441 research outputs found
Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak - Public Unaware
National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly lower now than during their peak in the mid-1990s, paralleling a general decline in violent crime, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of government data. Beneath the long-term trend, though, are big differences by decade: Violence plunged through the 1990s, but has declined less dramatically since 2000.Despite national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today than it was two decades ago. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, today 56% of Americans believe gun crime is higher than 20 years ago and only 12% think it is lower.This report examines trends in firearm homicide, non-fatal violent gun crime victimization and non-fatal violent crime victimization overall since 1993. Its findings on firearm crime are based mainly on analysis of data from two federal agencies. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using information from death certificates, are the source of rates, counts and trends for all firearm deaths, homicide and suicide, unless otherwise specified. The Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey, a household survey conducted by the Census Bureau, supplies annual estimates of non-fatal crime victimization, including those where firearms are used, regardless of whether the crimes were reported to police. Where relevant, this report also quotes from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports
The Influence of Education on the Nutritional Knowledge of Certified Fitness Professionals
International Journal of Exercise Science 14(4): 239-249, 2021. The American Fitness Industry has seen progressive success with recent increases in facility memberships and annual revenues of fitness centers. The number of fitness trainers and instructors in the United States has persisted this growth and is projected to grow over the next decade. However, only a few known studies have investigated the nutritional education of fitness professionals. This preliminary study explores the education and knowledge among certified fitness professions (CFPs) in the United States. A cross-sectional, descriptive survey design was utilized with a convenience sample of 120 female participants from the United States who were associated with a major fitness newsletter. The average age of the participants was 48.51 years (SD 12), and they had 14.85 years of experience (SD 10.16) and worked an average of 22.04 hours per week (SD 16.78). Most of the participants had some kind of college degree (96.2%) and held a group fitness certification (76.6%) or personal training certification (47.5%). Those with a nutrition certification were found to have significantly higher nutrition knowledge test scores on the 21 question test (18.2 ± 2.0 correct to 17.1 ± 1.9, p=0.04). Additionally, it is revealed that CFPs use the internet as a primary source for nutritional information and was the most frequently used source of nutrition information accessed. This pilot study suggests a more in-depth study would be beneficial to solidify the current results and could allow for more investigation into whether or not completion of nutrition coursework within formal earned degrees by CFPs positively influences their nutritional knowledge
Dough properties and baking characteristics of white bread, as affected by addition of raw, germinated and toasted pea flour
Thermal and non-thermal processing may alter the structure and improve the techno-functional properties of pulses and pulse flours, increasing their range of applications in protein-enhanced foods. The effects of germination and toasting of yellow peas (Pisum sativum) on flour and dough characteristics were investigated. Wheat flour was substituted with raw, germinated and toasted pea flour (30%). The resulting bread-baking properties were assessed. Toasting increased dough water absorption and improved dough stability compared with germinated and raw pea flour (p \u3c 0.05). This resulted in bread loaves with comparable specific volume and loaf density to that of a wheat flour control. Significant correlations between dough rheological properties and loaf characteristics were observed. Addition of pea flours increased the protein content of the breads from 8.4% in the control white bread, to 10.1–10.8% (p \u3c 0.001). Toasting demonstrated the potential to improve the techno-functional properties of pea flour. Results highlight the potential application of pea flour in bread-making to increase the protein content
Proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors of fava-bean (Vicia faba), green-pea and yellow-pea (Pisum sativum) flour
Pulse grains were identified as a key resource for food innovation during the International Year of the Pulse (IYP), 2016. Pulse flour offers a sustainable source of plant protein for innovation in protein enriched cereal based foods. Fava-bean (Vicia faba), green- and yellow-pea (Pisum sativum) flour were analysed for proximate composition, minerals, amino acids, phenolic content, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitory activity. Fava-bean flour had the highest protein content (28 g/100 g), while green-pea flour had the highest total dietary fibre content (15 g/100 g). All three flours contained essential amino acids in adequate quantity, highlighting them as a source of good quality protein for in the formulation of protein-enriched foods. Fava-bean flour had significantly higher phenolic content and antioxidant activity than pea flours (387 mg GAE/100 g and 250 mg AAE/100 g respectively). Pulse flour contained high levels of potassium and zinc, while fava-bean flour was also high in iron. Phytic acid ranged from 543 to 889 mg/100 g; the lowest of which was observed in green-pea flour. Green-pea flour also exhibited the lowest trypsin inhibition (3.7 TIU/mg). Results demonstrate the significant potential of pulse flour to enhance the nutritional value of cereal based foods which is not possible with wheat flour alone
The Radcliffe Wave as the gas spine of the Orion Arm
The Radcliffe Wave is a kpc long coherent gas structure containing
most of the star-forming complexes near the Sun. In this Letter we aim to find
a Galactic context for the Radcliffe Wave by looking into a possible
relationship between the gas structure and the Orion (Local) Arm. We use
catalogs of massive stars and young open clusters based on \textit{Gaia} EDR3
astrometry, in conjunction with kiloparsec-scale 3D dust maps, to investigate
the Galactic \textit{XY} spatial distributions of gas and young stars. We find
a quasi-parallel offset between the luminous blue stars and the Radcliffe Wave,
in that massive stars and clusters are found essentially inside and downstream
from the Radcliffe Wave. We examine this offset in the context of color
gradients observed in the spiral arms of external galaxies, where the interplay
between density wave theory, spiral shocks, and triggered star formation has
been used to interpret this particular arrangement of gas/dust and OB stars,
and outline other potential explanations as well. We hypothesize that the
Radcliffe Wave constitutes the gas reservoir of the Orion (Local) Arm, and
presents itself as a prime laboratory to study the interface between Galactic
structure, the formation of molecular clouds in the Milky Way, and star
formation.Comment: Published in A&A Letter
NSAIDs May Protect Against Age-Related Brain Atrophy
The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in humans is associated with brain differences including decreased number of activated microglia. In animals, NSAIDs are associated with reduced microglia, decreased amyloid burden, and neuronal preservation. Several studies suggest NSAIDs protect brain regions affected in the earliest stages of AD, including hippocampal and parahippocampal regions. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the protective effect of NSAID use on gray matter volume in a group of middle-aged and older NSAID users (n = 25) compared to non-user controls (n = 50). All participants underwent neuropsychological testing and T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Non-user controls showed smaller volume in portions of the left hippocampus compared to NSAID users. Age-related loss of volume differed between groups, with controls showing greater medial temporal lobe volume loss with age compared to NSAID users. These results should be considered preliminary, but support previous reports that NSAIDs may modulate age-related loss of brain volume
Fake hands in action: embodiment and control of supernumerary limbs
Demonstrations that the brain can incorporate a fake limb into our bodily representations when stroked in synchrony with our unseen real hand [(the rubber hand illusion (RHI)] are now commonplace. Such demonstrations highlight the dynamic flexibility of the perceptual body image, but evidence for comparable RHI-sensitive changes in the body schema used for action is less common. Recent evidence from the RHI supports a distinction between bodily representations for perception (body image) and for action (body schema) (Kammers et al. in Neuropsychologia 44:2430–2436, 2006). The current study challenges and extends these findings by demonstrating that active synchronous stroking of a brush not only elicits perceptual embodiment of a fake limb (body image) but also affects subsequent reaching error (body schema). Participants were presented with two moving fake left hands. When only one was synchronous during active touch, ownership was claimed for the synchronous hand only and the accuracy of reaching was consistent with control of the synchronous hand. When both fake hands were synchronous, ownership was claimed over both, but only one was controlled. Thus, it would appear that fake limbs can be incorporated into the body schema as well as the body image, but while multiple limbs can be incorporated into the body image, the body schema can accommodate only one
Efficient quantification of soluble and insoluble oxalates in clay mineral mixtures
Quantification of oxalate salts in soil clay minerals is necessary to study oxalate biogeochemistry, but existing analytical techniques are expensive and time-consuming. We aim to develop an efficient attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopic technique to quantify oxalate salts in a clay mineral matrix. We calibrated MIR models for analysis of oxalate anion concentrations in standard solutions (0–0.01 M) by using a partial least-squares regression algorithm. MIR models were also developed for analysis of sodium oxalate (NaOx) and calcium oxalate (CaOx) content in clay mineral mixtures with composition like soils of a semi-arid region and with contrasting concentrations (0–1.0 g g−1 for both oxalate salts) to test sensitivity of analyses. Validation plots (true vs predicted values) showed excellent model fit (R2 ≥ 0.96) and accuracy (normalized root mean squared error of prediction ≤
0.06) for CaOx, NaOx and oxalic acid components. Once predictive models are stored in analytical software, MIR spectroscopic analyses of samples are much more efficient than chemical techniques. Our MIR spectral-based models are suitable for direct quantification of oxalate salts in clay mineral mixtures for samples like those used for model calibration.The Stellenbosch University Postgraduate Office, the Skye Foundation, the National Science Foundation (USA) and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lcss20hj2024BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologySDG-15:Life on lan
Defining biodiverse reforestation: Why it matters for climate change mitigation and biodiversity
Mixed species plantings present an attractive alternative to monoculture reforestation through their added benefits to biodiversity. Yet there is ambiguity in the use of the term ‘biodiversity’ in carbon and biodiversity markets, which may create perverse outcomes when designing schemes and projects. Here, we review how the concept of biodiversity is defined and applied in reforestation projects, and restoration more broadly. Improved transparency around the use of the term biodiversity is urgently needed to provide rigour in emerging market mechanisms, which seek to benefit the environment and people. Summary: Reforestation to capture and store atmospheric carbon is increasingly championed as a climate change mitigation policy response. Reforestation plantings have the potential to provide conservation co-benefits when diverse mixtures of native species are planted, and there are growing attempts to monetise biodiversity benefits from carbon reforestation projects, particularly within emerging carbon markets. But what is meant by ‘biodiverse’ across different stakeholders and groups implementing and overseeing these projects and how do these perceptions compare with long-standing scientific definitions? Here, we discuss approaches to, and definitions of, biodiversity in the context of reforestation for carbon sequestration. Our aim is to review how the concept of biodiversity is defined and applied among stakeholders (e.g., governments, carbon certifiers and farmers) and rights holders (i.e., First Nations people) engaging in reforestation, and to identify best-practice methods for restoring biodiversity in these projects. We find that some stakeholders have a vague understanding of diversity across varying levels of biological organisation (genes to ecosystems). While most understand that biodiversity underpins ecosystem functions and services, many stakeholders may not appreciate the difficulties of restoring biodiversity akin to reference ecosystems. Consequently, biodiversity goals are rarely explicit, and project goals may never be achieved because the levels of restored biodiversity are inadequate to support functional ecosystems and desired ecosystem services. We suggest there is significant value in integrating biodiversity objectives into reforestation projects and setting specific restoration goals with transparent reporting outcomes will pave the way for ensuring reforestation projects have meaningful outcomes for biodiversity, and legitimate incentive payments for biodiversity and natural capital accounting
Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 45, No. 2
• Occupational Folklife • A Fine-Tooth Comb: Atlee Crouse Carries on a Family Tradition • Lime and Manure : Agricultural Practices Among the Pennsylvania Germans • Alcoa, New Kensington: It was More Than a Job - It was a Way of Life • Women\u27s Work: Textile Manufacturing in the Lackawanna Valley • Working the Seams: African American Professional Performers Moving Between White Public Culture and African American Private Culturehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1145/thumbnail.jp
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