8,621 research outputs found
Lattice Supersymmetry via Twisting
We describe how the usual supercharges of extended supersymmetry may be {\it
twisted} to produce a BRST-like supercharge . The usual supersymmetry
algebra is then replaced by a twisted algebra and the action of the twisted
theory is shown to be generically -exact. In flat space the twisting
procedure can be regarded as a change of variables carrying no physical
significance. However, the twisted theories can often be transferred to the
lattice while preserving the twisted supersymmetry. As an example we construct
a lattice version of the two-dimensional supersymmetric sigma model.Comment: Contribution to Lattice2004(theory
A Note on the Action in d>4 Dynamical Triangulations
For dynamical triangulations in dimensions d<=4 the most general action has
two couplings. We note that the most general action for d=5 has three
couplings. We explore this larger coupling space using Monte Carlo simulations.
Initial results indicate evidence for non-trivial phase structure.Comment: 3 page contribution to Lattice'97 proceeding
Phase diagram of four-dimensional dynamical triangulations with a boundary
We report on simulations of DT simplicial gravity for manifolds with the
topology of the 4-disk. We find evidence for four phases in a two-dimensional
parameter space. In two of these the boundary plays no dynamical role and the
geometries are equivalent to those observed earlier for the sphere . In
another phase the boundary is maximal and the quantum geometry degenerates to a
one dimensional branched polymer. In contrast we provide evidence that the
fourth phase is effectively three-dimensional. We find discontinuous phase
transitions at all the phase boundaries.Comment: 13 pages, late
Singular Vertices and the Triangulation Space of the D-sphere
By a sequence of numerical experiments we demonstrate that generic
triangulations of the sphere for contain one {\it singular}
simplex. The mean number of elementary simplices sharing this
simplex increases with the volume of the triangulation according to a simple
power law. The lower dimension subsimplices associated with this
simplex also show a singular behaviour. Possible consequences for the
DT model of four-dimensional quantum gravity are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
First results from simulations of supersymmetric lattices
We conduct the first numerical simulations of lattice theories with exact
supersymmetry arising from the orbifold constructions of
\cite{Cohen:2003xe,Cohen:2003qw,Kaplan:2005ta}. We consider the \cQ=4 theory
in dimensions and the \cQ=16 theory in dimensions. We show
that the U(N) theories do not possess vacua which are stable
non-perturbatively, but that this problem can be circumvented after truncation
to SU(N). We measure the distribution of scalar field eigenvalues, the spectrum
of the fermion operator and the phase of the Pfaffian arising after integration
over the fermions. We monitor supersymmetry breaking effects by measuring a
simple Ward identity. Our results indicate that simulations of
super Yang-Mills may be achievable in the near future.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 9 tables. 3 references adde
Simulations of Dynamically Triangulated Gravity -- an Algorithm for Arbitrary Dimension
Recent models for discrete euclidean quantum gravity incorporate a sum over
simplicial triangulations. We describe an algorithm for simulating such models
in general dimensions. As illustration we show results from simulations in four
dimensionsComment: 14 pages, 6 figures, CERN-TH.7286/9
Supersymmetric lattices
Discretization of supersymmetric theories is an old problem in lattice field
theory. It has resisted solution until quite recently when new ideas drawn from
orbifold constructions and topological field theory have been brought to bear
on the question. The result has been the creation of a new class of lattice
gauge theory in which the lattice action is invariant under one or more
supersymmetries. The resultant theories are local and free of doublers and in
the case of Yang-Mills theories also possess exact gauge invariance. In
principle they form the basis for a truly non-perturbative definition of the
continuum supersymmetric field theory. In this talk these ideas are reviewed
with particular emphasis being placed on super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: Plenary talk at the symposium Quantum Theory and Symmetries,
Lexington, Kentucky, July 2009. References adde
Dirac-K\"{a}hler fermions and exact lattice supersymmetry
We discuss a new approach to putting supersymmetric theories on the lattice.
The basic idea is to start from a {\it twisted} formulation of the underlying
supersymmetric theory in which the fermions are represented as grassmann valued
antisymmetric tensor fields. The original supersymmetry algebra is replaced by
a twisted algebra which contains a scalar nilpotent supercharge .
Furthermore the action of the theory can then be written as the -variation
of some function. The case of super Yang-Mills theory in two
dimensions is discussed in some detail. We then present our proposal for
discretizing this theory and derive the resultant lattice action. The latter is
local, free of spectrum doubling, gauge invariant and preserves the scalar
supercharge invariance exactly. Some preliminary numerical results are then
presented. The approach can be naturally generalized to yield a lattice action
for super Yang-Mills in four dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Plenary talk given at Lattice 2005 Dublin July
25-30. 1 reference correcte
Book review: Class against Class: The Communist Party in Britain between the Wars, Matthew Worley, I. B. Tauris, 2002
Twisted lattice supersymmetry and applications to AdS/CFT
I review recent approaches to constructing supersymmetric lattice theories
focusing in particular on the concept of topological twisting. The latter
technique is shown to expose a nilpotent, scalar supersymmetry which can be
implemented exactly in the lattice theory. Using these ideas a lattice action
for super Yang-Mills in four dimensions can be written down
which is gauge invariant, free of fermion doublers and respects one out of a
total of 16 continuum supersymmetries. It is shown how these exact symmetries
together with the large point group symmetry of the lattice strongly constrain
the possible counterterms needed to renormalize the theory and hence determine
how much residual fine tuning will be needed to restore all supersymmetries in
the continuum limit. We report on progress to study these renormalization
effects at one loop. We go on to give examples of applications of these
supersymmetric lattice theories to explore the connections between gauge
theories and gravity.Comment: 16 pages. Plenary talk at Lattice 201
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