10 research outputs found
Transport of Phosphate by Renal Brush Border Membrane Vesicle (BBMV) during Development - Role of the Growth Hormone-
It is well documented that plasma concentrations of Pi (inorganic phosphorus)
are higher in developing subjects than in adults. In a previous study, we demonstrated
that the Vmax (capacity) of the Na-Pi cotransport mechanism of the renal brush
border membrane vesicles was higher in immature than mature rats.
In this study, we evaluated the role of a growth hormone in the maintenance of a
higher Vmax observed in immature rats.
In mature rats, serum Pi, and the tubular reabsorption of Pi (TRPi) increased in the
growth hormone treated animals. On the other hand, those values were not changed
by growth hormone treatment in immature rats.
In kinetic analysis, the Km (affinity) values were not different between the control
(growth hormone-untreated) and growth hormone-treated renal brush border membrane
vesicles in both immature and mature rats. The Vmax of the immature rats also was
not changed by growth hormone treatment. On the contrary, Vmax increased significantly
in the growth-hormone treated than the control mature rats.
With the above findings, it seems that immature rats reabsorb Pi maximally even
in the control state, and it is likely that a growth hormone is responsible for the phenomenon
Diseño e implementación de un sistema RFID para seguimiento de personas dependientes en el hogar
Este Trabajo Final de Grado se basa en el estudio, diseño, montaje y evaluación de un
sistema RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) para el posicionamiento de personas
dependientes dentro de edificios, a fin de proporcionar un servicio a sus habitantes. El
primer paso es entender lo que son los sistemas RFID y estudiar casos de uso existentes.
Después, se estudia el funcionamiento de los lectores RFID disponibles y las etiquetas
(Tags) a rastrear; seguidamente se aprende a configurarlos y se diseña e implementa un
programa que pueda establecer una comunicación con los equipos y gestionar los
cálculos necesarios lo suficientemente rápido como para realizar un rastreo en tiempo
real. Una vez conseguido esto, se busca el método de cálculo de distancias y de
coordenadas lo más exacto posible y se corrigen los errores alcanzando la precisión
necesaria. Para ello, se realizan continuamente pruebas de rastreo y posicionamiento
tanto estáticos como en movimiento.In this final project a RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) system is studied, designed,
implemented and evaluated. The system aims to track and position dependent people in
buildings, in order to provide different services to its inhabitants. Firstly, it is needed to
understand what RFID systems are, and study real-life use cases. Later, the operation
and configuration of the available RFID readers and tags is studied. Once this is
accomplished, a computer program is designed and implemented. This computer
program must communicate with the RFID equipment and perform the calculations fast
enough so that it is possible to track items in real time. Afterwards, errors are corrected
and the best formulas for calculating distances and coordinates are found, in order to
facilitate the required results and precision. Throughout the process, the system is
continuously tested with static and moving tracking and positioning.Catalá Adrama, L. (2015). Diseño e implementación de un sistema RFID para seguimiento de personas dependientes en el hogar. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55170TFG
Burosumab vs conventional therapy in children with X-linked hypophosphatemia:results of the open-label, phase 3 extension period
In a randomized, open-label phase 3 study of 61 children aged 1–12 years old with X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) previously treated with conventional therapy, changing to burosumab every 2 weeks (Q2W) for 64 weeks improved the phosphate metabolism, radiographic rickets, and growth compared with conventional therapy. In this open-label extension period (weeks 64–88), 21 children continued burosumab Q2W at the previous dose or crossed over from conventional therapy to burosumab starting at 0.8 mg/kg Q2W with continued clinical radiographic assessments through week 88. Efficacy endpoints and safety observations were summarized descriptively for both groups (burosumab continuation, n = 6; crossover, n = 15). At week 88 compared with baseline, improvements in the following outcomes were observed in the burosumab continuation and crossover groups, respectively: mean (SD) RGI-C rickets total score (primary outcome), +2.11 (0.27) and +1.89 (0.35); mean (SD) RGI-C lower limb deformity score, +1.61 (0.91) and +0.73 (0.82); and mean (SD) height Z-score + 0.41 (0.50) and +0.08 (0.34). Phosphate metabolism normalized rapidly in the crossover group and persisted in the continuation group. Mean (SD) serum alkaline phosphatase decreased from 169% (43%) of the upper limit of normal (ULN) at baseline to 126% (51%) at week 88 in the continuation group and from 157% (33%) of the ULN at baseline to 111% (23%) at week 88 in the crossover group. During the extension period, treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs) were reported in all 6 children in the burosumab continuation group and 14/15 children in the crossover group. The AE profiles in the randomized and extension periods were similar, with no new safety signals identified. Improvements from baseline in radiographic rickets continued in the extension period among children with XLH who remained on burosumab. Children who crossed over from conventional therapy to burosumab demonstrated a rapid improvement in phosphate metabolism and improved rickets healing over the ensuing 22 weeks
Continued Beneficial Effects of Burosumab in Adults with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia:Results from a 24-Week Treatment Continuation Period After a 24-Week Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Period
Burosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody to FGF23, is the only approved treatment for X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH), a rare genetic disorder characterized by renal phosphate wasting and substantial cumulative musculoskeletal morbidity. During an initial 24-week randomized, controlled trial, 134 adults with XLH received burosumab 1 mg/kg (n = 68) or placebo (n = 66) every 4 weeks. After 24 weeks, all subjects received open-label burosumab until week 48. This report describes the efficacy and safety of burosumab during the open-label treatment period. From weeks 24-48, serum phosphorus concentrations remained normal in 83.8% of participants who received burosumab throughout and were normalized in 89.4% who received burosumab after placebo. By week 48, 63.1% of baseline fractures/pseudofractures healed fully with burosumab, compared with 35.2% with burosumab after placebo. In both groups, burosumab was associated with clinically significant and sustained improvement from baseline to week 48 in scores for patient-reported outcomes of stiffness, pain, physical function, and total distance walked in 6 min. Rates of adverse events were similar for burosumab and placebo. There were no fatal adverse events or treatment-related serious adverse events. Nephrocalcinosis scores did not change from baseline by more than one grade at either week 24 or 48. These data demonstrate that in participants with XLH, continued treatment with burosumab is well tolerated and leads to sustained correction of serum phosphorus levels, continued healing of fractures and pseudofractures, and sustained improvement in key musculoskeletal impairments
Congenital chloride diarrhea primary treated as Bartter syndrome – case report
Wrodzona biegunka chlorowa (CCD – congenital chloride diarrhea) to rzadka choroba o dziedziczeniu autosomalnym recesywnym. Jej podłożem są mutacje genu SLC26A3 kodującego wymiennik jonów Cl-/HCO3-, umiejscowiony w szczytowej błonie nabłonka jelita krętego i okrężnicy. Skutkiem jest upośledzona absorpcja chlorków i sekrecja wodorowęglanów, co manifestuje się wodnistą biegunką o wysokiej zawartości jonów chlorkowych. Typowo choroba objawia się już prenatalnie pod postacią wielowodzia, obecności rozdętych pętli jelitowych płodu i często skutkuje porodem przedwczesnym. Od urodzenia obserwuje się wodnistą biegunkę, nawracające wymioty, opóźniony rozwój fizyczny, a w badaniach laboratoryjnych hipochloremiczną alkalozę metaboliczną, hipokaliemię i hiponatremię. Przedstawiamy przypadek obecnie 8-letniej dziewczynki, z biegunką chlorową traktowaną do 5 r.ż. jako zespół Barttera. Nieprawidłowe rozpoznanie wynikało z klinicznych i biochemicznych podobieństw obu jednostek chorobowych i późnym, związanym z używaniem pampersów, rozpoznaniem przewlekłej biegunki. Ostatecznym potwierdzeniem CCD było badanie genetyczne, które ujawniło obecność mutacji genu SLC26A3 (p.IIe(TCA)657dup). Zastosowanie celowanego leczenia pozwoliło na znaczące złagodzenie skutków choroby i umożliwiło prawidłowy rozwój dziecka. Przedstawiony przypadek wskazuje na potencjalne trudności związane z diagnostyką różnicową zespołu Barttera i jest dowodem na korzyści płynące z dostępu do badań molekularnych.Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease. It is caused by mutations in the SLC26A3 gene which encodes the transmembrane Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, mainly expressed in the apical epithelium of the ileum and colon. The result is defective intestinal absorption of Cl- and secretion of HCO3-, leading to watery Cl- -rich diarrhea. The first symptoms of CCD include polyhydramnios and dilated intestinal loops of the fetus and they are followed by watery diarrhea, recurrent vomiting, failure to thrive, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypokalemia and hyponatremia in postnatal life. We present the case of an 8-year-old girl with late diagnosis of CCD, initially treated as Bartter syndrome. The incorrect diagnosis resulted from the clinical and biochemical similarities of both these disorders. Finally, CCD was confirmed by a genetic test, which revealed mutation in the SLC26A3 gene (p.IIe(TCA)657dup). Specific therapy led to alleviation of the CCD consequences and ensured normal physical and psychological development of the child. The case shows the difficulties in differential diagnosis between CCD and Bartter syndrome and indicates the benefits of molecular evaluation
Congenital chloride diarrhea primary treated as Bartter syndrome – case report
Wrodzona biegunka chlorowa (CCD – congenital chloride diarrhea) to rzadka choroba o dziedziczeniu autosomalnym recesywnym. Jej podłożem są mutacje genu SLC26A3 kodującego wymiennik jonów Cl-/HCO3-, umiejscowiony w szczytowej błonie nabłonka jelita krętego i okrężnicy. Skutkiem jest upośledzona absorpcja chlorków i sekrecja wodorowęglanów, co manifestuje się wodnistą biegunką o wysokiej zawartości jonów chlorkowych. Typowo choroba objawia się już prenatalnie pod postacią wielowodzia, obecności rozdętych pętli jelitowych płodu i często skutkuje porodem przedwczesnym. Od urodzenia obserwuje się wodnistą biegunkę, nawracające wymioty, opóźniony rozwój fizyczny, a w badaniach laboratoryjnych hipochloremiczną alkalozę metaboliczną, hipokaliemię i hiponatremię. Przedstawiamy przypadek obecnie 8-letniej dziewczynki, z biegunką chlorową traktowaną do 5 r.ż. jako zespół Barttera. Nieprawidłowe rozpoznanie wynikało z klinicznych i biochemicznych podobieństw obu jednostek chorobowych i późnym, związanym z używaniem pampersów, rozpoznaniem przewlekłej biegunki. Ostatecznym potwierdzeniem CCD było badanie genetyczne, które ujawniło obecność mutacji genu SLC26A3 (p.IIe(TCA)657dup). Zastosowanie celowanego leczenia pozwoliło na znaczące złagodzenie skutków choroby i umożliwiło prawidłowy rozwój dziecka. Przedstawiony przypadek wskazuje na potencjalne trudności związane z diagnostyką różnicową zespołu Barttera i jest dowodem na korzyści płynące z dostępu do badań molekularnych.Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease. It is caused by mutations in the SLC26A3 gene which encodes the transmembrane Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, mainly expressed in the apical epithelium of the ileum and colon. The result is defective intestinal absorption of Cl- and secretion of HCO3-, leading to watery Cl- -rich diarrhea. The first symptoms of CCD include polyhydramnios and dilated intestinal loops of the fetus and they are followed by watery diarrhea, recurrent vomiting, failure to thrive, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypokalemia and hyponatremia in postnatal life. We present the case of an 8-year-old girl with late diagnosis of CCD, initially treated as Bartter syndrome. The incorrect diagnosis resulted from the clinical and biochemical similarities of both these disorders. Finally, CCD was confirmed by a genetic test, which revealed mutation in the SLC26A3 gene (p.IIe(TCA)657dup). Specific therapy led to alleviation of the CCD consequences and ensured normal physical and psychological development of the child. The case shows the difficulties in differential diagnosis between CCD and Bartter syndrome and indicates the benefits of molecular evaluation
Macrothrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction and nephrotic syndrome in a young male patient: a case report of MYH9-related disease
<div><p>ABSTRACT MYH9-related disease is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations of the MYH9 gene, which encodes the non-muscle myosin heavy chain IIA on chromosome 22q12. It is characterized by congenital macrothrombocytopenia, bleeding tendency, hearing loss, and cataracts. Nephropathy occurs in approximately 30% of MYH9-related disease in a male patient carrier of a de novo missense mutation in exon 1 of the MYH9 gene [c.287C > T; p.Ser(TCG)96(TTG)Leu]. He presented all phenotypic manifestations of the disease, but cataracts. Renal alterations were microhematuria, nephrotic-range proteinuria (up to 7.5 g/24h), and rapid loss of renal function. The decline per year of the glomerular filtration rate was 20 mL/min/1.73m2 for five years. Blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, the only recommended therapy for slowing the progression of this nephropathy, was prescribed. Although MYH9-related disease is a rare cause of glomerulopathy and end-stage renal disease, awareness of rare genetic kidney disorders is essential to ensure accurate diagnosis and proper management of orphan disease patients.</p></div