148 research outputs found

    Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: Backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy.

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    Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is a manifestation of various disorders sharing a common pathophysiology of mitochondrial dysfunction leading to progressive extraocular myopathy. It may occur in isolation during adulthood or as part of a multi-organ mitochondrial cytopathy. Ptosis, presenting simultaneously with or preceding ophthalmoplegia, is usually the earliest clinical feature of CPEO

    Yes, but will they let us build? The feasibility of secondary units in the East Bay

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    Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends?

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    An examination of the neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement that accompany more compact development around transit. Cities and regions throughout the world are encouraging smarter growth patterns and expanding their transit systems to accommodate this growth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and satisfy new demands for mobility and accessibility. Yet despite a burgeoning literature and various policy interventions in recent decades, we still understand little about what happens to neighborhoods and residents with the development of transit systems and the trend toward more compact cities. Research has failed to determine why some neighborhoods change both physically and socially while others do not, and how race and class shape change in the twenty-first-century context of growing inequality. Drawing on novel methodological approaches, this book sheds new light on the question of who benefits and who loses from more compact development around new transit stations. Building on data at multiple levels, it connects quantitative analysis on regional patterns with qualitative research through interviews, field observations, and photographic documentation in twelve different California neighborhoods. From the local to the regional to the global, Chapple and Loukaitou-Sideris examine the phenomena of neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement not only through an empirical lens but also from theoretical and historical perspectives. Growing out of an in-depth research process that involved close collaboration with dozens of community groups, the book aims to respond to the needs of both advocates and policymakers for ideas that work in the trenches

    A new commercial boundary dataset for metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada, built from open data.

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    The purpose of this study is to define the geographic boundaries of commercial areas by creating a consistent definition, combining various commercial area types, including downtowns, retail centres, financial districts, and other employment subcentres. Our research involved the collection of office, retail and job density data from 69 metropolitan regions across USA and Canada. Using this data, we conducted an unsupervised image segmentation model and clustering methods to identify distinctive commercial geographic boundaries. As a result, we identified 23,751 commercial areas, providing a detailed perspective on the commercial landscape of metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada. In addition, the generated boundaries were successfully validated through comparison with previously established commerce-related boundaries. The output of this study has implications for urban and regional planning and economic development, delivering valuable insights into the overall commercial geography in the region. The commercial boundary and used codes are freely available on the School of Cities Github, and users can reuse, reproduce and modify the boundaries

    An Examination of the Perceived Importance and Skills Related to Policies and Policy Making Among State Public Health Injury Prevention Staff

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    The purpose of this research is to use the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey to assess in greater detail state injury prevention staff perceptions of policy development and related skills and their awareness and perception of “Health in All Policies” (HiAP)

    A consensus statement on when to start clean intermittent self‐catheterization: An untapped resource?

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    Background Clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC or ISC) is used by patients/carers to empty the bladder if needed. Sometimes the urethral lumen leading out of the bladder is blocked; sometimes, the bladder (detrusor) muscle itself or the autonomic motor nerves innervating the bladder are damaged, resulting in a failure of the detrusor muscle to work, leading to a failure of the bladder being able to empty adequately. Prior consensus as to the indications and timing of CISC has yet to be provided. This article aims to provide a multidisciplinary consensus view on this subject. Conclusion It is evident that every patient needs to be considered individually, bearing in mind the symptoms and investigations to be considered. We emphasise the importance of considering the term Bladder Voiding Efficiency (BVE). One group of patients who might find CISC helpful are those with a neurological disorder; these include spinal injury patients, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and a condition called cauda equina. Sometimes bladder problems are treated with anticholinergics, and others may be treated with Botox. These may cause the bladder not to empty at all, which is good for leaks but needs self-catheterisation to empty the bladder. In the past, hospitals used a permanent catheter called an ‘indwelling’ or a ‘suprapubic’ catheter. These can have side effects, including infections, stones, and pain. For CISC, disposable catheters are the best option for patients as they come in different sizes and styles to provide individualised care. In conclusion, we would like hospitals to consider each patient separately and not use a general ‘one-size-fits-all’ bladder function for these patients
