6 research outputs found

    好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株のK^+ : 促進ATPaseについて

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    1.好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株の生育にとってK^+は必須であった.2.K^+-濃度を制限した培地(1.5mMK^+)で生育させた細胞の膜画分に, K^+により促進されるATPase活性が認められた.3.K^+促進ATPaseは, 動力学的特性及びウワバイン, NaN_3, PCMBに対する感受件において, 同菌株のH^+-ATPaseと明らかに異なっていた.1. K^+ was essential for the growth of an alkalophilic Bacillus A-007. 2. Membrane fraction, which was prepared from the cells grown in K^+ -limited medium (1.5mM K^+), showed K^+ -stimulated ATPase activity. 3. The K^+ -stimulated ATPase was clearly different from H^+ -ATPase on kinetical profile and ouabain-, NaN_3- and PCMB-sensvtivity

    MOESM9 of Transcriptomic profiling and genetic analyses reveal novel key regulators of cellulase and xylanase gene expression in Penicillium oxalicum

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    Additional file 9: Figure S5. Confirmation analysis of the complementary strains. Targeted complementary genes including PoxCxrA, PoxCxrB and PoxNsdD were amplified using primer pairs CxrA-CDS-F/CxrA-CDS-R, CxrB-CDS-F/CxrB-CDS-R and NsdD-CDS-F/NsdD-CDS-R. Bleomycin resistance gene was amplified using primer pair Ble-F/Ble-R. M, 1-kb DNA marker; lane 1, complementary strain; lane 2, ΔPoxKu70; lane 3, corresponding deletion mutant strain

    MOESM1 of Transcriptomic profiling and genetic analyses reveal novel key regulators of cellulase and xylanase gene expression in Penicillium oxalicum

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Cellulase activity of P. oxalicum HP7-1 in the presence of glucose (Glu), wheat bran (WB), or wheat bran and Avicel (WA). Data are the means of three biological replicates

    MOESM10 of Comparative genomic, transcriptomic and secretomic profiling of Penicillium oxalicum HP7-1 and its cellulase and xylanase hyper-producing mutant EU2106, and identification of two novel regulatory genes of cellulase and xylanase gene expression

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    Additional file 10: Figure S6. Activities of crude enzymes from PoxClrB, POX02484, and POX08522 deletion mutants following direct inoculation in Avicel. Crude enzymes were produced by fungal strains grown in 1.0 % Avicel as the sole carbon source. The symbols * and ** indicate significant differences (P ≤ 0.05 and P ≤ 0.01, respectively) between candidate mutants and the ΔPoxKu70 parent strain, as assessed by Student’s t test