65 research outputs found

    Unraveling the Influences of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium on the Crystallization Behavior of Lactose

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    The inability of lactose to properly crystallize due to the presence of high amounts of salts poses significant hurdles for its downstream processing with some dairy waste streams such as acid whey. This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical and thermal behaviors of lactose in the presence of cations commonly present in acid whey. A model-based study was conducted, utilizing various cations (Mg, Ca, K, and Na) at concentrations (8, 30, 38, and 22 mM, respectively) that are typically found in acid whey. The research experiments were conducted using a factorial design. The thermal analysis of concentrated solutions revealed augmentation in the enthalpy of water evaporation in the presence of individual cations and their combinations in comparison with pure lactose (698.4 J/g). The degree of enthalpy increased following the order of Na+ (918.6 J/g), K+ (936.6 J/g), Mg2+ (987.0 J/g), Ca2+ (993.2 J/g), and their mixture (1005.4 J/g). This resulted in a substantial crystal yield decline in the exactly reversed order to that of the enthalpy. The greatest decline was observed in the presence of the salt mixture (63%) followed by Ca (67%) compared with pure lactose (79%). The yield reduction was also inversely related to the solubility of lactose. The presence of divalent cations appeared to play a role in the isomerization of lactose molecules observed using DSC and XRD diffractograms according to the disappearance of peaks related to β lactose. The effect of salts on the crystallization of lactose was a combination of cation–lactose interactions, changes in the solubility of lactose, ion–dipole interactions between water and cations, and changes in the structure of water molecules. By deviating the composition of acid whey, the crystallization of lactose can be enhanced, leading to the improved downstream processing of acid whey

    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of physicochemical changes in UHT milk during accelerated storage

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    The feasibility of using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to detect heat induced conformational rearrangements of proteins, protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions was studied with accelerated shelf-life protocols. Ultra-high temperature treated whole (WM) and skim milk (SM) were stored at 20, 30, 40 and 50 °C for 28 days. The changes leading to increased sedimentation in SM and WM at higher temperatures (≥40 °C) were observed during first 14 days of the storage period. Milk samples stored at 40 and 50 °C showed marked changes in the bands corresponding to conformations of milk lipids and formation of intermolecular β sheet of proteins, indicating protein-lipid interactions and aggregation. Dried sediment contained fat confirming protein-lipid participation in the sedimentation. FTIR was also able to detect changes that led to increased sedimentation in SM at temperatures lower than 40 °C, but only after 28 days

    Electrophoretic characterization of protein interactions suggesting limited feasibility of accelerated shelf-life testing of ultra-high temperature milk

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    Accelerated shelf-life testing is applied to a variety of products to estimate keeping quality over a short period of time. The industry has not been successful in applying this approach to ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk because of chemical and physical changes in the milk proteins that take place during processing and storage. We investigated these protein changes, applying accelerated shelf-life principles to UHT milk samples with different fat levels and using native- and sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. Samples of UHT skim and whole milk were stored at 20, 30, 40, and 50°C for 28 d. Irrespective of fat content, UHT treatment had a similar effect on the electrophoretic patterns of milk proteins. At the start of testing, proteins were bonded mainly through disulfide and noncovalent interactions. However, storage at and above 30°C enhanced protein aggregation via covalent interactions. The extent of aggregation appeared to be influenced by fat content; whole milk contained more fat than skim milk, implying aggregation via melted or oxidized fat, or both. Based on reduction in loss in absolute quantity of individual proteins, covalent crosslinking in whole milk was facilitated mainly by products of lipid oxidation and increased access to caseins for crosslinking reactions. Maillard and dehydroalanine products were the main contributors involved in protein changes in skim milk. Protein crosslinking appeared to follow a different pathway at higher temperatures (≥40°C) than at lower temperatures, making it very difficult to extrapolate these changes to protein interactions at lower temperatures

    Heat-Induced Changes in κ-Carrageenan-Containing Chocolate-Flavoured Milk Protein Concentrate Suspensions under Controlled Shearing

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    Milk protein dispersions containing added cocoa powder (1.5% (w/w)) and sucrose (7% (w/w)) and varying levels of κ-carrageenan (0.01, 0.03, or 0.05% w/w) were subjected to combined heat treatment (90 °C/5 min or 121 °C/2.6 min) and shear (100 or 1000 s−1) to investigate the heat stability of milk proteins. The application of shear led to a notable reduction in non-sedimentable proteins, resulting in an increase in the average particle size and apparent viscosity of the dispersions, particularly at high concentrations of k-carrageenan and elevated temperatures. This indicates that shear forces induced prominent protein aggregation, especially at higher κ-carrageenan concentrations. This aggregation was primarily attributed to the destabilisation of micelles and presence of loosely bound caseins within the κ-carrageenan network, which exhibited increased susceptibility to aggregation as collision frequencies increased due to shear

    Properties of spray dried lactose powders influenced by presence of lactic acid and calcium

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    Concentration of acid whey followed by spray drying is severely obstructed due to presence of lactic acid (LA) and calcium (Ca). These compounds first prevent lactose crystallisation and consequently cause stickiness during spray drying and caking upon storage of the powders. The present study examined the effects of the presence of LA, Ca and their mixtures on the physio-chemical and thermal properties of spray dried lactose powders. Spray drying of pure lactose achieved a yield of ∼81%, which was significantly reduced in the presence of high concentrations of LA (1% w/w) or Ca (0.12% w/w) yielding only ∼52%. Powder particles increased in size giving a D[4,3] of 956 μm, with SEM images confirming the presence of linked strands instead of well separated spherical powder particles as observed for pure lactose. The yield of crystalline lactose increased with subsequent decrease in Ca concentration (∼81%) resulting in well separated spherical powder particles. FTIR analysis suggested that water molecules in the hydration layer of lactose and the structural changes of the lactose molecules at the molecular level appeared to play major roles governing the thermal anomeric characteristics of the spray dried lactose powders in the presence of both LA and Ca. Formation of calcium lactate, which apparently restricted the diffusion of lactose molecules, partly played a role in changing the anomeric properties of the spray dried lactose powders, once the appropriate stoichiometry was reached. Manipulating lactose-water interactions via mutarotation between α and β anomeric forms of lactose in acid whey may improve the crystallisation behaviour of lactose and thereby address some of the processability issues

    Effect of concentration, pH and added chelating agents on the colloidal properties of heated reconstituted skim milk

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    The thermal processing of milk changes the composition and surface properties of the colloidal particles present and alters the physical properties of the milk. Whilst some changes such as those used to improve the texture of products such as yoghurt and are desirable, others such as gel formation during the manufacture of Ultra-High Temperature milk are highly undesirable. This work aims to characterize the effects of milk composition and pH on the chemical and physical changes that occur when milk is heated in order to understand and control the effect of thermal processing on the functional properties of the milk. Particularly important are: (i) the changes to the integrity of the casein micelles and the extent to which they are reversible on cooling of the heated milk, (ii) the changes to the speciation of the components of the serum as they re-equilibrate in response to the changed environment during heating and on cooling, (iii) the heat-induced denaturation of the whey proteins, (iv) the interaction between the components of the micelles and those in the milk serum, particularly those interactions that lead to aggregation or other changes that affect the functional properties of the milk on heating. This project includes thermal treatment (90°C/10 min) of control skim milk solutions (9% Milk Solids Non Fat) with or without addition of calcium chelating agents (orthophosphate (Pin) & Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)) and concentrated skim milk solutions (up to 21% MSNF). The pH range chosen was 6.2 to 7.2. Almost all of the studies on heat stability to date have been carried out by heating the milk and determining the changes that have occurred after the milk is cooled. This project is focussed on the direct measurements in real time of the changes that occur at the exact temperature. The experimental techniques included pH, calcium activity and 31P NMR measurements at high temperatures to investigate the consequences to the change in mineral speciation, Size Exclusion Chromatography in combination with SDS-PAGE analysis for protein speciation during heating and Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy and viscosity measurements to determine the heat stability of milk systems. pH and calcium activity decreased with increase in temperature for all the milk systems studied. These changes were largely reversible as enough time was given for equilibration. pH and calcium activity changes during heating are a function of milk composition. The quantity, size and the composition of the protein aggregates present in the serum phase after mild centrifugation (~33,000g) of heated (90°C/10min) milk solutions were found to be a function of pH and milk composition (including the consequent differences in speciation of the components of milk). DWS and the viscosity measurements showed that pH at the temperature of heating is one of the primary determinants in influencing the aggregation of the proteins, which led to thermal stability of milk systems. Hence, changing the milk composition resulted in differences in pH at the temperature of heating, which led to different behaviours of heat stability of milk systems. Careful control of the composition of milk and thereby the pH at the temperature of heating allows a greater control of thermal stability of milk systems

    Effect of concentration, pH and added chelating agents on the colloidal properties of heated reconstituted skim milk

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    The thermal processing of milk changes the composition and surface properties of the colloidal particles present and alters the physical properties of the milk. Whilst some changes such as those used to improve the texture of products such as yoghurt and are desirable, others such as gel formation during the manufacture of Ultra-High Temperature milk are highly undesirable. This work aims to characterize the effects of milk composition and pH on the chemical and physical changes that occur when milk is heated in order to understand and control the effect of thermal processing on the functional properties of the milk. Particularly important are: (i)the changes to the integrity of the casein micelles and the extent to which they are reversible on cooling of the heated milk, (ii)the changes to the speciation of the components of the serum as they re-equilibrate in response to the changed environment during heating and on cooling, (iii)the heat-induced denaturation of the whey proteins, (iv)the interaction between the components of the micelles and those in the milk serum, particularly those interactions that lead to aggregation or other changes that affect the functional properties of the milk on heating. This project includes thermal treatment (90°C/10 min) of control skim milk solutions (9% Milk Solids Non Fat) with or without addition of calcium chelating agents (orthophosphate (Pin) & Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)) and concentrated skim milk solutions (up to 21% MSNF). The pH range chosen was 6.2 to 7.2. Almost all of the studies on heat stability to date have been carried out by heating the milk and determining the changes that have occurred after the milk is cooled. This project is focussed on the direct measurements in real time of the changes that occur at the exact temperature. The experimental techniques included pH, calcium activity and 31P NMR measurements at high temperatures to investigate the consequences to the change in mineral speciation, Size Exclusion Chromatography in combination with SDS-PAGE analysis for protein speciation during heating and Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy and viscosity measurements to determine the heat stability of milk systems. pH and calcium activity decreased with increase in temperature for all the milk systems studied. These changes were largely reversible as enough time was given for equilibration. pH and calcium activity changes during heating are a function of milk composition. The quantity, size and the composition of the protein aggregates present in the serum phase after mild centrifugation (~33,000g) of heated (90°C/10min) milk solutions were found to be a function of pH and milk composition (including the consequent differences in speciation of the components of milk). DWS and the viscosity measurements showed that pH at the temperature of heating is one of the primary determinants in influencing the aggregation of the proteins, which led to thermal stability of milk systems. Hence, changing the milk composition resulted in differences in pH at the temperature of heating, which led to different behaviours of heat stability of milk systems. Careful control of the composition of milk and thereby the pH at the temperature of heating allows a greater control of thermal stability of milk systems
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