39,688 research outputs found
Polarization and Extent of Maser Emission from Late-Type Stars: Support for a Plasma Turbulence Model of Maser Production
The integrated spectrum of OH emission from late-type stars is often
circularly polarized, by as much as 50% in some cases. While the spectra are
partially polarized, the individual maser components revealed by VLBI are much
more so. Using VLBI observations of late-type stars from the literature, we
show that the difference in circular polarization between main lines correlates
with a difference in angular extent for a given object. This is a natural
result if turbulent magnetic fields are causing the masers to be polarized via
the Cook mechanism, and might serve as a good diagnostic for determining which
objects should be investigated in the search for magnetic fields around evolved
stars.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figs ApJL, accepte
Diffusion of finite-size particles in confined geometries
The diffusion of finite-size hard-core interacting particles in two- or three-dimensional confined domains is considered in the limit that the confinement dimensions become comparable to the particle’s dimensions. The result is a nonlinear diffusion equation for the one-particle probability density function, with an overall collective diffusion that depends on both the excluded-volume and the narrow confinement. By including both these effects the equation is able to interpolate between severe confinement (for example, single-file diffusion) and unconfined diffusion. Numerical solutions of both the effective nonlinear diffusion equation and the stochastic particle system are presented and compared. As an application, the case of diffusion under a ratchet potential is considered, and the change in transport properties due to excluded-volume and confinement effects is examined
Inflation system for balloon type satellites Patent
Inflation system for balloon type satellite
Ray theory for high-Péclet-number convection-diffusion
Asymptotic methods based on those of geometrical optics are applied to some steady convection-diffusion streamed flows at a high Péclet number. Even with the assumption of inviscid, irrotational flow past a body with uniform ambient conditions, the rays from which the solution is constructed can only be found after local analyses have been carried out near the stagnation points. In simple cases, the temperature away from the body is the sum of contributions from each stagnation point
Equivalent beam modeling using numerical reduction techniques
Numerical procedures that can accomplish model reductions for space trusses were developed. Three techniques are presented that can be implemented using current capabilities within NASTRAN. The proposed techniques accomplish their model reductions numerically through use of NASTRAN structural analyses and as such are termed numerical in contrast to the previously developed analytical techniques. Numerical procedures are developed that permit reductions of large truss models containing full modeling detail of the truss and its joints. Three techniques are presented that accomplish these model reductions with various levels of structural accuracy. These numerical techniques are designated as equivalent beam, truss element reduction, and post-assembly reduction methods. These techniques are discussed in detail
Evaluation of the procedure 1A component of the 1980 US/Canada wheat and barley exploratory experiment
Several techniques which use clusters generated by a new clustering algorithm, CLASSY, are proposed as alternatives to random sampling to obtain greater precision in crop proportion estimation: (1) Proportional Allocation/relative count estimator (PA/RCE) uses proportional allocation of dots to clusters on the basis of cluster size and a relative count cluster level estimate; (2) Proportional Allocation/Bayes Estimator (PA/BE) uses proportional allocation of dots to clusters and a Bayesian cluster-level estimate; and (3) Bayes Sequential Allocation/Bayesian Estimator (BSA/BE) uses sequential allocation of dots to clusters and a Bayesian cluster level estimate. Clustering in an effective method in making proportion estimates. It is estimated that, to obtain the same precision with random sampling as obtained by the proportional sampling of 50 dots with an unbiased estimator, samples of 85 or 166 would need to be taken if dot sets with AI labels (integrated procedure) or ground truth labels, respectively were input. Dot reallocation provides dot sets that are unbiased. It is recommended that these proportion estimation techniques are maintained, particularly the PA/BE because it provides the greatest precision
Real-time detection of individual atoms falling through a high-finesse optical cavity
The enhanced coupling between atoms and photons inside a high-finesse optical cavity provides a novel basis for optical measurements that continuously monitor atomic degrees of freedom. We describe an experiment in which cavity quantum-electrodynamic effects are utilized for real-time detection of individual atoms falling through an optical cavity after being dropped from a magneto-optical trap. Our technique permits experiments that are triggered by the presence of a single optimally coupled atom within the cavity mode volume
The Two Regime method for optimizing stochastic reaction-diffusion simulations
The computer simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes in biology is often done using either compartment-based (spatially discretized) simulations or molecular-based (Brownian dynamics) approaches. Compartment-based approaches can yield quick and accurate mesoscopic results but lack the level of detail that is characteristic of the more computationally intensive molecular-based models. Often microscopic detail is only required in a small region but currently the best way to achieve this detail is to use a resource intensive model over the whole domain. We introduce the Two Regime Method (TRM) in which a molecular-based algorithm is used in part of the computational domain and a compartment-based approach is used elsewhere in the computational domain. We apply the TRM to two test problems including a model from developmental biology. We thereby show that the TRM is accurate and subsequently may be used to inspect both mesoscopic and microscopic detail of reaction diffusion simulations according to the demands of the modeller
Short Communication: Effects of temperature and chemical formulation on the acute toxicity of pentachlorophenol to Simocephalus vetulus (Schoedler, 1858) (Crustacea: Cladocera)
The influence of temperature on the acute toxicity of a technical formulation (86%) and pure formulation (99%) of pentachlorophenol (PCP) to less than 24-h-old Simocephalus vetulus neonates was determined with 48-h static toxicity tests. The technical grade PCP was significantly more toxic to S. vetulus than the pure PCP (P < 0.05). Sensitivity of S. vetulus to technical PCP also significantly increased with temperature (P < 0.05), but a significant temperature effect was not found with the pure PCP. The mean 48-h LC50 values for neonates exposed to technical PCP were 140 and 199 ug l⁻¹ at 22deg.C and 16deg.C, respectively, and for those exposed to pure PCP were 262 and 304 ug l⁻¹, respectively
Asymptotics of large bound states of localized structures
We analyze stationary fronts connecting uniform and periodic states emerging from a pattern-forming instability. The size of the resulting periodic domains cannot be predicted with weakly nonlinear methods. We show that what determine this size are exponentially small (but exponentially growing in space) terms. These can only be computed by going beyond all orders of the usual multiple-scale expansion. We apply the method to the Swift-Hohenberg equation and derive analytically a snaking bifurcation curve. At each fold of this bifurcation curve, a new pair of peaks is added to the periodic domain, which can thus be seen as a bound state of localized structures. Such scenarios have been reported with optical localized structures in nonlinear cavities and localized buckling
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