4 research outputs found
Komposisi Makanan dan Strategi Makan Ikan Famili Gobiidae di Teluk Pabean, Indramayu
The objectives of this study were to identify and evaluate diet composition and feeding strategy of Gobiid fishes in Pabean Bay, Indramayu. Fishes were collected monthly using gill nets, shrimp nets and fixed trap nets from April 2016-March 2017. Diet composition and feeding strategy were analyzed by IRI (Index of Relative Importance) and modification of the graphical Costello method, respectively. Nine species of Gobiidae were captured during the study period, namely Acentrogobius caninus (with total body length range 46-115 mm), Acentrogobius cyanomos (49-108 mm), Boleophthalmus boddarti (95-189 mm), Glossogobius aureus (70-210 mm), Oxyurichthys tentacularis (88-130 mm), Parapocryptes serperaster (112-198 mm), Paratrypauchen microcephalus (100-150 mm), Pseudapocryptes elongatus (88-190 mm), and Taenioides cirratus (160 mm). According to the diet analysis, A. caninus, A. cyanomos, and G. aureus were grouped into crustacivore, while the B. boddarti, P. serperaster, P. microcephalus, and P. elongatus were categorized as phytobenthic feeder. A. caninus, G. aureus, and A. cyanomos exhibited a specialist feeding strategy with the main food was Metapenaeus sp., Metapenaeus sp. and Acetes sp., respectively. B. boddarti, P. serperaster, P. microcephalus, P. elongates displayed a generalized feeding strategy. This research showed that Gobiid fishes occupy different trophic levels and play an important ecological role in Pabean Bay
The effect of temperature on the physiological condition and growth performance of freshwater eel elver Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland, 1844
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effect of water temperature on the physiological condition and growth performance of freshwater eel elver Anguilla bicolor bicolor (McClelland, 1844). This study was conducted in March 2017 at the Physiology Laboratory of Aquatic Animal, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. The study used a completely randomized design with five different levels of temperature (22°C, 24°C, 26°C, 28°C, and 30°C) as treatments with two replications. The size of elver was 2‒3 g. Fish were fed with 1 mm pellet containing 45% of protein. The feeding level was 7 % of fish biomass and the feeding frequency was two times a day. The results showed that temperatures range from 24‒30°C could be used for freshwater eel elver rearing and 28‒30°Cwere the best temperatures to support survival and growth performance of eel elver. A temperature of 24°C was the best temperature that could reduce the metabolism rate and did not cause stress on the elver. Keywords: elver, physiological conditions, growth performance, metabolism, temperature  ABSTRAK Penelitian dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh suhu terhadap kondisi fisiologis dan kinerja pertumbuhan elver ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland, 1844) telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2017 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air FPIK IPB. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan suhu berbeda (22°C, 24°C, 26°C, 28°C, dan 30°C) dengan masing-masing dua ulangan. Ukuran benih yang digunakan 2‒3 g. Pakan yang diberikan berupa pellet berukuran 1 mm dengan kadar protein 45%. Jumlah pakan yang diberikan (FR) adalah 7% dari biomassa ikan dan diberikan dua kali sehari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kisaran suhu 24‒30°C dapat digunakan dalam pemeliharaan elver ikan sidat, dan suhu 28‒30°C merupakan suhu yang sangat baik untuk mendukung kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan elver ikan sidat. Suhu media 24°C adalah suhu terbaik yang dapat menekan laju metabolisme dengan tidak menyebabkan stres pada elver ikan sidat. Kata kunci: elver, kondisi fisiologis, kinerja pertumbuhan, metabolisme, suhu  </p
Aspek Reproduksi Ikan Tetet, Johnius belangerii Cuvier (Pisces: Sciaenidae) Di Perairan Pantai Mayangan, Jawa Barat
The objective of the experiment was to know the effect of vitamin C on gonadal development of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) broodstock. Female broodstock of 30-60 g and male broodstock of 40-70 g average body weight were used in this experiment. The broodstock were fed with different dose of vitamin C in feed as 0; 0.05; 0.10; and 0.15% at 3-4% of biomass weight per day for 3 months. Gonado Somatic Index (GSI) value obtained from the diet with 0.15% of vitamin C was significantly different from others (P0.05). The supplementation of vitamin C in the diet of giant freshwater prawn broodstock is important for gonadal development
Komposisi Makanan Ikan Selanget, Anodontostoma chacunda, H.B. 1822 (Pisces: Clupeidae) di Perairan Pantai Mayangan, Jawa Barat
The research was conducted for six months from December 2003 to May 2004 to investigate the diet composition of chacunda gizzard shad, Anodontostoma chacunda. A total of 773 fishes were captured using gillnet with mesh sizes varying from 1.5 to 3 inches. The fish samples ranged 83–170 mm in length. For food habits analysis, the index of preponderance method was used. The dominant diets in stomach contents were Coscinodiscus, Pleurosigma and Rhizosolenia. There were no differences in diet composition between males and females among the sizes, and among the months. Based on index of electivity, the result showed that the fish preferred Coscinodiscus, Pleurosigma, Rhizosolenia, Gyrosigma, Melosira, Navicula, and Copepoda