15,724 research outputs found
The virial relation for the Q-balls in the thermal logarithmic potential revisited analytically
We study the properties of Q-balls dominated by the thermal logarithmic
potential analytically instead of estimating the characters with only some
specific values of model variables numerically. In particular the analytical
expressions for radius and energy of this kind of Q-ball are obtained.
According to these explicit expressions we demonstrate strictly that the large
Q-balls enlarge and the small ones become smaller in the background with lower
temperature. The energy per unit charge will not be divergent if the charge is
enormous. We find that the lower temperature will lead the energy per unit
charge of Q-ball smaller. We also prove rigorously the necessary conditions
that the model parameters should satisfy to keep the stability of the Q-balls.
When one of model parameters of Q-balls is positive, the Q-balls will not
form or survive unless the temperature is high enough. In the case of negative
, the Q-balls are stable no matter the temperature is high or low.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure
Development of a bio-inspired vision system for mobile micro-robots
In this paper, we present a new bio-inspired vision system for mobile micro-robots. The processing method takes inspiration from vision of locusts in detecting the fast approaching objects. Research suggested that locusts use wide field visual neuron called the lobula giant movement detector to respond to imminent collisions. We employed the locusts' vision mechanism to motion control of a mobile robot. The selected image processing method is implemented on a developed extension module using a low-cost and fast ARM processor. The vision module is placed on top of a micro-robot to control its trajectory and to avoid obstacles. The observed results from several performed experiments demonstrated that the developed extension module and the inspired vision system are feasible to employ as a vision module for obstacle avoidance and motion control
Stable Large-Scale Perturbations in Interacting Dark-Energy Model
It is found that the evolutions of density perturbations on the super-Hubble
scales are unstable in the model with dark-sector interaction proportional
to the energy density of cold dark matter (CDM) and constant equation
of state parameter of dark energy . In this paper, to avoid the
instabilities, we suggest a new covariant model for the energy-momentum
transfer between DE and CDM. Then we show that the the large-scale
instabilities of curvature perturbations can be avoided in our model in the
universe filled only by DE and CDM. Furthermore, by including the additional
components of radiation and baryons, we calculate the dominant non-adiabatic
modes in the radiation era and find that the modes grow in the power law with
exponent at the order of unit.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
Reentrant phase transitions of higher-dimensional AdS black holes in dRGT massive gravity
We study the criticality and phase transition in the extended phase
space of anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes in higher-dimensional de Rham,
Gabadadze and Tolley (dRGT) massive gravity, treating the cosmological constant
as pressure and the corresponding conjugate quantity is interpreted as
thermodynamic volume. Besides the usual small/large black hole phase
transitions, the interesting thermodynamic phenomena of reentrant phase
transitions (RPTs) are observed for black holes in all -dimensional
spacetime when the coupling coefficients of massive potential satisfy
some certain conditions.Comment: 14 pages, several references are added, v2: published in EPJ
Reentrant phase transitions and triple points of topological AdS black holes in Born-Infeld-massive gravity
Motivated by recent developments of black hole thermodynamics in de Rham,
Gabadadze and Tolley(dRGT) massive gravity, we study the critical behaviors of
four-dimensional topological Anti-de Sitter(AdS) black holes in the presence of
Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics by treating the cosmological constant as
pressure and the corresponding conjugate quantity is interpreted as
thermodynamic volume. It shows that besides the Van der Waals-like SBH/LBH
phase transitions appears, the so-called reentrant phase transitions (RPTs) are
also observed when the coupling coefficients of massive potential and
Born-Infeld parameter satisfy some certain conditions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1612.08056; text overlap
with arXiv:1402.2837, arXiv:1306.5756 by other autho
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