30 research outputs found

    A soft, transparent, freely accessible cranial window for chronic imaging and electrophysiology

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    Chronic in vivo imaging and electrophysiology are important for better understanding of neural functions and circuits. We introduce the new cranial window using soft, penetrable, elastic, and transparent, silicone-based polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a substitute for the skull and dura in both rats and mice. The PDMS can be readily tailored to any size and shape to cover large brain area. Clear and healthy cortical vasculatures were observed up to 15 weeks post-implantation. Real-time hemodynamic responses were successfully monitored during sensory stimulation. Furthermore, the PDMS window allowed for easy insertion of microelectrodes and micropipettes into the cortical tissue for electrophysiological recording and chemical injection at any location without causing any fluid leakage. Longitudinal two-photon microscopic imaging of Cx3Cr1+/− GFP transgenic mice was comparable with imaging via a conventional glass-type cranial window, even immediately following direct intracortical injection. This cranial window will facilitate direct probing and mapping for long-term brain studies.112121sciescopu

    Human mini-blood–brain barrier models for biomedical neuroscience research: a review

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    © 2022, The Author(s).The human blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a unique multicellular structure that is in critical demand for fundamental neuroscience studies and therapeutic evaluation. Despite substantial achievements in creating in vitro human BBB platforms, challenges in generating specifics of physiopathological relevance are viewed as impediments to the establishment of in vitro models. In this review, we provide insight into the development and deployment of in vitro BBB models that allow investigation of the physiology and pathology of neurological therapeutic avenues. First, we highlight the critical components, including cell sources, biomaterial glue collections, and engineering techniques to reconstruct a miniaturized human BBB. Second, we describe recent breakthroughs in human mini-BBBs for investigating biological mechanisms in neurology. Finally, we discuss the application of human mini-BBBs to medical approaches. This review provides strategies for understanding neurological diseases, a validation model for drug discovery, and a potential approach for generating personalized medicine.11Nsciescopuskc

    Nanoscale Intracortical Iron Injection Induces Chronic Epilepsy in Rodent

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    We studied the electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and cytomorphological consequences of microhemorrhagic brain injury induced by a nanoscale iron injection. Of particular interest were the etiology, development, and treatment of epilepsy associated with this injury. We developed an animal model of chronic epilepsy using nanoscale injection into the adult mouse cortex. Although injection of nanoamounts of iron did not cause clear cell death or damage in the cortex, it elicited varying degrees of spontaneous epileptiform events that could be recorded under anesthesia 3 months postinjection. The influence of these chronic epileptiform events on neurovascular coupling was probed by directly stimulating the cortex ipsilateral to the epileptic focus and by measuring cerebral blood volume simultaneously in both hemispheres using intrinsic signal optical imaging. The ipsilateral hemodynamic response was dramatically lower in animals that exhibited longer, more frequent epileptiform events, but it was unchanged in animals displaying infrequent, short events. In contrast, the contralateral hemodynamic response was augmented in all iron-injected animals compared with the control group. These abnormal hemodynamic responses in chronically epileptic animals were correlated with the degree of reduction in the number of GABAergic interneurons. Therefore, nanoscale iron injection, which mimics some aspects of microhemorrhagic brain injury, generated chronic, yet varying, degrees of spontaneous epileptiform events. Moreover, the severity of the epileptiform events corresponded to the degree of reduction in GABAergic interneurons in the iron-injected hemisphere and the level of autoregulatory dysfunction of cerebral blood flow. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.1341sciescopu

    Amperometric microsensors monitoring glutamate-evoked in situ responses of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide from live human neuroblastoma cells

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    In the brain, nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) are important signaling gases which have multifaceted roles, such as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and vasodilators. Even though it is difficult to measure NO and CO in a living system due to their high diffusibility and extremely low release levels, electrochemical sensors are promising tools to measure in vivo and in vitro NO and CO gases. In this paper, using amperometric dual and septuple NO/CO microsensors, real-time NO and CO changes evoked by glutamate were monitored simultaneously for human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells. In cultures, the cells were differentiated and matured into functional neurons by retinoic acid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. When glutamate was administrated to the cells, both NO and CO increases and subsequent decreases returning to the basal levels were observed with a dual NO/CO microsensor. In order to facilitate sensor’s measurement, a flower-type septuple NO/CO microsensor was newly developed and confirmed in terms of the sensitivity and selectivity. The septuple microsensor was employed for the measurements of NO and CO changes as a function of distances from the position of glutamate injection. Our sensor measurements revealed that only functionally differentiated cells responded to glutamate and released NO and CO. © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Hyperspectral fluorescence imaging for cellular iron mapping in the in vitro model of Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by progressive dopaminergic cell loss in the substantia nigra (SN) and elevated iron levels demonstrated by autopsy. Direct visualization of iron with live imaging techniques has not yet been successful. The aim of this study is to visualize and quantify the distribution of cellular iron using an intrinsic iron hyperspectral fluorescence signal. The 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced cellular model of PD was established in SHSY5Y cells exposed to iron with ferric ammonium citrate (FAC, 100 ìM). The hyperspectral fluorescence signal of iron was examined using a high-resolution dark-field optical microscope system with signal absorption for the visible/near infrared spectral range. The 6-h group showed heavy cellular iron deposition compared with the 1-h group. The cellular iron was dispersed in a small particulate form, whereas the extracellular iron was aggregated. In addition, iron particles were found to be concentrated on the cell membrane/edge of shrunken cells. The iron accumulation readily occurred in MPP+-induced cells, which is consistent with previous studies demonstrating elevated iron levels in the SN. This direct iron imaging could be applied to analyze the physiological role of iron, and its application might be expanded to various neurological disorders involving metals, such as copper, manganese, or zinc. © The Authors.1481sciescopu

    Amperometric Microsensors Monitoring Glutamate-Evoked In Situ Responses of Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide from Live Human Neuroblastoma Cells

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    In the brain, nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) are important signaling gases which have multifaceted roles, such as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and vasodilators. Even though it is difficult to measure NO and CO in a living system due to their high diffusibility and extremely low release levels, electrochemical sensors are promising tools to measure in vivo and in vitro NO and CO gases. In this paper, using amperometric dual and septuple NO/CO microsensors, real-time NO and CO changes evoked by glutamate were monitored simultaneously for human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells. In cultures, the cells were differentiated and matured into functional neurons by retinoic acid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. When glutamate was administrated to the cells, both NO and CO increases and subsequent decreases returning to the basal levels were observed with a dual NO/CO microsensor. In order to facilitate sensor’s measurement, a flower-type septuple NO/CO microsensor was newly developed and confirmed in terms of the sensitivity and selectivity. The septuple microsensor was employed for the measurements of NO and CO changes as a function of distances from the position of glutamate injection. Our sensor measurements revealed that only functionally differentiated cells responded to glutamate and released NO and CO

    Implementation of the neuro-glia-vascular unit through co-culture of adult neural stem cells and vascular cells and transcriptomic analysis of diverse Aβ assembly types

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    Background: The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a specialized layer between blood vessels and tissue in the brain, which is comprised of a neuro-glia-vascular (NGV) unit, thus play a vital role in various brain diseases. New method: We developed the in vitro NGV units by co-culturing brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs; bEnd.3) and primary neural stem cells extracted from subventricular zone of adult mice. This approach was designed to mimic the RNA profile conditions found in the microvessels of a mouse brain and confirmed through various comparative transcriptome analyses. Results: Optimal NGV unit development was achieved by adjusting cell density-dependent co-culture ratios. Specifically, the morphogenic development and neuronal association of astrocyte endfeet were well observed in the contact region with BMECs in the NGV unit. Through transcriptome analysis, we compared co-cultured bEnd.3/NSCs with monocultured bEnd.3 or NSCs and additionally compared them with previously reported mouse brain vascular tissue to show that this NGV unit model is a suitable in vitro model for neurological disease such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Comparison with existing method(s): This in vitro NGV unit was formed from neural stem cells and vascular cells in the brain of adult mice, not embryos. It is very useful for studying brain disease mechanisms by identifying proteins and genes associated with diseases progress. Conclusions: We suggest that this simple in vitro NGV model is appropriate to investigate the relationship between BBB changes and pathological factors in the fields of neurovascular biology and cerebrovascular diseases including AD. © 202311Nscopu

    Direct high-resolution label-free imaging of cellular nanostructure dynamics in living cells

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    We report the application of an optical microscope equipped with a high-resolution dark-field condenser for detecting dynamic responses of cellular nanostructures in real time. Our system provides an easy-to-use technique to visualize biological specimens without any staining. This system can visualize the dynamic behavior of nanospheres and nanofibers, such as F-actin, at the leading edges of adjacent neuronal cells. We confirmed that the nanofibers imaged with this high-resolution optical microscopic technique are F-actin by using fluorescence microscopy after immunostaining the F-actin of fixed cells. Furthermore, cellular dynamics are enhanced by applying noncontact electric field stimulation through a transparent graphene electric field stimulator. High-resolution label-free optical microscopy enables the visualization of nanofiber dynamics initiated by filopodial nanofiber contacts. In conclusion, our optical microscopy system allows the visualization of nanoscale cellular dynamics under various external stimuli in real time without specific staining. (C) The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.101sciescopu

    Sensitivity maximized near-field scanning optical microscope with dithering sample stage

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    We developed a new scheme for a higher sensitivity near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) by using a dithering sample stage rather than a dithering probe for the constant gap control between probe and sample. In a conventional NSOM, which use tip dithering feedback mechanism, the Q factor drastically decreases from 7783 to 1000 (13%) or even to 100 (1%) because harmonic oscillating characteristic is deteriorated owing to the large change of stiffness and mass of one prong of tuning fork when a probe is attached to it. In our proposed scheme, on the other hand, we use sample dithering feedback mechanism, where the probe is not attached to the tuning fork and the sample is loaded directly onto the surface of dithering tuning fork. Thus, the Q factor does not decrease significantly, from only 7783 to 7480 (96%), because the loaded sample hardly changes the stiffness and mass of tuning fork. Accordingly, gap control between the immobile fiber probe and the dithering sample is performed precisely by detecting the shear force with high sensitivity. Consequently, the extremely high Q factor enables clear observation of graphene sheets with sub-nanometer vertical resolution, which is not possible with a conventional NSOM setup