1,002 research outputs found
Holomorphic disc, spin structures and Floer cohomology of the Clifford torus
We compute the Bott-Morse Floer cohomology of the Clifford torus in \CP^n
with all possible spin-structures. Each spin structure is known to determine an
orientation of the moduli space of holomorphic discs, and we analyze the change
of orientation according to the change of spin structure of the Clifford torus.
Also, we classify all holomorphic discs with boundary lying on the Clifford
torus by establishing a Maslov index formula for such discs. As a result, we
show that in odd dimensions there exist two spin structures which give
non-vanishing Floer cohomology of the Clifford torus, and in even dimensions,
there is only one such spin structure. When the Floer cohomology is
non-vanishing, it is isomorphic to the singular cohomology of the torus (with a
Novikov ring as its coefficients). As a corollary, we prove that any
Hamiltonian deformation of the Clifford torus intersects with it at least at
distinct intersection points, when the intersection is transversal.
We also compute the Floer cohomology of the Clifford torus with flat line
bundles on it and verify the prediction made by Hori using a mirror symmetry
calculation.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure
On the counting of holomorphic discs in toric Fano manifolds
Open Gromov-Witten invariants in general are not well-defined. We discuss in
detail the enumerative numbers of the Clifford torus in \CP^2. For
cyclic A-infinity algebras, we show that certain generalized way of counting
may be defined up to Hochschild or cyclic boundary elements. In particular we
obtain a well-defined function on Hochschild or cyclic homology of a cyclic
A-infinity algebra, which has invariance property under cyclic A-infinity
homomorphism. We discuss an example of Clifford torus and compute the
invariant for a specific cyclic cohomology class.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures,v2: rewritten using the language of cyclic
A-infinity algebra, v3: added an example of a cyclic cohomology class,
published versio
On the obstructed Lagrangian Floer theory
Lagrangian Floer homology in a general case has been constructed by Fukaya,
Oh, Ohta and Ono, where they construct an \AI-algebra or an \AI-bimodule
from Lagrangian submanifolds, and studied the obstructions and deformation
theories. But for obstructed Lagrangian submanifolds, standard Lagrangian Floer
homology can not be defined.
We explore several well-known cohomology theories on these \AI-objects and
explore their properties, which are well-defined and invariant even in the
obstructed cases. These are Hochschild and cyclic homology of an \AI-objects
and Chevalley-Eilenberg or cyclic Chevalley-Eilenberg homology of their
underlying \LI objects. We explain how the existence of effects the
usual homological algebra of these homology theories. We also provide some
computations. We show that for an obstructed \AI-algebra with a non-trivial
primary obstruction, Chevalley-Eilenberg Floer homology vanishes, whose proof
is inspired by the comparison with cluster homology theory of Lagrangian
submanifolds by Cornea and Lalonde.
In contrast, we also provide an example of an obstructed case whose cyclic
Floer homology is non-vanishing.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figur
Counting real pseudo-holomorphic discs and spheres in dimension four and six
First, we provide another proof that the signed count of the real
-holomorphic spheres (or -holomorphic discs) passing through a generic
real configuration of points is independent of the choice of the real
configuration and the choice of , if the dimension of the Lagrangian
submanifold (fixed points set of the involution) is two or three, and also
if we assume is orientable and relatively spin, and is strongly
semi-positive. This theorem was first proved by Welschinger in a more general
setting, and we provide more natural approach using the degree of evaluation
maps from the moduli spaces of -holomorphic discs. Then, we define the
invariant count of discs intersecting cycles of a symplectic manifold at fixed
interior marked points, and intersecting real points at the boundary under
certain assumptions. The last result is new and was not proved by Welshinger's
method.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, typo correcte
Orbifold Morse-Smale-Witten complex
We construct Morse-Smale-Witten complex for an effective orientable orbifold.
For a global quotient orbifold, we also construct a Morse-Bott complex. We show
that certain type of critical points of a Morse function has to be discarded to
construct such a complex, and gradient flows should be counted with suitable
weights. The homology of these complexes are shown to be isomorphic to the
singular homology of the quotient spaces under the self-indexing assumptions.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures; The content of the last section is replaced by
the explanation on weak group actions. Some other minor change
Holomorphic orbidiscs and Lagrangian Floer cohomology of symplectic toric orbifolds
We develop Floer theory of Lagrangian torus fibers in compact symplectic
toric orbifolds. We first classify holomorphic orbi-discs with boundary on
Lagrangian torus fibers. We show that there exists a class of basic discs such
that we have one-to-one correspondences between a) smooth basic discs and
facets of the moment polytope, and b) between basic orbi-discs and twisted
sectors of the toric orbifold. We show that there is a smooth Lagrangian Floer
theory of these torus fibers, which has a bulk-deformation by fundamental
classes of twisted sectors of the toric orbifold. We show by several examples
that such bulk-deformation can be used to illustrate the very rigid Hamiltonian
geometry of orbifolds. We define its potential and bulk-deformed potential, and
develop the notion of leading order potential. We study leading term equations
analogous to the case of toric manifolds by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono.Comment: 75 pages, 4 figures. shortened by reducing repetition of construction
from manifold case
Gradient-like vector fields on a complex analytic variety
Given a complex analytic function f on a Whitney stratified complex analytic
variety of complex dimension n, whose real part Re(f) is Morse, we prove the
existence of a stratified gradient-like vector field for Re(f) such that the
unstable set of a critical point p on a stratum S of complex dimension s has
real dimension as was conjectured by Goresky and MacPherson.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure, v2:major revision, v3:added restriction on Morse
function and removed fast conditio
Finite group actions on Lagrangian Floer theory
We construct finite group actions on Lagrangian Floer theory when symplectic
manifolds have finite group actions and Lagrangian submanifolds have induced
group actions. We first define finite group actions on Novikov-Morse theory. We
introduce the notion of a {\em spin profile} as an obstruction class of
extending the group action on Lagrangian submanifold to the one on its spin
structure, which is a group cohomology class in . For a class of
Lagrangian submanifolds which have the same spin profiles, we define a finite
group action on their Fukaya category. In consequence, we obtain the
-equivariant Fukaya category as well as the -orbifolded Fukaya category
for each group cohomology class . We also develop a version with
-equivariant bundles on Lagrangian submanifolds, and explain how character
group of acts on the theory.
As an application, we define an orbifolded Fukaya-Seidel category of a
-invariant Lefschetz fibration, and also discuss homological mirror symmetry
conjectures with group actions.Comment: 81 pages, 12 figures; comments welcome
Potentials of homotopy cyclic \AI-algebras
For a cyclic \AI-algebra, a potential recording the structure constants can
be defined. We define an analogous potential for a homotopy cyclic
\AI-algebra and prove its properties. On the other hand, we find another
different potential for a homotopy cyclic \AI-algebra, which is related to
the algebraic analogue of generalized holonomy map of Abbaspour, Tradler and
Zeinalian.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur
Chern-Weil Maslov index and its orbifold analogue
We give Chern-Weil definitions of the Maslov indices of bundle pairs over a
Riemann surface \Sigma with boundary, which consists of symplectic vector
bundle on \Sigma and a Lagrangian subbundle on \partial{\Sigma} as well as its
generalization for transversely intersecting Lagrangian boundary conditions. We
discuss their properties and relations to the known topological definitions. As
a main application, we extend Maslov index to the case with orbifold interior
singularites, via curvature integral, and find also an analogous topological
definition in these cases.Comment: 19 page
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