31 research outputs found

    Video S4.mp4

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    3D RI reconstruction of unstained HeLa cells

    Video S1.mp4

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    3D RI reconstruction of polystyrene microsphere using FPDT and TI-FPDT

    Video S2.mp4

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    3D absorption reconstruction of absorption resolution target


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    We demonstrate the wide-field dynamic QPI capability of SSLFPR by long-term real-time imaging of living HeLa cells. Thanks to the compactness of our system, it fits easily inside a cell culture incubator for in situ cell monitoring. In Visualization 1, we provide a real-time video of HeLa cell of the full FOV recovered by SSLFPR with several zoomed-in regions

    Video S3.mp4

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    3D RI reconstruction of phase resolution target

    Visualization 1: Graphics processing unit–assisted real-time three-dimensional measurement using speckle-embedded fringe

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    Measurement result of a shaking paper Originally published in Applied Optics on 01 August 2015 (ao-54-22-6865

    Visualization 1: Adaptive step-size strategy for noise-robust Fourier ptychographic microscopy

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    The evolution of the amplitude reconstructions of an USAF resolution target with an adaptive step-size. Originally published in Optics Express on 05 September 2016 (oe-24-18-20724