4,974 research outputs found

    Scott Ranks of Classifications of the Admissibility Equivalence Relation

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    Let L\mathscr{L} be a recursive language. Let S(L)S(\mathscr{L}) be the set of L\mathscr{L}-structures with domain ω\omega. Let Φ:ω2→S(L)\Phi : {}^\omega 2 \rightarrow S(\mathscr{L}) be a Δ11\Delta_1^1 function with the property that for all x,y∈ω2x,y \in {}^\omega 2, ω1x=ω1y\omega_1^x = \omega_1^y if and only if Φ(x)≈LΦ(y)\Phi(x) \approx_{\mathscr{L}} \Phi(y). Then there is some x∈ω2x \in {}^\omega 2 so that SR(Φ(x))=ω1x+1\mathrm{SR}(\Phi(x)) = \omega_1^x + 1

    Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

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    Providing Corrective Feedback During Retrieval Practice Does Not Increase Retrieval-Induced Forgetting

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    Recalling a subset of studied materials can impair subsequent retrieval of related, nontested materials. In two experiments, we examined the influence of providing corrective feedback (no feedback, immediate feedback, delayed feedback) during retrieval practice on this retrieval-induced forgetting effect. Performance was assessed with category cued recall (e.g., recall all exemplars studied under Weather), category-and-stem cued recall (e.g., Weather–B___), and recognition. We report a dissociation between the effects of feedback on memory of the tested materials and the nontested materials. Whereas providing immediate or delayed feedback (compared to no feedback) improved recall and recognition of the tested items, it had no influence on retrieval-induced forgetting. These results are consistent with the inhibition account of retrieval-induced forgetting. From an applied perspective, this finding is encouraging for students and educators who use testing to foster learning

    Organic Cation Transporter 3 (OCT3) Is Localized to Intracellular and Surface Membranes in Select Glial and Neuronal Cells Within the Basolateral Amygdaloid Complex of Both Rats and Mice

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    Organic cation transporter 3 (OCT3) is a high-capacity, low-affinity transporter that mediates corticosterone-sensitive uptake of monoamines including norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, histamine and serotonin. OCT3 is expressed widely throughout the amygdaloid complex and other brain regions where monoamines are key regulators of emotional behaviors affected by stress. However, assessing the contribution of OCT3 to the regulation of monoaminergic neurotransmission and monoamine-dependent regulation of behavior requires fundamental information about the subcellular distribution of OCT3 expression. We used immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy to examine the cellular and subcellular distribution of the transporter in the basolateral amygdaloid complex of the rat and mouse brain. OCT3-immunoreactivity was observed in both glial and neuronal perikarya in both rat and mouse amygdala. Electron microscopic immunolabeling revealed plasma membrane-associated OCT3 immunoreactivity on axonal, dendritic, and astrocytic processes adjacent to a variety of synapses, as well as on neuronal somata. In addition to plasma membrane sites, OCT3 immunolabeling was also observed associated with neuronal and glial endomembranes, including Golgi, mitochondrial and nuclear membranes. Particularly prominent labeling of the outer nuclear membrane was observed in neuronal, astrocytic, microglial and endothelial perikarya. The localization of OCT3 to neuronal and glial plasma membranes adjacent to synaptic sites is consistent with an important role for this transporter in regulating the amplitude, duration, and physical spread of released monoamines, while its localization to mitochondrial and outer nuclear membranes suggests previously undescribed roles for the transporter in the intracellular disposition of monoamines

    Entropic Priors and Bayesian Model Selection

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    We demonstrate that the principle of maximum relative entropy (ME), used judiciously, can ease the specification of priors in model selection problems. The resulting effect is that models that make sharp predictions are disfavoured, weakening the usual Bayesian "Occam's Razor". This is illustrated with a simple example involving what Jaynes called a "sure thing" hypothesis. Jaynes' resolution of the situation involved introducing a large number of alternative "sure thing" hypotheses that were possible before we observed the data. However, in more complex situations, it may not be possible to explicitly enumerate large numbers of alternatives. The entropic priors formalism produces the desired result without modifying the hypothesis space or requiring explicit enumeration of alternatives; all that is required is a good model for the prior predictive distribution for the data. This idea is illustrated with a simple rigged-lottery example, and we outline how this idea may help to resolve a recent debate amongst cosmologists: is dark energy a cosmological constant, or has it evolved with time in some way? And how shall we decide, when the data are in?Comment: Presented at MaxEnt 2009, the 29th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (July 5-10, 2009, Oxford, Mississippi, USA

    Sandpiles, spanning trees, and plane duality

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    Let G be a connected, loopless multigraph. The sandpile group of G is a finite abelian group associated to G whose order is equal to the number of spanning trees in G. Holroyd et al. used a dynamical process on graphs called rotor-routing to define a simply transitive action of the sandpile group of G on its set of spanning trees. Their definition depends on two pieces of auxiliary data: a choice of a ribbon graph structure on G, and a choice of a root vertex. Chan, Church, and Grochow showed that if G is a planar ribbon graph, it has a canonical rotor-routing action associated to it, i.e., the rotor-routing action is actually independent of the choice of root vertex. It is well-known that the spanning trees of a planar graph G are in canonical bijection with those of its planar dual G*, and furthermore that the sandpile groups of G and G* are isomorphic. Thus, one can ask: are the two rotor-routing actions, of the sandpile group of G on its spanning trees, and of the sandpile group of G* on its spanning trees, compatible under plane duality? In this paper, we give an affirmative answer to this question, which had been conjectured by Baker.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Outpatient Status: Beyond the Term of Commitment

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    Outpatient Status: Beyond the Term of Commitment

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    A Study of the Tradition of Extreme Literature

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    This thesis endeavours to investigate some of the many ways literary works can engage with the tradition of extremism. In so doing, the author hopes to demonstrate the importance of the tradition as a vessel for understanding the world around and within us. In an effort to show the breadth and endurance of this tradition, this thesis critically analyses selected works by Robert Browning, Harold Pinter, and Frank Bidart in context with various other literary works
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