407 research outputs found

    Ethnography of Communication of Arthur Dimsdalle in Scarlet Letter Movie by Roland Joffe

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    This research is aimed at finding the ethnography of communication of Arthur Dimsdalle in Scarlet Letter Movie by Roland Joffe. It was found by analyzed Arthur’s communication use components communication’s Dell Hymes or called SPEAKING grid. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. In collecting the data, the writer uses documentation method by selecting Arthur’s excerpt based on the movie script of Scarlet Letter movie. To achieve the objective, the writer takes Arthur’s dialogue that relates with components of communication in analyzes. It dialogue describes form of components of communication. The research finds that components of communication of Arthur Dimsdalle are (1) Scenes/settings, (2) participants, (3) ends, (5) keys, (6) instrumentalities, (7) norms, (8) genres. Based on the finding of components of communication of Arthur find ethnography of communication of Arthur Dimsdalle is obedient to the religion as the influence of Arthur in communication. Another that respect to Arthur by the society also became the influence to Arthur’s communication. This research shows that culture is part of way of human communication. The norm in the culture that obedient and respected is influenced to the way of life especially communication. It makes the study of discourse enlarge with this finding. It is proved that culture and linguistic is has connection. Both are influence each other in the societ

    Uji Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah oleh Ekstrak Air Herba Jaka Tuwa (Scoparia Dulcis L) pada Kelinci Jantan yang Dibebani Glukosa

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    Herba jaka tuwa merupakan tanaman yang banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat, namun dalam pemanfaatannya sebagai obat antidiabetes masih kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penurunan kadar glukosa darah oleh ekstrak air herba jaka tuwa pada kelinci jantan yang dibebani glukosa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimental semu, dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah. Penelitian menggunakan metode uji toleransi glukosa oral. Percobaan menggunakan 20 ekor kelinci jantan yang terbagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok I diberi CMC Na 1% sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok II diberi suspensi acarbose 2,33 mg/kgBB sebagai kontrol positif, kelompok III, IV dan V diberi ekstrak air herba jaka tuwa masing-masing dengan dosis 100, 200 dan 400 mg/kgBB. Perlakuan diberikan seketika setelah hewan uji dibebani glukosa 1,67 g/kgBB. Kadar glukosa darah ditetapkan setiap 30 menit selama 300 menit dengan menggunakan metode enzimatik GOD PAP (GlucoseOxydase Peroxiida Aminoantipirin), hasil AUC (Area Under The Curve) yang kemudian dianalisis dengan Anava satu jalan dan dilanjutkan uji LSD (Least Significant Difference) dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil uji statistik dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak air herba jaka tuwa dosis 100 mg/kgBB, 200 mg/kgBB dan 400 mg/kgBB dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah kelinci jantan dalam kisaran normal dengan % PKGD (Persen Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah) masing-masing 83,46%±1,27, 85,41%±0,98, dan 84,19%±1,33

    Pengaruh Kompetensi dan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries bagian Winding di Nganjuk

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    PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries is a synthetic yarn spinning company. The accomplishment of this organizational goals can be supported by good Employers Performance. The factors that influence Employee Performance are Competence and K3 (Occupational Safety and Health).The goal of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of Competence and Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) on Employee Performance Winding production at PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries. This type of research is causal and inferential with the method of quantitative approach. Simple random sampling is a technique that used to sample in the study amounted to 81 respondents on the production of Winding employees at PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries. The ststistical analysis which used in this study is multiple linier regression wiyh the help of SPSS’s program Version 23.The result of this research explains that Competence has positive effect on Employee Performance. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) also have positive effect on Employee Performance. Simultaneously, Competence and Occupational Healt and Safety (OSH) have positive effect on Employee Performance. Keywords: Competence, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Employee Performanc


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    Pertumbuhan saat usia 6 – 8 bulan sering kali berdasar pada peningkatan garis yang terdapat pada KMS, atau garis 2 T. Tetapi kenyataannya pertumbuhan balita dipengaruhi oleh penghitungan apgar skor saat lahir, apgar skor yang tidak normal akan berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan balita kelak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui hubungan apgar skor saat lahir dengan pertumbuhan bayi usia 6 – 8 bulan di Poskeskel Kelurahan Kedung Baruk. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik. Populasi penelitian adalah semua ibu yang mempunyai anak usia 6-8 bulan di poskeskel Kelurahan Kedung Baruk. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 42 responden dengan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan menggunakan total sampling. Variabel independen adalah apgar skor, Variabel dependen adalah pertumbuhan bayi usia 6-8 bulan.Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi pada KMS dan BB, analisis data disajikan secara analitik menggunakan uji rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan uji statistik rank spearman menggunakan SPSS dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05 didapatkan nilai signifikan = 0,000 sehingga didapatkan ρ > 0,05 sehingga H0 diterima, dengan demikian ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan apgar skor saat lahir dengan pertumbuhan bayi usia 6 – 8 bulan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan apgar skor saat lahir dengan pertumbuhan bayi usia 6 – 8 bulan di Poskeskel Kelurahan Kedung Baruk. Selanjutnya bagi petugas kesehatan diharapkan lebih rutin dalam melakukan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya apgar skor dengan pertumbuah bayi usia 6 – 8 bulan

    Strategi Public Relations Pesantren Sidogiri dalam Membangun Citra Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    Pesantren has been believed to be a form of indigenous educational system in Indonesia. The history and nature of pesantren have both shown that there is a good relation between pesantren and the society. This will be the focus of the study. It would investigate the notion of how pesantren is related to the wider community, and what are its strategies to keep the community in touch with it? All this will be discussed with referring particularly to the case of pesantren Sidogiri and its already-existing unit called public relation unit. Qualitative in its nature, the paper is phenomenological in its approach. It assumes that generally speaking, any pesantren in Indonesia would ?in the beginning- run by accident, and not by design. But as it grows, it becomes as modern as any advanced educational institution would be. Hence, the paper will show that pesantren Sidogiri is aware of the importance of imagebuilding, and that it consciously pursues it through its software and hardware mechanism. The paper will also show that the surrounding community and the alumni are in fact part of the pesantren?s network to build a better image

    Upaya Peningkatan kualitas Pelayanan Posyandu Balita Berbasis Informasi di Desa Maguwan Kecamatan Sambit Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    The existence of Intergrated service post in the community aims to improve public health,especieally toddlers.one of the activities at Intrgrated service posts is to weigh and record the development of children every month and then recover data to be reported to the Regional Health Office.many intregated service posts which do data recording still using manual way that data wrintten in book administration Post service intergrated which cause data less accurate,relevant and efficient. Including intergrated service post in maguwan village sambit district ponorogo regence which is the location of comunity service activity. The methods used in the design of information systems are observation, interview,requarement analysis, syistem desing and syistem implementation. The result of comunity service is the availability of intergated service post information syistem that can improve proccessing data administration of intergrated post syistematicaliy, effectively, and efficiently and facilitate the chadres in monitoring the development of todler and facilitate in preparing reports in accordance with the standards of the regional health of fice.this web-based information syistem also supports responsive display, which not only can be accessed in personal computar (PC) but also in tabblet and smarphone


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    Scholarly discussions on institutional development could be divided into two categories; “Blue Ocean Strategy” and “Red Zone Strategy” approaches. Blue Ocean Strategy characterized by creating new innovation and market without locating institution to compete with other institution. Meanwhile, Red Zone Strategy emphasizes on initiating a different innovation in order to contest in the marketplace. This article examines the transformation of IAIN Tulungagung from STAIN to IAIN in 2013. This article employs qualitative approach and demonstrates that IAIN Tulungagung has created a creative innovation such as initiating Edu-fair event to attract new students, bulding a new brand, establishing the advance program to promote its institution, and developing the human capital. This strategy indicates that IAIN Tulungagung applies Blue Ocean Strategy in developing its institution such as Decrease-Delete-Create-Increase becomes Passive-Save-Create-Increase

    Learners Management by Segregation Gender-Based

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    A general assumption states that if a management is implemented by gender segregation policy, it will be biased or experience inequality, moreover, if this bias is implemented in such educational institutions. It is worried that there will be gender discrimination in education atmosphere which is contrary to Indonesian Law no. 7 of 1984 regarding to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW), Law no. 25 of 2000 concerning to National Development Program (PROPENAS) in improving the quality of women, and also contrary to the concept of Islam itself which never differentiates between men and women except for the level of devotion. However, this negative assumption is not fully proven. In fact, MA Darul Hikmah as a boarding school-based Islamic education institution that implements gender segregation remains a reference among society. What arguments do the parents’ have? How is the implementation of gender segregation management, and what are the implications? Those are what this article studies. The data of the current study was gained by conducting some interview with Islamic Elders, educators, teachers (ustaz), students (santri), and parents, supported by documentation and observations that have been analyzed using Milles and Hubberman’s theory. By then, the following results are obtained: 1) The reasons for the application of learners management by using gender segregation-based are, maintaining the tradition of pesantren inheritance, upholding religious doctrine, and optimizing the roles and achievements of learners; 2) The implementation of gender segregation neither is based on educational discrimination between men and women, nor an obstacle to the implementation of learning, but this can actually create creativity when the learners are provided the same rights, access, roles and participation (balancing management). Gender balancing policies become the supporter of gender responsive management; 3) By gender segregation, it is actually able to provide positive values for learners in terms of building the characters and preventing promiscuity. Meanwhile, the negative impact is, it leads to create awkward interactions between both male and female learners and also able to decrease the motivation to learn


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    Culture is dynamic rather than rigid and static. Culture is the implementation of state of mind and normative values of the society. The culture of organization at schools is socialized through internalization of common beliefs and values such as trust, behaviors or attitudes and symbols upon which the norms of collective behaviors are based. Successful internalization of those common values and norms will create secure and conducive working environments among the members, which eventually enhance their organizational commitments and loyalties. In other words, a strong organizational culture will provide the required structures and controls without heavily relying on formal bureaucracies which in many cases can discourage motivation and innovation.Keywords: Budaya Organisasi, Nila
