15 research outputs found
General neurology: Current challenges and future implications
Background and purpose
In the coming decades, the world will face an increasing burden of neurological disorders (ND) and an urgent need to promote brain health. These challenges contrast with an insufficient neurological workforce in most countries, as well as decreasing numbers of general neurologists and neurologists attracted to work in general neurology (GN). This white paper aims to review the current situation of GN and reflect on its future.
The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) task force (TF) met nine times between November 2021 and June 2023. During the 2023 EAN annual meeting, attendees were asked to answer five questions concerning the future of GN. The document was sent for suggestions and eventually approval to the board and the presidents of the 47 national societies of the EAN.
The TF first identified four relevant current and future challenges related to GN: (i) definition, (ii) practice, (iii) education, and (iv) research. The TF then identified seven initiatives to further develop GN at both the academic and community level. Finally, the TF formulated 16 recommendations to promote GN in the future.
GN will remain essential in the coming decades to provide rapid, accessible, and comprehensive management of patients with ND that is affordable and cost-effective. There is also a need for research, education, and other initiatives aiming to facilitate improved working conditions, recognition, and prestige for those pursuing a career in GN
Which terms should be used to describe medications used in the treatment of seizure disorders? An ILAE position paper
A variety of terms, such as "antiepileptic," "anticonvulsant," and "antiseizure" have been historically applied to medications for the treatment of seizure disorders. Terminology is important because using terms that do not accurately reflect the action of specific treatments may result in a misunderstanding of their effects and inappropriate use. The present International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) position paper used a Delphi approach to develop recommendations on English-language terminology applicable to pharmacological agents currently approved for treating seizure disorders. There was consensus that these medications should be collectively named "antiseizure medications". This term accurately reflects their primarily symptomatic effect against seizures and reduces the possibility of health care practitioners, patients, or caregivers having undue expectations or an incorrect understanding of the real action of these medications. The term "antiseizure" to describe these agents does not exclude the possibility of beneficial effects on the course of the disease and comorbidities that result from the downstream effects of seizures, whenever these beneficial effects can be explained solely by the suppression of seizure activity. It is acknowledged that other treatments, mostly under development, can exert direct favorable actions on the underlying disease or its progression, by having "antiepileptogenic" or "disease-modifying" effects. A more-refined terminology to describe precisely these actions needs to be developed
Rethinking headache as a global public health case model for reaching the SDG 3 HEALTH by 2030
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out, through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a path for the prosperity of people and the planet. SDG 3 in particular aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and includes several targets to enhance health. This review presents a “headache-tailored” perspective on how to achieve SDG 3 by focusing on six specific actions: targeting chronic headaches; reducing the overuse of acute pain-relieving medications; promoting the education of healthcare professionals; granting access to medication in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC); implementing training and educational opportunities for healthcare professionals in low and middle income countries; building a global alliance against headache disorders. Addressing the burden of headache disorders directly impacts on populations’ health, as well as on the possibility to improve the productivity of people aged below 50, women in particular. Our analysis pointed out several elements, and included: moving forward from frequency-based parameters to define headache severity; recognizing and managing comorbid diseases and risk factors; implementing a disease management multi-modal management model that incorporates pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments; early recognizing and managing the overuse of acute pain-relieving medications; promoting undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education of healthcare professionals with specific training on headache; and promoting a culture that favors the recognition of headaches as diseases with a neurobiological basis, where this is not yet recognized. Making headache care more sustainable is an achievable objective, which will require multi-stakeholder collaborations across all sectors of society, both health-related and not health-related. Robust investments will be needed; however, considering the high prevalence of headache disorders and the associated disability, these investments will surely improve multiple health outcomes and lift development and well-being globally.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
World Health Organization (WHO)\u27s Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP); implications for Asian and African countries
Commentary: Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders during 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
Towards evidence-based policies to strengthen acute stroke care in low-middle-income countries
General neurology: Current challenges and future implications.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In the coming decades, the world will face an increasing burden of neurological disorders (ND) and an urgent need to promote brain health. These challenges contrast with an insufficient neurological workforce in most countries, as well as decreasing numbers of general neurologists and neurologists attracted to work in general neurology (GN). This white paper aims to review the current situation of GN and reflect on its future.
METHODS: The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) task force (TF) met nine times between November 2021 and June 2023. During the 2023 EAN annual meeting, attendees were asked to answer five questions concerning the future of GN. The document was sent for suggestions and eventually approval to the board and the presidents of the 47 national societies of the EAN.
RESULTS: The TF first identified four relevant current and future challenges related to GN: (i) definition, (ii) practice, (iii) education, and (iv) research. The TF then identified seven initiatives to further develop GN at both the academic and community level. Finally, the TF formulated 16 recommendations to promote GN in the future.
CONCLUSIONS: GN will remain essential in the coming decades to provide rapid, accessible, and comprehensive management of patients with ND that is affordable and cost-effective. There is also a need for research, education, and other initiatives aiming to facilitate improved working conditions, recognition, and prestige for those pursuing a career in GN