327 research outputs found

    Search for New Physics at Colliders

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    In this paper I present the most recent results of the ongoing searches, mainly from Tevatron Collider experiments, for new physics beyond the Standard Model. While no signal has been seen so far, many analyses are reaching the point in which either a discovery will take place or strong limit on currently popular theories will be set.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of PIC0

    Single Top Physics at Hadron Colliders

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    The production of top quark in electroweak processes was first observed in 2010 at the Tevatron. Since then it has been carefully studied at both LHC and Tevatron. Single top production proceeds through different channels and allows a direct determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element Vtb|V_{tb}|. We will present the current status of searches and observation and discuss the results obtained so far and perspectives at hadron machines.Comment: Invited Report, to appear in Proceedings of Hadron Collider Physics 201

    ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking in Tevatron Run II

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    The Tevatron Run II will provide CDF and D0 with a large dataset of ppbar interactions collected at sqrt(s)=2 TeV. We discuss the opportunity for the two experiments to improve the understanding of electrowek and top physics in the first years of data taking (Run IIa,2fb-1) in view of the upgrades of the detectors. We also discuss the prospectives for a Higgs discovery at the Tevatron in view of the Run IIb data taking period which will deliver an additional of about 13fb-1 to each experimentComment: 5 pages, 4+1 figure, to appear in proceedings of the EPS HEP 2001 Conference held in Budapest. To appear in JHEP Proceeding

    Higgs Discovery before LHC?

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    The proposed Run IIb of the Tevatron Collider will provide 15 fb-1 worth of ppbar data at c.o.m energy of 2 TeV per experiment by year 2007. We review the plans of the Tevatron accelerator complex upgrade and the plans for the upgrades of the experiments to match this challenge. Perspectives for the discovery of an Higgs particle are reviewed and the concrete possibility of a 5 sigmas discovery for a low mass Higgs are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures,Invited talk at the LEPTre meeting on LEP Physic

    The INFN Experience in Supporting and Improving HEP Outreach

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    INFN is recognized as an Italian excellence in science. Born in 1951, over time it created a world-wide network of activities spanning from high-energy physics at the most powerful accelerators, to the search for Dark Matter and rare events in deep underground laboratories, flanking the operations of four national laboratories in Italy. However, until a couple of decades ago, its role was not adequately appreciated by the Italian public at large. Since the beginning of the millennium INFN unfurled a strategy aimed not only to promote its image, but also to improve the transfer of knowledge acquired in its operation to different actors. In this paper we will deal with the improvement of outreach, presenting the strategies pursed, and some of the paths followed to this aim. Due to space limitations only a schematic view of a twenty-something years of work will be presented. In the conclusion we will report the results of an external evaluation of our efforts. In this paper we will not discuss the program of refresher courses for teachers, despite their relevance in our strategy to improve INFN participation in lifelong learning activities for the Italian society. Likewise, despite its centrality to improve INFN capability in the realm of outreach, we will not present the training program aimed to our personnel involved in science communication, and we will not touch the complex activity recently started to assess the impact of INFN communication efforts. Finally, we do not discuss the initiatives and the strategies pursued in 2020-2022 due to the COVID19 pandemia, despite the importance of outreach actions taken by the Institute.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of ICHEP 2022 Conferenc

    A Review of Recent Results from the Tevatron

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    The D0 and CDF experiments have been taking data at the Run 2 of the Tevatron Collider since 2001. We present a selection of recent results, most of them obtained with an integrated luminosity of 1 fb −1 . I will describe the most important facets of the physics programme and detail some results. Recent direct limits on standard model Higgs obtained at the Tevatron, and their their prospects will be also reviewed

    Fiberless, Multi-Channel fNIRS-EEG System Based on Silicon Photomultipliers: Towards Sensitive and Ecological Mapping of Brain Activity and Neurovascular Coupling

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    Portable neuroimaging technologies can be employed for long-term monitoring of neurophysiological and neuropathological states. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalography (EEG) are highly suited for such a purpose. Their multimodal integration allows the evaluation of hemodynamic and electrical brain activity together with neurovascular coupling. An innovative fNIRS-EEG system is here presented. The system integrated a novel continuous-wave fNIRS component and a modified commercial EEG device. fNIRS probing relied on fiberless technology based on light emitting diodes and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). SiPMs are sensitive semiconductor detectors, whose large detection area maximizes photon harvesting from the scalp and overcomes limitations of fiberless technology. To optimize the signal-to-noise ratio and avoid fNIRS-EEG interference, a digital lock-in was implemented for fNIRS signal acquisition. A benchtop characterization of the fNIRS component showed its high performances with a noise equivalent power below 1 pW. Moreover, the fNIRS-EEG device was tested in vivo during tasks stimulating visual, motor and pre-frontal cortices. Finally, the capabilities to perform ecological recordings were assessed in clinical settings on one Alzheimer’s Disease patient during long-lasting cognitive tests. The system can pave the way to portable technologies for accurate evaluation of multimodal brain activity, allowing their extensive employment in ecological environments and clinical practice

    Adolescent gender dysphoria management: position paper from the Italian Academy of Pediatrics, the Italian Society of Pediatrics, the Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, the Italian Society of Adolescent Medicine and the Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry

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    Background: In response to the imperative need for standardized support for adolescent Gender Dysphoria (GD), the Italian Academy of Pediatrics, in collaboration with the Italian Society of Pediatrics, the Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Italian Society of Adolescent Medicine and Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry is drafting a position paper. The purpose of this paper is to convey the author's opinion on the topic, offering foundational information on potential aspects of gender-affirming care and emphasizing the care and protection of children and adolescents with GD. Main body: Recognizing that adolescents may choose interventions based on their unique needs and goals and understanding that every individual within this group has a distinct trajectory, it is crucial to ensure that each one is welcomed and supported. The approach to managing individuals with GD is a multi-stage process involving a multidisciplinary team throughout all phases. Decisions regarding treatment should be reached collaboratively by healthcare professionals and the family, while considering the unique needs and circumstances of the individual and be guided by scientific evidence rather than biases or ideologies. Politicians and high court judges should address discrimination based on gender identity in legislation and support service development that aligns with the needs of young people. It is essential to establish accredited multidisciplinary centers equipped with the requisite skills and experience to effectively manage adolescents with GD, thereby ensuring the delivery of high-quality care. Conclusion: Maintaining an evidence-based approach is essential to safeguard the well-being of transgender and gender diverse adolescents