11,204 research outputs found

    Successful treatment of a large oral verrucous hyperplasia with photodynamic therapy combined with cryotherapy

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    AbstractStudies have shown that topical 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) can be used successfully for the treatment of oral verrucous hyperplasia (OVH). Studies have also demonstrated that cryotherapy could be used as a treatment modality for OVH lesions. In this case report, we tested the efficacy of topical ALA-PDT, combined with cryogun cryotherapy, for an extensive OVH lesion on the right buccal mucosa of a 65-year-old male areca quid chewer. The tumor was cleared after six treatments of combined topical ALA-PDT and cryogun cryotherapy. No recurrence of the lesion was found after a follow-up period of 18 months. We suggest that our combined treatment protocol may be effective in treating OVH lesions. The treatment course may be slightly shortened with this combined protocol and was well tolerated by the patient

    The meson BcB_c annihilation to leptons and inclusive light hadrons

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    The annihilation of the BcB_c meson to leptons and inclusive light hadrons is analyzed in the framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization. We find that the decay mode, which escapes from the helicity suppression, contributes a sizable fraction width. According to the analysis, the branching ratio due to the contribution from the color-singlet component of the meson BcB_c can be of order (10^{-2}). We also estimate the contributions from the color-octet components. With the velocity scaling rule of NRQCD, we find that the color-octet contributions are sizable too, especially, in certain phase space of the annihilation they are greater than (or comparative to) the color-singlet component. A few observables relevant to the spectrum of charged lepton are suggested, that may be used as measurements on the color-octet and color-singlet components in the future BcB_c experiments. A typical long distance contribution in the annihilation is estimated too.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures (6 eps-files), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Decays of the Meson BcB_c to a PP-Wave Charmonium State χc\chi_c or hch_c

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    The semileptonic decays, Bc⟶χc(hc)+ℓ+νℓB_{c}{\longrightarrow}{\chi_c}(h_c)+{\ell}+{{\nu}}_{\ell}, and the two-body nonleptonic decays, Bc⟶χc(hc)+hB_{c}{\longrightarrow}{\chi_c}(h_c)+h, (here χc\chi_c and hch_c denote (ccˉ[3PJ])(c\bar c[^3P_J]) and (ccˉ[1P1])(c\bar c[^1P_1]) respectively, and hh indicates a meson) were computed. All of the form factors appearing in the relevant weak-current matrix elements with BcB_c as its initial state and a PP-wave charmonium state as its final state for the decays were precisely formulated in terms of two independent overlapping-integrations of the wave-functions of BcB_c and the PP-wave charmonium and with proper kinematics factors being `accompanied'. We found that the decays are quite sizable, so they may be accessible in Run-II at Tevatron and in the foreseen future at LHC, particularly, when BTeV and LHCB, the special detectors for B-physics, are borne in mind. In addition, we also pointed out that the decays Bc→hc+...B_c\to h_c+... may potentially be used as a fresh window to look for the hch_c charmonium state, and the cascade decays, Bc→χc[3P1,2]+l+νlB_c\to \chi_c[^3P_{1,2}]+l+\nu_l (Bc→χc[3P1,2]+hB_c\to \chi_c[^3P_{1,2}]+h) with one of the radiative decays χc[3P1,2]→J/ψ+γ\chi_c[^3P_{1,2}] \to J/\psi+\gamma being followed accordingly, may affect the observations of BcB_c meson through the decays Bc→J/ψ+l+νlB_{c}\to {J/\psi}+{l}+\nu_{l} (Bc→J/ψ+hB_c\to J/\psi+h) substantially.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, the replacement for improving the presentation and adding reference

    Semileptonic Decays of BcB_c Meson to a P-Wave Charmonium State χc\chi_c or hch_c

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    The semileptonic decays of meson BcB_c to a P-wave charmonium state χc(3PJ)\chi_c(^3P_J) or hc(1P1)h_c(^1P_1) are computed. The results show that the decays are sizable so they are accessible in Tevatron and in LHC, especially, with the detectors LHCB and BTeV in the foreseeable future, and of them, the one to the 1P1^1P_1 charmonium state potentially offers us a novel window to see the unconfirmed hch_c particle. In addition, it is pointed out that since the two charmonium radiative decays χc(3P1,2)→J/ψ+γ\chi_c(^3P_{1,2}) \to J/\psi+\gamma have sizable branching ratios, the cascade decays of the concerned decays and the charmonium radiative decays may affect the result of the observing the BcB_c meson through the semileptonic decays Bc→J/ψ+l+νlB_{c}\to {J/\psi}+{l}+\nu_{l} substantially.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
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