27 research outputs found
Variance analysis of the six measured traits for shading and full light treatment in the F<sub>2:3</sub> populations at two locations.
<p>Note: L, location; B, block; G, genotype; S, shading treatment.</p>*<p>,**: the significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels.</p
Histogram of the six measured traits in the F2:3 populations at Xunxian (a) and Zhengzhou (b) location.
<p>Histogram of the six measured traits in the F2:3 populations at Xunxian (a) and Zhengzhou (b) location.</p
QTL detected for six measured traits related to shading under two treatments at two locations.
<p>Note: <sup>a</sup>Additive effect; positive values of the additive effect indicate that the Zhong72 alleles are in the direction of increasing the traits. Dominance effect; positive values of the dominance effect indicate that the heterozygotes have higher phenotypic values than the respective means of the two homozygotes, and negative values indicate that heterozygotes have lower values than the means of the two homozygotes.</p>b<p>A, additive (d/a = 0.00–0.20); PD, partial dominance (d/a = 0.21–0.80); D, dominance (d/a = 0.81–1.20); OD, overdominance (d/a>1.20).</p>c<p>R<sup>2</sup> contribution rate.</p
The four main climate factors in maize planting season and shading treatment season in 2008 at Xunxian (a) and Zhengzhou (b).
<p>The four main climate factors in maize planting season and shading treatment season in 2008 at Xunxian (a) and Zhengzhou (b).</p
The comparing value of the six measured traits for shading and full light treatment in the two parents, F<sub>1</sub> and F<sub>2:3</sub> populations at two locations.
<p>The comparing value of the six measured traits for shading and full light treatment in the two parents, F<sub>1</sub> and F<sub>2:3</sub> populations at two locations.</p
Chromosomal location of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for shading sensitive related traits in maize under two shading treatments.
<p>The genetic distance in cM is listed on the left side of each chromosome.</p
The performance of the six measured traits for shade tolerance in the F<sub>2:3</sub> families under two treatments at two locations.
<p>Note:<sup> a</sup>PH, plant height; EH, ear height; SD, stem diameter; DTT, day-to-tassel; DTS, day-to-silk; ASI, anthesis-silking interval.</p>b<p>The broad-sense heritability of stover yield and its nutrient components.</p>c<p>The confidence intervals of broad-sense heritability between 5% and 95% significant levels.</p
Cumulative net N mineralization, nitrification, inorganic N leaching and NH<sub>3</sub> volatilization at different N rates during maize growth periods in 2009 and 2010.
<p>Each point is the mean of 4 replicated plots. Error bars represent ± SE.</p
Basic geographic coordinates for each county, along with climate data for 19 counties within Henan Province, China.
<p>Note: Counties are arranged in English alphabetical order.</p><p>Basic geographic coordinates for each county, along with climate data for 19 counties within Henan Province, China.</p
Total C (TSOCS) and N (TSNS) stores in the surface soil layer (0–40 cm) of soils in 19 counties in Henan Province, China.
<p>Counties are arranged in English alphabetical order.</p><p>Total C (TSOCS) and N (TSNS) stores in the surface soil layer (0–40 cm) of soils in 19 counties in Henan Province, China.</p