671 research outputs found
A semiclassical theory of quantum noise in open chaotic systems
We consider the quantum evolution of classically chaotic systems in contact
with surroundings. Based on -scaling of an equation for time evolution
of the Wigner's quasi-probability distribution function in presence of
dissipation and thermal diffusion we derive a semiclassical equation for
quantum fluctuations. This identifies an early regime of evolution dominated by
fluctuations in the curvature of the potential due to classical chaos and
dissipation. A stochastic treatment of this classical fluctuations leads us to
a Fokker-Planck equation which is reminiscent of Kramers' equation for
thermally activated processes. This reveals an interplay of three aspects of
evolution of quantum noise in weakly dissipative open systems; the reversible
Liouville flow, the irreversible chaotic diffusion which is characteristic of
the system itself, and irreversible dissipation induced by the external
reservoir. It has been demonstrated that in the dissipation-free case a
competition between Liouville flow in the contracting direction of phase space
and chaotic diffusion sets a critical width in the Wigner function for quantum
fluctuations. We also show how the initial quantum noise gets amplified by
classical chaos and ultimately equilibrated under the influence of dissipation.
We establish that there exists a critical limit to the expansion of phase
space. The limit is determined by chaotic diffusion and dissipation. Making use
of appropriate quantum-classical correspondence we verify the semiclassical
analysis by the fully quantum simulation in a chaotic quartic oscillator.Comment: Plain Latex, 27 pages, 6 ps figure, To appear in Physica
Low-Mass Dileptons at the CERN-SpS: Evidence for Chiral Restoration?
Using a rather complete description of the in-medium spectral function
- being constrained by various independent experimental information - we
calculate pertinent dilepton production rates from hot and dense hadronic
matter. The strong broadening of the resonance entails a reminiscence to
perturbative annihilation rates in the vicinity of the phase
boundary. The application to dilepton observables in Pb(158AGeV)+Au collisions
- incorporating recent information on the hadro-chemical composition at
CERN-SpS energies - essentially supports the broadening scenario. Possible
implications for the nature of chiral symmetry restoration are outlined.Comment: 6 pages ReVTeX including 5 eps-figure
Nonequilibrium fluctuation induced escape from a metastable state
Based on a simple microscopic model where the bath is in a non-equilibrium
state we study the escape from a metastable state in the over-damped limit.
Making use of Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski description we derive the time
dependent escape rate in the non-stationary regime in closed analytical form
which brings on to fore a strong non-exponential kinetic of the system mode.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, EPJ class file include
Dynamics of a metastable state nonlinearly coupled to a heat bath driven by an external noise
Based on a system-reservoir model, where the system is nonlinearly coupled to
a heat bath and the heat bath is modulated by an external stationary Gaussian
noise, we derive the generalized Langevin equation with space dependent
friction and multiplicative noise and construct the corresponding Fokker-Planck
equation, valid for short correlation time, with space dependent diffusion
coefficient to study the escape rate from a metastable state in the moderate to
large damping regime. By considering the dynamics in a model cubic potential we
analyze the result numerically which are in good agreement with the theoretical
prediction. It has been shown numerically that the enhancement of rate is
possible by properly tuning the correlation time of the external noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Revtex4. To appear in Physical Review
Analytical and numerical investigation of escape rate for a noise driven bath
We consider a system-reservoir model where the reservoir is modulated by an
external noise. Both the internal noise of the reservoir and the external noise
are stationary, Gaussian and are characterized by arbitrary decaying
correlation functions. Based on a relation between the dissipation of the
system and the response function of the reservoir driven by external noise we
numerically examine the model using a full bistable potential to show that one
can recover the turn-over features of the usual Kramers' dynamics when the
external noise modulates the reservoir rather than the system directly. We
derive the generalized Kramers' rate for this nonequilibrium open system. The
theoretical results are verified by numerical simulation.Comment: Revtex, 25 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Transport and bistable kinetics of a Brownian particle in a nonequilibrium environment
A system reservoir model, where the associated reservoir is modulated by an
external colored random force, is proposed to study the transport of an
overdamped Brownian particle in a periodic potential. We then derive the
analytical expression for the average velocity, mobility, and diffusion rate.
The bistable kinetics and escape rate from a metastable state in the overdamped
region are studied consequently. By numerical simulation we then demonstrate
that our analytical escape rate is in good agreement with that of numerical
result.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, RevTex4, minor correction
MacWilliams Identities for -tuple Weight Enumerators
Since MacWilliams proved the original identity relating the Hamming weight
enumerator of a linear code to the weight enumerator of its dual code there
have been many different generalizations, leading to the development of
-tuple support enumerators. We prove a generalization of theorems of Britz
and of Ray-Chaudhuri and Siap, which build on earlier work of Kl{\o}ve,
Shiromoto, Wan, and others. We then give illustrations of these -tuple
weight enumerators.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted to SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic
Use of expert system software for life monitoring of power plant components
Life management of primarily high temperature components in power/process plants is a very involved task.
Various components in a running power plant are subjected to different loading cycles, temperature, pressure and
environmental conditions. The dependence of running power
plant on various components as well as interdependence of
various components on each other adds to the enormity of the task and requires different maintenance/ repair/ replacement schedules. A systematic and smooth functioning of the plant necessitates a step-by-step analysisfor each components based on its operating parameters, material. In present days, various commercial softwares are used for life monitoring, deciding different schedules in these plants. In the present paper an effort has been made to show the use ofALIAS (Advanced Life Assessment System) and its effectiveness in handling problems related to plant life monitoring, risk analysis, preparing maintenance/repair/replacement schedules
Quantum theory of dissipation of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a nonequilibrium bath; Wigner-Weisskopf decay and physical spectra
We extend the quantum theory of dissipation in the context of
system-reservoir model, where the reservoir in question is kept in a
nonequilibrium condition. Based on a systematic separation of time scales
involved in the dynamics, appropriate generalizations of the
fluctuation-dissipation and Einstein's relations have been pointed out. We show
that the Wigner-Weisskopf decay of the system mode results in a rate constant
which depending on the relaxation of nonequilibrium bath is dynamically
modified. We also calculate the time-dependent spectra of a cavity mode with a
suitable gain when the cavity is kept in contact with a nonequilibrium bath.Comment: Plain Latex, 28 pages, 2 PS figure
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