20,847 research outputs found
Associated Production of Neutral Higgs Boson with Squark Pair in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with Explicit CP Violation at the CERN LHC
We investigate the associated production of neutral Higgs boson with squark
pair in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with and without explicit CP
violation, respectively. We show that the dominant productions in both cases
are always ones of the lightest neutral Higgs boson associated with the
lightest stop pair, which can reach a few pb, in the ranges of parameters
allowed by constraints from the electric dipole moment experiments. In most of
the parameter space, the total cross sections in the case with explicit CP
violation are significantly enhanced, compared with ones without explicit CP
violation. For some special parameters, several orders of magnitude enhancement
can be obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in PR
Stochastic Sensor Scheduling via Distributed Convex Optimization
In this paper, we propose a stochastic scheduling strategy for estimating the
states of N discrete-time linear time invariant (DTLTI) dynamic systems, where
only one system can be observed by the sensor at each time instant due to
practical resource constraints. The idea of our stochastic strategy is that a
system is randomly selected for observation at each time instant according to a
pre-assigned probability distribution. We aim to find the optimal pre-assigned
probability in order to minimize the maximal estimate error covariance among
dynamic systems. We first show that under mild conditions, the stochastic
scheduling problem gives an upper bound on the performance of the optimal
sensor selection problem, notoriously difficult to solve. We next relax the
stochastic scheduling problem into a tractable suboptimal quasi-convex form. We
then show that the new problem can be decomposed into coupled small convex
optimization problems, and it can be solved in a distributed fashion. Finally,
for scheduling implementation, we propose centralized and distributed
deterministic scheduling strategies based on the optimal stochastic solution
and provide simulation examples.Comment: Proof errors and typos are fixed. One section is removed from last
Renormalization group improved predictions for production at hadron colliders
We study the factorization and resummation of the production
at hadron colliders. The cross section in the threshold limit can be factorized
into a convolution of hard and soft functions and parton distribution functions
with the soft-collinear effective theory. We calculate the next-to-leading
order soft function for the associated production of the heavy quark pair and
colorless particle, and we perform the resummation calculation with the
next-to-next-to-leading logarithms accuracy. Our results show that the
resummation effects reduce the dependence of the cross section on the scales
significantly and increase the total cross section by compared with
NLO QCD results.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables; final version in PR
Updated predictions for graviton and photon associated production at the LHC
We present updated predictions on the inclusive total cross sections,
including the complete next-to-leading order QCD corrections, for the graviton
and photon associated production process in the large extra dimensions model at
the LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV, using the parameters
according to the requirements of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. Moreover, we
also discuss in detail the dependence on the transverse momentum cut and
uncertainties due to the choices of scales and parton distribution functions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, version published in PR
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