123 research outputs found
Résonateurs à haut Q en mode d'extension 2D pour possibles applications temps-fréquence
International audienceThis paper presents recent advances on two dimensional length-extension mode (2D-LEM) quartz resonators providing high quality (Q) factor on resonances at a few MHz. The resonators have been collectively manufactured using one or two steps quartz deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) processes. These resonators combine the intrinsic qualities of quartz in comparison to silicon (i.e. high Q factor, low temperature sensitivity and piezoelectricity) and the advantages of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonators: small dimensions, low power consumption and collective processes. Samples vibrating at frequencies f of 2.2, 3 and 4.5 MHz have shown promising results with very high Q factor. Q factor as high as 180,000 for fundamental mode vibrating at 2.2 MHz and 89,000 for harmonic mode at 8.9 MHz were measured which lead to quality factor and resonance frequency products (Q·f) figure of merit near 10^12 Hz at the state of the art for 2D-LEM quartz resonators and the higher Q factor measured for DRIE made quartz resonators. Two designs, several dimensions and two processes have been investigated. Two main limiting damping mechanisms were identified and one of them is strongly linked to the technological limits of the etching process.Ce document présente les avancées récentes sur les résonateurs à quartz en mode d'extension bidimensionnelle de la longueur (2D-LEM) qui fournissent facteur de haute qualité (Q) sur les résonances à quelques MHz. Les résonateurs ont été fabriqués collectivement en utilisant un ou deux étapes des processus de gravure profonde par ions réactifs du quartz (DRIE). Ces résonateurs combinent les qualités intrinsèques du quartz dans par rapport au silicium (facteur Q élevé, faible sensibilité à la température et piézoélectricité) et les avantages de la microélectromécanique les résonateurs des systèmes MEMS : petites dimensions, faible consommation d'énergie et processus collectifs.Des échantillons vibrant à des fréquences f de 2,2, 3 et 4,5 MHz ont donné des résultats prometteurs avec un facteur Q très élevé. Le facteur Q comme jusqu'à 180 000 pour le mode fondamental vibrant à 2,2 MHz et 89 000 pour le mode harmonique à 8,9 MHz ont été mesurés qui conduisent à un facteur de qualité et à des produits de fréquence de résonance (Qxf) d'un mérite proche de 10^12 Hz à l'état de l'art pourLes résonateurs à quartz 2D-LEM et le facteur Q plus élevé mesuré pour le MEIR ont fait des résonateurs à quartz. Deux modèles, plusieurs et deux processus ont été étudiés. Deux principaux mécanismes d'amortissement limitatifs ont été identifiés et l'un des est fortement liée aux limites technologiques du processus de gravure
gamma Doradus stars in the COROT exoplanets fields: first inspection
We present here preliminary results concerning 32 stars identified as main
gamma Doradus candidates by the COROT Variable Classifier (CVC) among the 4
first fields of the exoplanet CCDs.Comment: To appear in "Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and
Observation", AI
Final results of the EDELWEISS-II WIMP search using a 4-kg array of cryogenic germanium detectors with interleaved electrodes
The EDELWEISS-II collaboration has completed a direct search for WIMP dark
matter with an array of ten 400-g cryogenic germanium detectors in operation at
the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. The combined use of thermal phonon
sensors and charge collection electrodes with an interleaved geometry enables
the efficient rejection of gamma-induced radioactivity as well as near-surface
interactions. A total effective exposure of 384 kg.d has been achieved, mostly
coming from fourteen months of continuous operation. Five nuclear recoil
candidates are observed above 20 keV, while the estimated background is 3.0
events. The result is interpreted in terms of limits on the cross-section of
spin-independent interactions of WIMPs and nucleons. A cross-section of
4.4x10^-8 pb is excluded at 90%CL for a WIMP mass of 85 GeV. New constraints
are also set on models where the WIMP-nucleon scattering is inelastic.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; matches published versio
A search for low-mass WIMPs with EDELWEISS-II heat-and-ionization detectors
We report on a search for low-energy (E < 20 keV) WIMP-induced nuclear
recoils using data collected in 2009 - 2010 by EDELWEISS from four germanium
detectors equipped with thermal sensors and an electrode design (ID) which
allows to efficiently reject several sources of background. The data indicate
no evidence for an exponential distribution of low-energy nuclear recoils that
could be attributed to WIMP elastic scattering after an exposure of 113 kg.d.
For WIMPs of mass 10 GeV, the observation of one event in the WIMP search
region results in a 90% CL limit of 1.0x10^-5 pb on the spin-independent
WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section, which constrains the parameter space
associated with the findings reported by the CoGeNT, DAMA and CRESST
experiments.Comment: PRD rapid communication accepte
Background studies for the EDELWEISS dark matter experiment
The EDELWEISS-II collaboration has completed a direct search for WIMP dark
matter using cryogenic Ge detectors (400 g each) and 384 kgdays of
effective exposure. A cross-section of pb is excluded at
90% C.L. for a WIMP mass of 85 GeV. The next phase, EDELWEISS-III, aims to
probe spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-sections down to a few
pb. We present here the study of gamma and neutron background
coming from radioactive decays in the set-up and shielding materials. We have
carried out Monte Carlo simulations for the completed EDELWEISS-II setup with
GEANT4 and normalised the expected background rates to the measured
radioactivity levels (or their upper limits) of all materials and components.
The expected gamma-ray event rate in EDELWEISS-II at 20-200 keV agrees with the
observed rate of 82 events/kg/day within the uncertainties in the measured
concentrations. The calculated neutron rate from radioactivity of 1.0-3.1
events (90% C.L.) at 20-200 keV in the EDELWEISS-II data together with the
expected upper limit on the misidentified gamma-ray events (), surface
betas (), and muon-induced neutrons (), do not contradict 5
observed events in nuclear recoil band. We have then extended the simulation
framework to the EDELWEISS-III configuration with 800 g crystals, better
material purity and additional neutron shielding inside the cryostat. The
gamma-ray and neutron backgrounds in 24 kg fiducial mass of EDELWEISS-III have
been calculated as 14-44 events/kg/day and 0.7-1.4 events per year,
respectively. The results of the background studies performed in the present
work have helped to select better purity components and improve shielding in
EDELWEISS-III to further reduce the expected rate of background events in the
next phase of the experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Astroparticle Physic
Muon-induced background in the EDELWEISS dark matter search
A dedicated analysis of the muon-induced background in the EDELWEISS dark
matter search has been performed on a data set acquired in 2009 and 2010. The
total muon flux underground in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) was
measured to be \,muons/m/d. The
modular design of the muon-veto system allows the reconstruction of the muon
trajectory and hence the determination of the angular dependent muon flux in
LSM. The results are in good agreement with both MC simulations and earlier
measurements. Synchronization of the muon-veto system with the phonon and
ionization signals of the Ge detector array allowed identification of
muon-induced events. Rates for all muon-induced events and of WIMP-like events were extracted. After
vetoing, the remaining rate of accepted muon-induced neutrons in the
EDELWEISS-II dark matter search was determined to be at 90%\,C.L. Based on
these results, the muon-induced background expectation for an anticipated
exposure of 3000\,\kgd\ for EDELWEISS-3 is
events.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Astropart. Phy
Axion searches with the EDELWEISS-II experiment
We present new constraints on the couplings of axions and more generic
axion-like particles using data from the EDELWEISS-II experiment. The EDELWEISS
experiment, located at the Underground Laboratory of Modane, primarily aims at
the direct detection of WIMPs using germanium bolometers. It is also sensitive
to the low-energy electron recoils that would be induced by solar or dark
matter axions. Using a total exposure of up to 448 kg.d, we searched for
axion-induced electron recoils down to 2.5 keV within four scenarios involving
different hypotheses on the origin and couplings of axions. We set a 95% CL
limit on the coupling to photons GeV in
a mass range not fully covered by axion helioscopes. We also constrain the
coupling to electrons, , similar to the more
indirect solar neutrino bound. Finally we place a limit on , where is the
effective axion-nucleon coupling for Fe. Combining these results we
fully exclude the mass range keV for DFSZ axions and
keV for KSVZ axions
Proceedings of the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP
The reports collected in these proceedings have been presented in the third
French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for high-energy
physics held at LAL, Orsay on October 15-16. The workshop was conducted in the
scope of the IDEATE International Associated Laboratory (LIA). Joint
developments between French and Ukrainian laboratories and universities as well
as new proposals have been discussed. The main topics of the papers presented
in the Proceedings are developments for accelerator and beam monitoring,
detector developments, joint developments for large-scale high-energy and
astroparticle physics projects, medical applications.Comment: 3rd French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for
High Energy Physics, October 15-16, 2015, LAL, Orsay, France, 94 page
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