112 research outputs found

    Linear and nonlinear information flow in spatially extended systems

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    Infinitesimal and finite amplitude error propagation in spatially extended systems are numerically and theoretically investigated. The information transport in these systems can be characterized in terms of the propagation velocity of perturbations VpV_p. A linear stability analysis is sufficient to capture all the relevant aspects associated to propagation of infinitesimal disturbances. In particular, this analysis gives the propagation velocity VLV_L of infinitesimal errors. If linear mechanisms prevail on the nonlinear ones Vp=VLV_p = V_L. On the contrary, if nonlinear effects are predominant finite amplitude disturbances can eventually propagate faster than infinitesimal ones (i.e. Vp>VLV_p > V_L). The finite size Lyapunov exponent can be successfully employed to discriminate the linear or nonlinear origin of information flow. A generalization of finite size Lyapunov exponent to a comoving reference frame allows to state a marginal stability criterion able to provide VpV_p both in the linear and in the nonlinear case. Strong analogies are found between information spreading and propagation of fronts connecting steady states in reaction-diffusion systems. The analysis of the common characteristics of these two phenomena leads to a better understanding of the role played by linear and nonlinear mechanisms for the flow of information in spatially extended systems.Comment: 14 RevTeX pages with 13 eps figures, title/abstract changed minor changes in the text accepted for publication on PR

    Synchronization of extended chaotic systems with long-range interactions: an analogy to Levy-flight spreading of epidemics

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    Spatially extended chaotic systems with power-law decaying interactions are considered. Two coupled replicas of such systems synchronize to a common spatio-temporal chaotic state above a certain coupling strength. The synchronization transition is studied as a nonequilibrium phase transition and its critical properties are analyzed at varying the interaction range. The transition is found to be always continuous, while the critical indexes vary with continuity with the power law exponent characterizing the interaction. Strong numerical evidences indicate that the transition belongs to the {\it anomalous directed percolation} family of universality classes found for L{\'e}vy-flight spreading of epidemic processes.Comment: 4 revTeX4.0 pages, 3 color figs;added references and minor changes;Revised version accepted for pubblication on PR

    Speciation-rate dependence in species-area relationships

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    The general tendency for species number (S) to increase with sampled area (A) constitutes one of the most robust empirical laws of ecology, quantified by species-area relationships (SAR). In many ecosystems, SAR curves display a power-law dependence, SAzS\propto A^z. The exponent zz is always less than one but shows significant variation in different ecosystems. We study the multitype voter model as one of the simplest models able to reproduce SAR similar to those observed in real ecosystems in terms of basic ecological processes such as birth, dispersal and speciation. Within the model, the species-area exponent zz depends on the dimensionless speciation rate ν\nu, even though the detailed dependence is still matter of controversy. We present extensive numerical simulations in a broad range of speciation rates from ν=103\nu =10^{-3} down to ν=1011\nu = 10^{-11}, where the model reproduces values of the exponent observed in nature. In particular, we show that the inverse of the species-area exponent linearly depends on the logarithm of ν\nu. Further, we compare the model outcomes with field data collected from previous studies, for which we separate the effect of the speciation rate from that of the different species lifespans. We find a good linear relationship between inverse exponents and logarithm of species lifespans. However, the slope sets bounds on the speciation rates that can hardly be justified on evolutionary basis, suggesting that additional effects should be taken into account to consistently interpret the observed exponents.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    The role of the number of degrees of freedom and chaos in macroscopic irreversibility

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    This article aims at revisiting, with the aid of simple and neat numerical examples, some of the basic features of macroscopic irreversibility, and, thus, of the mechanical foundation of the second principle of thermodynamics as drawn by Boltzmann. Emphasis will be put on the fact that, in systems characterized by a very large number of degrees of freedom, irreversibility is already manifest at a single-trajectory level for the vast majority of the far-from-equilibrium initial conditions - a property often referred to as typicality. We also discuss the importance of the interaction among the microscopic constituents of the system and the irrelevance of chaos to irreversibility, showing that the same irreversible behaviours can be observed both in chaotic and non-chaotic systems.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    Invasions in heterogeneous habitats in the presence of advection

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    We investigate invasions from a biological reservoir to an initially empty, heterogeneous habitat in the presence of advection. The habitat consists of a periodic alternation of favorable and unfavorable patches. In the latter the population dies at fixed rate. In the former it grows either with the logistic or with an Allee effect type dynamics, where the population has to overcome a threshold to grow. We study the conditions for successful invasions and the speed of the invasion process, which is numerically and analytically investigated in several limits. Generically advection enhances the downstream invasion speed but decreases the population size of the invading species, and can even inhibit the invasion process. Remarkably, however, the rate of population increase, which quantifies the invasion efficiency, is maximized by an optimal advection velocity. In models with Allee effect, differently from the logistic case, above a critical unfavorable patch size the population localizes in a favorable patch, being unable to invade the habitat. However, we show that advection, when intense enough, may activate the invasion process.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures J. Theor. Biol. to appea