30 research outputs found
Corporate Social Responsibility and Education in India
Today, education faces the rising challenges of standardized testing, strained budgets, teacher retention, and global workforce competition. Businesses have begun to take a more targeted approach in their corporate social responsibility programs and are seeking to impact areas that have a correlation with their own business goals. For many businesses, education is an important part of their plans, since the needs exist in all geographic areas, across all subject areas, and for all kinds of people. The bottom line is that educational outreach efforts have the capability to make a real and lasting difference for all players involve
Classifier-Based Text Simplification for Improved Machine Translation
Machine Translation is one of the research fields of Computational
Linguistics. The objective of many MT Researchers is to develop an MT System
that produce good quality and high accuracy output translations and which also
covers maximum language pairs. As internet and Globalization is increasing day
by day, we need a way that improves the quality of translation. For this
reason, we have developed a Classifier based Text Simplification Model for
English-Hindi Machine Translation Systems. We have used support vector machines
and Na\"ive Bayes Classifier to develop this model. We have also evaluated the
performance of these classifiers.Comment: In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer
Engineering and Applications 201
Objective: The aims of the present investigation were to develop the herbal and/or herbomineral formulations of Hinguleswara rasa and to compare their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, in vitro, with that of standard drug samples.Methods: This study was an interventional investigation in three samples: In the first sample, Hinguleswara rasa (HR1) was prepared as per methodology described in Rasatarangini using Shuddha Hingula (10 g), Shuddha Vatsanabha (10 g), and Pippali (10 g). In the second and third sample, respectively, Hinguleswara rasa was prepared by replacing Shuddha Hingula with Kajjali where Kajjali made from Hingulotha parada and Sodhita parada constitutes two varieties of Hinguleswara rasa, i.e. HR2 and HR3. In vitro antioxidant activity was studied using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, and the absorbance was recorded at 517 nm. For evaluating the in vitro anti-inflammatory studies, the inhibition of albumin denaturation technique was performed.Results: The results showed that the formulation of Hinguleswara rasa has shown dose-dependent activity which was observed in 100 μg concentration. HR1, HR2, and HR3 showed 36.11, 17.22, and 16.11% radical scavenging activity.Conclusion: It could be concluded that the changes made in the formulations did not affect the in vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the herbomineral formulations
A multi-centric, single-blinded, randomized, parallel-group study to evaluate the effectiveness of nasoalveolar moulding treatment in non-syndromic patients with complete unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate (NAMUC study): a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Cleft lip and palate (CLP) are among the most common congenital anomaly that affects up to 33,000 newborns in India every year. Nasoalveolar moulding (NAM) is a non-surgical treatment performed between 0 and 6 months of age to reduce the cleft and improve nasal aesthetics prior to lip surgery. The NAM treatment has been a controversial treatment option with 51% of the cleft teams in Europe, 37% of teams in the USA and 25 of cleft teams in India adopting this methodology. This treatment adds to the already existing high burden of care for these patients. Furthermore, the supporting evidence for this technique is limited with no high-quality long-term clinical trials available on the effectiveness of this treatment.
The NAMUC study is an investigator-initiated, multi-centre, single-blinded randomized controlled trial with a parallel group design. The study will compare the effectiveness of NAM treatment provided prior to lip surgery against the no-treatment control group in 274 patients with non-syndromic unilateral complete cleft lip and palate. The primary endpoint of the trial is the nasolabial aesthetics measured using the Asher McDade index at 5 years of age. The secondary outcomes include dentofacial development, speech, hearing, cost-effectiveness, quality of life, patient perception, feeding and intangible benefits. Randomization will be carried out via central online system and stratified based on cleft width, birth weight and clinical trial site.
We expect the results from this study on the effectiveness of treatment with NAM appliance in the long term along with the cost-effectiveness evaluation can eliminate the dilemma and differences in clinical care across the globe.
ClinicalTrials.gov CTRI/2022/11/047426 (Clinical Trials Registry India). Registered on 18 November 2022. The first patient was recruited on 11 December 2022. CTR India does not pick up on Google search with just the trial number. The following steps have to be carried out to pick up. How to search: ( https://ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/advsearch.php -use the search boxes by entering the following details: Interventional trial > November 2022 > NAMUC)
Premenstrual syndrome, body fat and bitter taste receptor gene TAS2R38 among adult Kullu females of Himachal Pradesh, India
LC with electrochemical and UV detection for analysis of a formulation containing gentamicin and parabens
This work describes two separate liquid chromatographic (LC) methods which were developed to control gentamicin sulphate and its preservatives methylparaben and propylparaben in an injectable formulation for veterinary purposes. Owing to the absence of a UV absorbing chromophore in the gentamicin molecule, LC combined with pulsed electrochemical detection (LC-PED) was found to be suitable for the determination of this drug in the formulation. The LC-PED methods from edition 7.0 (valid till 06/2012) and 7.5 (supplement valid from 07/2012) of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) were compared. The currently recommended LC-PED method allowed good separation between the main gentamicin components and their impurities without interference from additives. Because of its better performance the actual method was used to investigate the degradation profile of the gentamicin sulphate injection. Results obtained from the forced stability study showed that the formulation was stable to oxidative and thermal stress. For the control of the preservatives, a LC-UV method was applied. Both methods were found to be specific, linear and precise. Hence, these two LC methods can be used for routine analysis of the gentamicin sulphate injection. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.status: publishe
Characterization of impurities in tylosin using dual liquid chromatography combined with ion trap mass spectrometry
Investigation of unknown impurities in a tylosin sample was performed using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Separation was performed according to the recently described LC-UV method of Ashenafi et al. (2011) [14]. This method was reported to have a good selectivity as it was able to separate the four main components of tylosin from the already known and 23 unknown impurities. However, as this method uses a mobile phase with non-volatile constituents, direct characterization of these impurities using LC/MS was not possible. The impurity fractions were therefore first collected and then desalted before sending them to the MS. Identification of the impurities in the tylosin sample was performed with a quadruple ion trap (IT) MS, with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source in the positive ion mode. The structure of the impurities was deduced by comparing their fragmentation pattern with those of the main components of tylosin. As several peaks in the LC-UV method contained multiple compounds, using this method in total 41 new impurities were (partly) characterized.status: publishe