8 research outputs found

    The role of P2X4 receptors of the dorsal root ganglia in the development of chronic hyperalgesia

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    Orientador: Carlos Amilcar ParadaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: O conhecimento de todos os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese das dores crônicas ainda representa um grande desafio ao desenvolvimento de novos fármacos capazes de controlar com eficiência e seletividade a dor crônica. O surgimento da hiperalgesia crônica pode estar relacionado a um estímulo inflamatório ou diretamente à lesão neuronal e, ambos os casos, têm em comum a sensibilização de nociceptores associados às fibras do tipo C e às fibras mielinizadas A?. Independentemente do estímulo inicial, a relação entre a sinalização purinérgica e hiperalgesia é muito bem caracterizada em vários modelos de hiperalgesia inflamatória e neuropática. É o caso do subtipo P2X4 (P2X4R), cuja ativação nas células microgliais do sistema nervoso central está diretamente associada à patogênese da dor neuropática. Em se tratando do sistema nervoso periférico, os efeitos da ativação deste receptor foram pouco estudados, mas nosso grupo já demonstrou que o bloqueio do P2X4R no gânglio da raiz dorsal (GRD) reverte a hiperalgesia em modelo de ratos com neuropatia diabética, mas que era inefetivo no tratamento de hiperalgesia inflamatória aguda. Assim, buscando compreender se a atividade dos P2X4R no GRD estaria relacionada apenas às dores crônicas, investigamos a participação do P2X4R do GRD no desenvolvimento das hiperalgesias aguda e crônica induzidas por mediadores neuropáticos (antineoplásico paclitaxel) ou pró-inflamatórios (Prostaglandina E2 - PGE2 e carragenina). Demonstramos que, no GRD, os P2X4R estavam localizados tanto em neurônios de fibras C e A como em células satélites gliais. A expressão de P2X4R foi aumentada em ratos machos tratados com paclitaxel e o knockdown por antisense, bem como o tratamento ganglionar com antagonista seletivo, reverteram a hiperalgesia neuropática induzida por paclitaxel, mas não a inflamatória induzida por PGE2 ou carragenina. Existe dimorfismo sexual em relação à ativação dos P2X4R: as fêmeas respondem igualmente à administração do paclitaxel, mas não aumentam a expressão deste receptor no GRD; o knockdown dos P2X4R por antisense também não reverteu a hiperalgesia neuropática. Há indicações de que as fibras A sejam as principais responsáveis pela hiperalgesia induzida pelo paclitaxel, uma vez que, após a dessensibilização das fibras C, a dor neuropática, mas não inflamatória, foi sustentada. Por fim, nossos resultados evidenciam que a participação dos P2X4R é mais proeminente em modelo de neuropatia do que naqueles cuja hiperalgesia tem origem após um estímulo inflamatório, indicando que os mecanismos de neuroplasticidade pró-nociceptiva que envolvem esse receptor diferem conforme o sexo e a origem do estímulo desencadeanteAbstract: Understanding the complex molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis of chronic pain is a major challenge to the development of new pain-relieving drugs with minimum side effects. Although the onset of chronic hyperalgesia may be related to either an inflammatory stimulus or a neuronal injury, both events culminate with the sensitization of nociceptors associated with both C- and A? fibers. Regardless of the initial stimulus, the relationship between purinergic signaling and pain is very well characterized in several inflammatory and neuropathic pain models. This is the case of the P2X4 subtype (P2X4R), which activation in microglial cells of the central nervous system is crucial to the development of neuropathic pain. However, in the peripheral nervous system, the effect of P2X4R activation has been scarcely studied. Our group demonstrated that P2X4R antagonism in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) reverses hyperalgesia in a rat model with diabetic neuropathy but is ineffective in the treatment of acute inflammatory hyperalgesia. Thus, aiming to understand whether the activity of P2X4R in DRG could be related only to chronic pain, we investigated the participation of P2X4R in DRG in the development of acute and chronic hyperalgesia induced either by neuropathic (antineoplastic paclitaxel) or pro-inflammatory mediators (Prostaglandin E2 - PGE2 and carrageenan). Here, we demonstrated that P2X4R were localized in both C- and A-fiber neurons and satellite glial cells of DRG. P2X4R expression was increased in paclitaxel-treated male rats and their knockdown by ASODN, as well as ganglionic treatment with a selective antagonist, reversed paclitaxelinduced neuropathic hyperalgesia (acute and chronic), but not PGE2- or carrageenaninduced inflammatory one. There is sexual dimorphism related to P2X4R activation: females respond equally to paclitaxel administration, but do not increase the expression of these receptors in the DRG; the P2X4R knockdown did not reverse neuropathic hyperalgesia either. There are indications that A-fibers are the main responsible for paclitaxel-induced hyperalgesia since, after desensitization of C-fibers, neuropathic but not inflammatory pain was sustained. Finally, our results show that P2X4Rs is more functional in a neuropathy model than in those in which hyperalgesia arises after an inflammatory stimulus. This finding indicates that the pro-nociceptive neuroplasticity mechanisms involving this receptor differ according to the sex and the triggering stimulusDoutoradoFisiologiaDoutora em Biologia Funcional e Molecular142338/2016-82016/23535-5CNPQFAPES

    Cholesterol-Dependent LXR Transcription Factor Activity Represses Pronociceptive Effects of Estrogen in Sensory Neurons and Pain Induced by Myelin Basic Protein Fragments

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    BACKGROUND: A bioactive myelin basic protein (MBP) fragment, comprising MBP METHODS: In male and female normal and post-CCI rat sciatic nerves, we assessed: (i) cholesterol precursor and metabolite levels by lipidomics; (ii) MBP RESULTS: CCI regulated LXRα ligand and receptor levels in nerves of both sexes, with cholesterol precursors, desmosterol and 7-DHC, and oxysterol elevated in females relative to males. MBP CONCLUSION: The injury-released bioactive MBP fragments induce pronociceptive changes by selective inactivation of nuclear transcription factors, including LXRα. By Ncoa1 sequestration, bioactive MBP fragments render LXRα function to counteract pronociceptive activity of estrogen/ESR1 in sensory neurons. This effect of MBP fragments is prevalent in females due to high circulating estrogen levels in females relative to males. Restoring LXR activity presents a promising therapeutic strategy in management of neuropathic pain induced by bioactive MBP

    Cariótipo de seis espécies de Bokermannohyla dos grupos de B. circumdata e B. pseudopseudis (Anura, Hylidae)

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    A família Hylidae passou nos últimos anos por extensas modificações na taxonomia e sistemática, realizadas com base principalmente em dados moleculares e com pouca ou nenhuma contribuição de informações citogenéticas. Como conseqüência, alguns novos gêneros de Hylidae foram criados, sendo esse o caso de Bokermannohyla, atualmente o terceiro mais abundante dentro de Cophomantini, uma das quatro tribos da subfamília Hylinae. Levando-se em conta que os dados citogenéticos no gênero são muito escassos, limitados a apenas três das 27 espécies, análises cariotípicas foram realizadas em B. circumdata, B. hylax e Bokermannohyla sp., do grupo de B. circumdata, e em B. alvarengai, B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola, do grupo de B. pseudopseudis. As seis espécies compartilham um cariótipo similar com 2n=24 e NF=48. Nas espécies do grupo de B. circumdata, as Ag-RON estão localizadas nos braços longos dos cromossomos do par 11, enquanto nas espécies do grupo de B. pseudopseudis, esse marcador citológico está nos braços curtos dos cromossomos do par 4 de B. alvarengai e nos braços longos dos cromossomos dos pares 1 e 11 de B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola, respectivamente. O padrão de bandamento C obtido em todas as espécies, com exceção de B. hylax, é predominantemente centromérico, mas algumas delas mostraram bandas pericentromérica, intersticial ou terminal, assim como banda C coincidente com o sítio da Ag-RON. Os cromossomos de Bokermannohyla sp., B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola não mostraram nenhuma região repetitiva rica em bases AT com a coloração pelo DAPI, mas a banda C telomérica dos cromossomos do par 10 de B. circumdata eram brilhantes. Com o fluorocromo GC-específico CMA3, a região centromérica dos cromossomos das quatro espécies aparece fluorescente, assim como os sítios da RON. Padrões de bandas de replicação foram obtidos em B. alvarengai e B. circumdata...In the last years, the family Hylidae went through extensive taxonomic and systematic revisions, based mostly on molecular data with few or no contribution of cytogenetic information. As a result, some new hylid genera were erected, and this is the case of Bokermannohyla, now the third most speciose genus within Cophomantini, one of the four tribes of the subfamily Hylinae. Taking into account that cytogenetic data on the genus are very scanty, restricted to only three of its 27 species, karyotypic analyses were carried out in B. circumdata, B. hylax and Bokermannohyla sp., assigned to the B. circumdata group, and in B. alvarengai, B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola, assigned to the B. pseudopseudis group. The six species share a similar karyotype with 2n=24 and FN=48. In the species of the B. circumdata group, Ag-NOR are located in the long arms of the chromosome pair 11, whereas in species of the B. pseudopseudis group, this cytological marker is in the long arms of the chromosome pairs 1 and 11 of B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola, respectively, and in the short arms of the chromosome pair 4 of B. alvarengai. The C banding pattern obtained in all species, except for B. hylax, is mostly centromeric, but some of them showed pericentromeric, interstitial or terminal bands, as well as C band coincident to the Ag-NOR site. The chromosomes of Bokermannohyla sp., B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola showed no special AT-rich repetitive regions with DAPI staining, but the telomeric C band of the chromosome pair 10 of B. circumdata exhibited brilliant fluorescence. With the GC-specific CMA3 fluorochrome, the centromeric region of the chromosomes of the four species appeared brightly stained, as well as the NOR sites. Replication banding patterns were obtained in B. alvarengai and B. circumdata, but in the later species the chromosomes were poorly differentiated, probably due to incomplete BrdU incorporation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Cariótipo de seis espécies de Bokermannohyla dos grupos de B. circumdata e B. pseudopseudis (Anura, Hylidae)

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    A família Hylidae passou nos últimos anos por extensas modificações na taxonomia e sistemática, realizadas com base principalmente em dados moleculares e com pouca ou nenhuma contribuição de informações citogenéticas. Como conseqüência, alguns novos gêneros de Hylidae foram criados, sendo esse o caso de Bokermannohyla, atualmente o terceiro mais abundante dentro de Cophomantini, uma das quatro tribos da subfamília Hylinae. Levando-se em conta que os dados citogenéticos no gênero são muito escassos, limitados a apenas três das 27 espécies, análises cariotípicas foram realizadas em B. circumdata, B. hylax e Bokermannohyla sp., do grupo de B. circumdata, e em B. alvarengai, B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola, do grupo de B. pseudopseudis. As seis espécies compartilham um cariótipo similar com 2n=24 e NF=48. Nas espécies do grupo de B. circumdata, as Ag-RON estão localizadas nos braços longos dos cromossomos do par 11, enquanto nas espécies do grupo de B. pseudopseudis, esse marcador citológico está nos braços curtos dos cromossomos do par 4 de B. alvarengai e nos braços longos dos cromossomos dos pares 1 e 11 de B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola, respectivamente. O padrão de bandamento C obtido em todas as espécies, com exceção de B. hylax, é predominantemente centromérico, mas algumas delas mostraram bandas pericentromérica, intersticial ou terminal, assim como banda C coincidente com o sítio da Ag-RON. Os cromossomos de Bokermannohyla sp., B. ibitiguara e B. saxicola não mostraram nenhuma região repetitiva rica em bases AT com a coloração pelo DAPI, mas a banda C telomérica dos cromossomos do par 10 de B. circumdata eram brilhantes. Com o fluorocromo GC-específico CMA3, a região centromérica dos cromossomos das quatro espécies aparece fluorescente, assim como os sítios da RON. Padrões de bandas de replicação foram obtidos em B. alvarengai e B. circumdata...In the last years, the family Hylidae went through extensive taxonomic and systematic revisions, based mostly on molecular data with few or no contribution of cytogenetic information. As a result, some new hylid genera were erected, and this is the case of Bokermannohyla, now the third most speciose genus within Cophomantini, one of the four tribes of the subfamily Hylinae. Taking into account that cytogenetic data on the genus are very scanty, restricted to only three of its 27 species, karyotypic analyses were carried out in B. circumdata, B. hylax and Bokermannohyla sp., assigned to the B. circumdata group, and in B. alvarengai, B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola, assigned to the B. pseudopseudis group. The six species share a similar karyotype with 2n=24 and FN=48. In the species of the B. circumdata group, Ag-NOR are located in the long arms of the chromosome pair 11, whereas in species of the B. pseudopseudis group, this cytological marker is in the long arms of the chromosome pairs 1 and 11 of B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola, respectively, and in the short arms of the chromosome pair 4 of B. alvarengai. The C banding pattern obtained in all species, except for B. hylax, is mostly centromeric, but some of them showed pericentromeric, interstitial or terminal bands, as well as C band coincident to the Ag-NOR site. The chromosomes of Bokermannohyla sp., B. ibitiguara and B. saxicola showed no special AT-rich repetitive regions with DAPI staining, but the telomeric C band of the chromosome pair 10 of B. circumdata exhibited brilliant fluorescence. With the GC-specific CMA3 fluorochrome, the centromeric region of the chromosomes of the four species appeared brightly stained, as well as the NOR sites. Replication banding patterns were obtained in B. alvarengai and B. circumdata, but in the later species the chromosomes were poorly differentiated, probably due to incomplete BrdU incorporation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    A human coronavirus OC43‐derived polypeptide causes neuropathic pain

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    Human coronaviruses have been recently implicated in neurological sequelae by insufficiently understood mechanisms. We here identify an amino acid sequence within the HCoV-OC43 p65-like protein homologous to the evolutionarily conserved motif of myelin basic protein (MBP). Because MBP-derived peptide exposure in the sciatic nerve produces pronociceptive activity in female rodents, we examined whether a synthetic peptide derived from the homologous region of HCoV-OC43 (OC43p) acts by molecular mimicry to promote neuropathic pain. OC43p, but not scrambled peptides, induces mechanical hypersensitivity in rats following intrasciatic injections. Transcriptome analyses of the corresponding spinal cords reveal upregulation of genes and signaling pathways with known nociception-, immune-, and cellular energy-related activities. Affinity capture shows the association of OC43p with an Na+ /K+ -transporting ATPase, providing a potential direct target and mechanistic insight into virus-induced effects on energy homeostasis and the sensory neuraxis. We propose that HCoV-OC43 polypeptides released during infection dysregulate normal nervous system functions through molecular mimicry of MBP, leading to mechanical hypersensitivity. Our findings might provide a new paradigm for virus-induced neuropathic pain

    Conserved karyotypes in cophomantini: Cytogenetic analysis of 12 species from 3 species groups of bokermannohyla (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae)

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    Bokermannohyla is one of the five genera included in the recently recognized tribe Cophomantini, of the hylid frog subfamily Hylinae. Although karyotypic diversity is relatively well known in two genera of Cophomantini, Aplastodiscus and Hypsiboas, in Bokermannohyla chromosome data are restricted to only two of its 28 species. In this paper, we describe the karyotypes of 12 species of Bokermannohyla using standard staining, Ag-NOR, C-banding, DAPI, CMA3, and BrdU incorporation. The 12 species share a similar diploid karyotype with 2n ?=? 24 biarmed chromosomes; most observed differences involved the NOR-bearing chromosomes (and the NOR position within these chromosomes) and C-banding patterns. The overall similarity of these karyotypes with those of Aplastodiscus and Hypsiboas widens the notion of remarkable morphological homogeneity among Cophomantini karyotypes. The results obtained thus far are promising for comparative studies on the genus Bokermannohyla and, in a wider sense, will allow a better understanding of karyotype differentiation and chromosomal evolution in Cophomantini.Fil: Catroli, Glaucilene Ferreira. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Faivovich, Julián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: Haddad, Célio F. B.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Kasahara, Sanae. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Cytogenetics of Phyllomedusa disticta (2n=2x=26), Phyllomedusa tetraploidea (2n=4x=52) and their triploid hybrids (2n=3x=39)

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    Univ Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias, Dept Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias, Dept Zool, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias, Dept Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias, Dept Zool, São Paulo, Brazi