peri urban dilakukan dengan analisis skoring agar diketahui daerah mana saja yang cenderung lebih terpengaruh jika dilihat dari ciri kekotaan dan kedesaan dilanjutkan mengklasifikasikan menggunakan arc GIS sehingga diketahui Kecamatan Kalawat memiliki 2 desa berkarakteristik PU Primer dan 8 desa berkarakteristik PU Sekunder, Talawaan 1 desa berkarakteristik PU primer, 10 desa PU Sekunder 1 desa Rural PU berbeda dengan Kecamatan Wori, 2 desa berkarakteristik PU Sekunder dan 18 desa berkarakteristik Rural PU. Hasil akhir menunjukkan Kecamatan Kalawat lebih dominan berkarakteristik kekotaan dari Kecamatan Talawaan dan Wori peri. Kata kunci: Peri-urban; Karakteristik; Kecamatan Kalawat; Kecamatan Talawaan; Kecamatan Wori
Analisis Going Concern Pada Pelaku Usaha Nelayan Di Kecamatan Nusaniwe Kota Ambon
One of sectors massively contributing in the economy of Ambon city is fishery and marine. However, fishermen as one of the business actors who run this business are still on the poverty line even though they operate business every day. This study aims to analyze the going concern aspects applied by business actors so far. A qualitative approach with source triangulation techniques was used where researchers conducted in-depth interviews and observations to business actors in Dusun Eri, Latuhalat Village, and Seri Village. The results found that the going concern aspects that have been applied tend to adopt traditional methods that have been going on since ancient times, such as only focusing on selling fresh fish as their product characteristic so business actors are reluctant to innovate. The obstacles are the lack of self-motivation and government capital support, as well as the low understanding of technology. In addition, the going concern aspect of this business is also not determined by the accounting process because all business actors do not carry out accounting processes in their business. The financial management process that has been carried out by business actors is limited to allocating sales proceeds for business operations, family economic needs, and personal savings. This allocation process is not recorded in a specific book and only relies on their intuition and verbal calculations
Sumur gali merupakan salah satu sumber utama air bersih yang sangat penting bahkan sangat diperlukan bagai manusia digunakan baik untuk mandi-cuci-kakus maupun digunakan dalam hal lainnya. Oleh karena itu, air yang digunakan untuk keperluan setiap hari harus bersih. Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana kandungan total Coliform air sumur gali dan kontruksi sumur di Desa Sinsingon Barat Kecamatan Passi Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan desain deskriptif berbasis laboratorium. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 53 sampel sumur gali yang menggunakan pompa listrik.Pemeriksaan sampel air di laboratorium menggunakan parameter total Coliform. Hasil pada penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Sinsingon Barat dengan jumlah sampel 53,didapatkan yang memenuhi syarat total Coliform hanya 21 sampel dan yang tidak memenuhi syarat total Coliform yaitu 32sampel sedangkan pada bagian kontruksi sumur gali semuanya tidak memenuhi syarat. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini, dari 53 sampel sumur gali yang diteliti terdapat 39,6% sumur gali memenuhi syarat total Coliform sedangkan yang tidak memenuhi syarat yaitu 60,4%. Bagian kontruksi dari 53 sumur yang di teliti 100% tidak memenuhi syarat. Saran untuk masyarakat agar memperbaiki bagian kontruksi sumur gali sehingga menghindari terjadinya pencemaran pada air sumur gali.Kata Kunci : Total Coliform, Kontruksi Sumur Gali ABSTRACT Dig well is one of the main sources of clean water is a very important even very necessary as humans used either for the bath-toilet-washing or use in other things. Therefore, the water used for the purposes of every day must be clean. The aim of this research is to find out how the content of total Coliform dig water wells and construction of wells in the village of Sinsingon West of the Subdistrict of East Bolaang Mongondow Regency Passi. This research are observational with descriptive design laboratory-based. The number of samples in this study is 53 samples well dig that uses electric pumps. Examination of water samples in the laboratory using a parameter of total Coliform. Results on a study conducted in West Sinsingon Village with a population of 53 samples, obtained the eligible total Coliform samples only 21 unqualified total Coliform and 32 samples while on the part of the construction of the well dig everything unqualified. Conclusion in this study, 53 of the dig wells sampled in carefully there is 39.6% dig wells qualified total Coliform while unqualified is 60.4%. Part of the construction of 53 wells in the meticulous 100% unqualified. Suggestions for people to fix part of the construction of the well digging them up thus avoiding the occurrence of pollution in water dig well. Key words: Total Coliform, Dig Wells Constructio
The purpose of this training is to increase the knowledge and abilities of novice entrepreneurs who are just starting out or small entrepreneurs who want to develop their business to be bigger and more planned. Improving the management capabilities of small entrepreneurs, can help them improve their business strategy, operations management, marketing, finance, human resources, and financial reports. The target is to increase the ability of novice entrepreneurs or small entrepreneurs, so that they are able to improve their business management, increase sales, and ultimately be able to increase the scale (size) of the company and the profit of the company in a sustainable manner. The training methods provided are in the form of presentations on how to make a business strategy, crisis management, marketing management during a crisis, how to calculate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), how to make a Profit/Loss Report, and how to create Brand Rights. After attending the training for 2 months, all participants are required to create an initial Business Model Canvas. This business model is then gradually evaluated and redeveloped, resulting in continuous improvement
The BRCA2 c.68-7TÂ >Â A variant is not pathogenic: A model for clinical calibration of spliceogenicity.
Although the spliceogenic nature of the BRCA2 c.68-7T>A variant has been demonstrated, its association with cancer risk remains ontroversial. In this study, we accurately quantified by real-time PCR and digital PCR the BRCA2 isoforms retaining or missing exon 3. In addition, the combined odds ratio for causality of the variant was estimated using genetic and clinical data, and its associated cancer risk was estimated by case-control analysis in 83,636
individuals. Co-occurrence in trans with pathogenic BRCA2 variants was assessed in 5,382 families. Exon 3 exclusion rate was 4.5-fold higher in variant carriers (13%) than controls (3%), indicating an exclusion rate for the c.68-7T>A allele of approximately 20%. The posterior probability of pathogenicity was 7.44 x 10-115. There was neither evidence for
increased risk of breast cancer (OR 1.03; 95% CI 0.86-1.24), nor for a deleterious effect of the variant when co-occurring with pathogenic variants. Our data provide for the first time robust evidence of the non-pathogenicity of the BRCA2 c.68-7T>A. Genetic and quantitative
transcript analyses together inform the threshold for the ratio between functional and altered BRCA2 isoforms compatible with normal cell function. These findings might be exploited to assess the relevance for cancer risk of other BRCA2 spliceogenic variants
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