3 research outputs found
Dependence of Plasmonic Properties on Electron Densities for Various Coupled Au Nanostructures
Noble metallic nanostructures have
great potential in optical sensing
application in visible and near-infrared frequencies. Their plasmonic
properties can be manipulated by <i>in situ</i> controlling
their electron densities for isolated nanostructures. However, the
effect of charging remains underexplored for coupled systems. In this
work, we theoretically investigated the dependence of their far-field
and near-field properties on their electron densities for various
coupled gold structures. With increasing electron densities, their
enhancement factors increase while their plasmonic resonance peaks
are blue-shifted. The resonance peak position of ellipsoid-ellipsoid
dimers shows the highest sensitivity in response to the charging effects
with the slope of −2.87. The surface-averaged electric field
of ellipsoid monomer shows largest enhancement ratio of 1.13 with
16% excess electrons. These results can be well explained by an effective
dipole moment model. In addition, we also studied the sphere-on-substrate
nanostructure which can be precisely fabricated. This system shows
low sensitivity to the charging effect with the slope of −1.46
but remarkable enhancement ratio of 1.13 on near field response with
16% excess electrons
Large-Area Sub-Wavelength Optical Patterning via Long-Range Ordered Polymer Lens Array
of large-area, highly orderly, and high-resolution
nanostructures in a cost-effective fashion prompts advances in nanotechnology.
Herein, for the first time, we demonstrate a unique strategy to prepare
a long-range highly regular polymer lens from photoresist nanotrenches
based templates, which are obtained from underexposure. The relationship
between exposure dose and the cross-sectional morphology of produced
photoresist nanostructures is revealed for the first time. The polymer
lens arrays are repeatedly used for rapid generation of sub-100 nm
nanopatterns across centimeter-scale areas. The light focusing properties
of the nanoscale polymer lens are investigated by both simulation
and experiment. It is found that the geometry, size of the lens, and
the exposure dose can be deployed to adjust the produced feature size,
spacing, and shapes. Because the polymer lenses are derived from top-down
photolithography, the nearly perfect long-range periodicity of produced
nanopatterns is ensured, and the feature shapes can be flexibly designed.
Because this nanolithographic strategy enables subwavelength periodical
nanopatterns with controllable feature size, geometry, and composition
in a cost-effective manner, it can be optimized as a viable and potent
nanofabrication tool for various technological applications
Tailoring Alphabetical Metamaterials in Optical Frequency: Plasmonic Coupling, Dispersion, and Sensing
Tailoring optical properties of artificial metamaterials, whose optical properties go beyond the limitations of conventional and naturally occurring materials, is of importance in fundamental research and has led to many important applications such as security imaging, invisible cloak, negative refraction, ultrasensitive sensing, and transformable and switchable optics. Herein, by precisely controlling the size, symmetry, and topology of alphabetical metamaterials with U, S, Y, H, U-bar, and V shapes, we have obtained highly tunable optical response covering visible-to-infrared (vis-NIR) optical frequency. In addition, we show a detailed study on the physical origin of resonance modes, plasmonic coupling, the dispersion of resonance modes, and the possibility of negative refraction. We have found that all the electronic and magnetic modes follow the dispersion of surface plasmon polaritons; thus, essentially they are electronic- and magnetic-surface-plasmon-polaritons-like (ESPP-like and MSPP-like) modes resulted from diffraction coupling between localized surface plasmon and freely propagating light. On the basis of the fill factor and formula of magnetism permeability, we predict that the alphabetical metamaterials should show the negative refraction capability in visible optical frequency. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the specific ultrasensitive surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing of monolayer molecules and femtomolar food contaminants by tuning their resonance to match the laser wavelength, or by tuning the laser wavelength to match the plasmon resonance of metamaterials. Our tunable alphabetical metamaterials provide a generic platform to study the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials and explore the novel applications in optical frequency