259 research outputs found
EENED: End-to-End Neural Epilepsy Detection based on Convolutional Transformer
Recently Transformer and Convolution neural network (CNN) based models have
shown promising results in EEG signal processing. Transformer models can
capture the global dependencies in EEG signals through a self-attention
mechanism, while CNN models can capture local features such as sawtooth waves.
In this work, we propose an end-to-end neural epilepsy detection model, EENED,
that combines CNN and Transformer. Specifically, by introducing the convolution
module into the Transformer encoder, EENED can learn the time-dependent
relationship of the patient's EEG signal features and notice local EEG abnormal
mutations closely related to epilepsy, such as the appearance of spikes and the
sprinkling of sharp and slow waves. Our proposed framework combines the ability
of Transformer and CNN to capture different scale features of EEG signals and
holds promise for improving the accuracy and reliability of epilepsy detection.
Our source code will be released soon on GitHub.Comment: Accepted by IEEE CAI 202
Dynamic Bayesian Network-Based Escape Probability Estimation for Coach Fire Accidents
Coach emergency escape research is an effective measure to reduce casualties under serious vehicle fire accidents. A novel experiment method employing a wireless transducer was implemented and the head rotation speed, rotation moment and rotation duration were collected as the input variables for the classification and regression tree (CART) model. Based on this model, the classification result explicitly pointed out that the exit searching efficiency was evolving. By ignoring the last three unimportant factors from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the ultimate Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) was built with the temporal part of the CART output and the time-independent part of the vehicle characteristics. Simulation showed that the most efficient exit searching period is the middle escape stage, which is 10 seconds after the emergency signal is triggered, and the escape probability clearly increases with the efficient exit searching. Furthermore, receiving emergency escape training contributes to a significant escape probability improvement of more than 10%. Compared with different failure modes, the emergency hammer layout and door reliability have a more significant influence on the escape probability improvement than aisle condition. Based on the simulation results, the escape probability will significantly drop below 0.55 if the emergency hammers, door, and aisle are all in a failure state
Graphon Mean Field Games with a Representative Player: Analysis and Learning Algorithm
We propose a discrete time graphon game formulation on continuous state and
action spaces using a representative player to study stochastic games with
heterogeneous interaction among agents. This formulation admits both
philosophical and mathematical advantages, compared to a widely adopted
formulation using a continuum of players. We prove the existence and uniqueness
of the graphon equilibrium with mild assumptions, and show that this
equilibrium can be used to construct an approximate solution for finite player
game on networks, which is challenging to analyze and solve due to curse of
dimensionality. An online oracle-free learning algorithm is developed to solve
the equilibrium numerically, and sample complexity analysis is provided for its
convergence.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICML 202
Advancing Radiograph Representation Learning with Masked Record Modeling
Modern studies in radiograph representation learning rely on either
self-supervision to encode invariant semantics or associated radiology reports
to incorporate medical expertise, while the complementarity between them is
barely noticed. To explore this, we formulate the self- and report-completion
as two complementary objectives and present a unified framework based on masked
record modeling (MRM). In practice, MRM reconstructs masked image patches and
masked report tokens following a multi-task scheme to learn knowledge-enhanced
semantic representations. With MRM pre-training, we obtain pre-trained models
that can be well transferred to various radiography tasks. Specifically, we
find that MRM offers superior performance in label-efficient fine-tuning. For
instance, MRM achieves 88.5% mean AUC on CheXpert using 1% labeled data,
outperforming previous RL methods with 100% labels. On NIH ChestX-ray, MRM
outperforms the best performing counterpart by about 3% under small labeling
ratios. Besides, MRM surpasses self- and report-supervised pre-training in
identifying the pneumonia type and the pneumothorax area, sometimes by large
margins.Comment: Camera ready at ICLR 2023. Code and models are available at
Interpretable and Robust AI in EEG Systems: A Survey
The close coupling of artificial intelligence (AI) and electroencephalography
(EEG) has substantially advanced human-computer interaction (HCI) technologies
in the AI era. Different from traditional EEG systems, the interpretability and
robustness of AI-based EEG systems are becoming particularly crucial. The
interpretability clarifies the inner working mechanisms of AI models and thus
can gain the trust of users. The robustness reflects the AI's reliability
against attacks and perturbations, which is essential for sensitive and fragile
EEG signals. Thus the interpretability and robustness of AI in EEG systems have
attracted increasing attention, and their research has achieved great progress
recently. However, there is still no survey covering recent advances in this
field. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive survey and summarize
the interpretable and robust AI techniques for EEG systems. Specifically, we
first propose a taxonomy of interpretability by characterizing it into three
types: backpropagation, perturbation, and inherently interpretable methods.
Then we classify the robustness mechanisms into four classes: noise and
artifacts, human variability, data acquisition instability, and adversarial
attacks. Finally, we identify several critical and unresolved challenges for
interpretable and robust AI in EEG systems and further discuss their future
On the nonlinearity of a tuning fork
Tuning fork experiments at the undergraduate level usually only demonstrate a
tuning fork's linear resonance. In this paper, we introduce an experiment that
can be used to measure the nonlinear tuning curve of a regular tuning fork.
Using double-grating Doppler interferometry, we achieve measurement accuracy
within ten microns. With this experiment setup, we observe typical nonlinear
behaviors of the tuning fork such as the softening tuning curve and jump
phenomena. Our experiment is inexpensive and easy to operate. It provides an
integrated experiment for intermediate-level students and a basis for senior
research projects.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
FAT: Feature-Focusing Adversarial Training via Disentanglement of Natural and Perturbed Patterns
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples crafted by
well-designed perturbations. This could lead to disastrous results on critical
applications such as self-driving cars, surveillance security, and medical
diagnosis. At present, adversarial training is one of the most effective
defenses against adversarial examples. However, traditional adversarial
training makes it difficult to achieve a good trade-off between clean accuracy
and robustness since spurious features are still learned by DNNs. The intrinsic
reason is that traditional adversarial training makes it difficult to fully
learn core features from adversarial examples when adversarial noise and clean
examples cannot be disentangled. In this paper, we disentangle the adversarial
examples into natural and perturbed patterns by bit-plane slicing. We assume
the higher bit-planes represent natural patterns and the lower bit-planes
represent perturbed patterns, respectively. We propose a Feature-Focusing
Adversarial Training (FAT), which differs from previous work in that it
enforces the model to focus on the core features from natural patterns and
reduce the impact of spurious features from perturbed patterns. The
experimental results demonstrated that FAT outperforms state-of-the-art
methods in clean accuracy and adversarial robustness
The Blessing of Randomness: SDE Beats ODE in General Diffusion-based Image Editing
We present a unified probabilistic formulation for diffusion-based image
editing, where a latent variable is edited in a task-specific manner and
generally deviates from the corresponding marginal distribution induced by the
original stochastic or ordinary differential equation (SDE or ODE). Instead, it
defines a corresponding SDE or ODE for editing. In the formulation, we prove
that the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the marginal distributions of the
two SDEs gradually decreases while that for the ODEs remains as the time
approaches zero, which shows the promise of SDE in image editing. Inspired by
it, we provide the SDE counterparts for widely used ODE baselines in various
tasks including inpainting and image-to-image translation, where SDE shows a
consistent and substantial improvement. Moreover, we propose SDE-Drag -- a
simple yet effective method built upon the SDE formulation for point-based
content dragging. We build a challenging benchmark (termed DragBench) with
open-set natural, art, and AI-generated images for evaluation. A user study on
DragBench indicates that SDE-Drag significantly outperforms our ODE baseline,
existing diffusion-based methods, and the renowned DragGAN. Our results
demonstrate the superiority and versatility of SDE in image editing and push
the boundary of diffusion-based editing methods
EPIM: Efficient Processing-In-Memory Accelerators based on Epitome
The exploration of Processing-In-Memory (PIM) accelerators has garnered
significant attention within the research community. However, the utilization
of large-scale neural networks on Processing-In-Memory (PIM) accelerators
encounters challenges due to constrained on-chip memory capacity. To tackle
this issue, current works explore model compression algorithms to reduce the
size of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Most of these algorithms either
aim to represent neural operators with reduced-size parameters (e.g.,
quantization) or search for the best combinations of neural operators (e.g.,
neural architecture search). Designing neural operators to align with PIM
accelerators' specifications is an area that warrants further study. In this
paper, we introduce the Epitome, a lightweight neural operator offering
convolution-like functionality, to craft memory-efficient CNN operators for PIM
accelerators (EPIM). On the software side, we evaluate epitomes' latency and
energy on PIM accelerators and introduce a PIM-aware layer-wise design method
to enhance their hardware efficiency. We apply epitome-aware quantization to
further reduce the size of epitomes. On the hardware side, we modify the
datapath of current PIM accelerators to accommodate epitomes and implement a
feature map reuse technique to reduce computation cost. Experimental results
reveal that our 3-bit quantized EPIM-ResNet50 attains 71.59% top-1 accuracy on
ImageNet, reducing crossbar areas by 30.65 times. EPIM surpasses the
state-of-the-art pruning methods on PIM
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