111 research outputs found

    Towards an Islamic Spiritual Model in Increasing Academic Performance of Accounting Students

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    This paper aims at proposing a model of Islamic spirituality to be implemented at higher-education institutions and determining its impact to the academic performance of the students. Thus, this model has suggested an Islamic spirituality programme to be incorporated into studentsā€™ activities known as the Sharing-is-Caring (SIC) programme. Regularly attending the programme is expected to provide positive impacts on the studentsā€™ academic performances because it emphasises on Islamic spiritual values which are crucial to the studentsā€™ successes. Questionnaire were distributed to the final-semester Accounting students and the findings revealed that the SIC programme could improve studentsā€™ Islamic spiritual values.  However, the results of the study have failed to actualise the expected positive relationship between the SIC programme and the academic performances of the students


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    Conglomeratic rocks in East Johor are found in the separately three formations that are the Murau, Tanjung Leman and Linggiu Formations. The Murau Formation is characterized by cobble to boulder grained breccia with very angular to angular and disorganized clasts. It was deposited by fan-delta system in the sub-aerial to shallow marine environment. The Tanjung Leman Formation consists of pebble to cobble grained conglomerate with rounded to subrounded and organized clasts. It was deposited by braided river system in the sub-aerial environment. Both formations outcropped in eastern coastal of Johor. The rudaceous rocks of the Linggiu Formation consist of pebble to cobble-sized clasts with sub angular and disorganized texture. It present as subordinate rocks within sandstone dominant in the central part of East Johor and was deposited by debris flows in the shallow marine environment. All these rudaceous rocks were interpreted as Palaeozoic in age ranging from Late Carboniferous to Late Permian. Those rudaceous rocks indicated that since Late Carboniferous, palaeogeography of East Johor was a continent with subaerial to shallow marine depositional environment. Keywords: Conglomerate, Palaeozoic, East Johor, subaerial, shallow marine

    Taburan fosil dan penilaian semula usia formasi singa di Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia

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    Formasi Singa yang tersingkap di Kepulauan Langkawi terdiri daripada jujukan batuan sedimen argilit dan boleh dibahagikan kepada empat ahli iaitu Rebak, Kentut, Ular dan Selang. Formasi Singa kaya dengan fosil terutamanya daripada jenis brakiopod, bryozoa dan bivalvia yang boleh ditemui dalam Ahli Rebak dan Ahli Selang. Fosil yang ditemui semasa kajian dijalankan serta fosil yang pernah dilaporkan oleh penyelidik terdahulu telah dibuat penelitian semula untuk menentukan usia Formasi Singa dengan lebih tepat. Himpunan fosil Formasi Singa boleh dibahagikan kepada tiga julat usia, iaitu Visean, Asselian Akhir - Sakmarian Awal dan Sakmarian Akhir. Jujukan berusia Visean diwakili oleh Ahli Rebak, manakala jujukan Asselian Akhir - Sakmarian Awal dan jujukan Sakmarian Akhir diwakili oleh Ahli Selang. Dalam Ahli Ular dan Ahli Kentut tidak ditemui sebarang fosil. Keputusan daripada kertas ini memerlukan satu kajian semula dijalankan terhadap litostratigrafi Formasi Singa

    Performance Levels and Perspective of Graduate Learnersā€™ on Fully Online Learning During Covid-19

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    Open University Malaysia (OUM) is a leading open and distance learning institution in Malaysia that offers its programs in blended mode. The blended mode of learning comprises self-managed learning, face-to-face tutorials, and online forum. Through its learning platform, named ā€˜myINSPIREā€™, OUM has successfully offered some of its programmes fully online. The outbreak COVID-19 in early 2020 has pushed OUM to offer all its programmes fully online, including programmes for graduates. Measures were taken to improve teaching and learning support online. Part of the efforts included having weekly e-lessons and e-tutorials, as well as online exams. Learners have been exposed to new learning experiences where they faced many challenges. This study is conducted with the aim to investigate how these changes have affected learnersā€™ performance and their perspective towards fully online learning. A total of 143 post graduate learners enrolled in OUM under the Cluster of Applied Sciences participated in this study. The readiness for change model used in the study is based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The model applies perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to measure user acceptance of technology. The findings indicate that overall, the graduate learners have an acceptable level of readiness for change and are able to adapt and continue learning online despite facing some issues and challenges. It was found that the performance of the learners pre- and post- lockdown seemed to be comparable. Nevertheless, there is a need to find ways to improve and better tailor the online learning environment for our adult learners so as to make their fully online learning experience more rewarding

    Pengelasan litostratigrafi baru untuk formasi singa di Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia

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    Semakan semula litostratigrafi Formasi Singa dilakukan berdasarkan data-data baru yang diperoleh melalui kajian terbaru. Secara umumnya, Formasi Singa dominan dengan batu lumpur hitam yang berselang lapis dengan batu pasir nipis hingga sederhana tebal serta sedikit lapisan konglomerat. Kajian melibatkan analisis terhadap beberapa log sedimen yang telah direkodkan di lapangan. Kesemua log sedimen tersebut telah dikorelasikan untuk mendapatkan satu log komposit yang mewakili keseluruhan Formasi Singa. Berdasarkan kajian terperinci korelasi litologi yang dilakukan, cadangan litostratigrafi baru Formasi Singa mengandungi empat ahli iaitu Ahli Kentut, Ahli Ular, Ahli Selang dan Ahli Lembung. Ahli Kentut merupakan ahli yang paling tua diikuti dengan Ahli Ular, Ahli Selang dan Ahli Lembung. Ahli Ular di dalam Formasi Singa dianggap sebagai satu unit kekanta antara Ahli Kentut dengan Ahli Selang. Beberapa siri perubahan paras laut ditafsirkan sepanjang pengendapan batuan Formasi Singa dipercayai akibat daripada proses pencairan glasier yang menyebabkan paras laut meningkat dan pengendapan berterusan yang menyebabkan lembangan menjadi cetek dan paras laut menjadi rendah
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