12,712 research outputs found
Recent Top Quark Mass Measurements from CMS
A variety of top quark mass measurements has been made in the recent years by
the CMS Collaboration. The most recent measurements performed at 8 TeV are
reported here, along with a new measurement based on data collected in 2016 at
13 TeV. The current combination of these measurements has a relative
uncertainty smaller than 0.3%, making the top quark the most accurately
measured quark.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on
Top Quark Physics 201
Top-quark mass at hadron colliders
Top quarks can be produced abundantly at hadron colliders like the Tevatron
at Fermilab and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and a variety of
measurements of top-quark properties have been gathered in the recent years
from four experiments: CDF and D0 at the Tevatron and ATLAS and CMS at the
Large Hadron Collider. In this review the most recent results on the
measurement of the top-quark mass by the four different collaborations, with
various techniques and considering different topologies, are reported.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures. Presented at the 2013 Lepton Photon Conference,
June 24-29, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. Representing the ATLAS, CDF, CMS
and D0 Collaboration
Chronicle of a Pandemic Foretold. CEPS Policy Insights No 2020-05 / March 2020
In just a few weeks, COVID-19 appeared in China and quickly spread to the rest of the world,
including Europe and the United States. Many have rushed to describe the outbreak as a ‘black
swan’ – an unpredictable event with extremely severe consequences. However, COVID-19 was not
only predictable ex post: it was amply predicted ex ante. This allows us to draw some preliminary
• First, economic policy will need to shift from its current focus on efficiency, towards a greater
emphasis on resilience and sustainability.
• Second, a more centralised governance to address health emergencies is needed.
• Third, Europe should create a centre for the prevention of large-scale risks.
• Fourth, digital technologies, if handled with care, can be an important part of both a mitigation
and a response strategy.
• Fifth, Europe should improve its science advice and communication functions.
Finally, there are many ways to pursue enhanced resilience and responsiveness, but not all of them
are compatible with sustainability and democratic values. The challenge is to find an adequate
policy mix, which safeguards individual rights and liberties, protects the economy, and at the same
time strengthens government preparedness for cases of epidemics and pandemics
Gravitational waves in massive gravity theories: waveforms, fluxes and constraints from extreme-mass-ratio mergers
Is the graviton massless? This problem was addressed in the literature at a
phenomenological level, using modified dispersion relations for gravitational
waves, in linearized calculations around flat space. Here, we perform a
detailed analysis of the gravitational waveform produced when a small particle
plunges or inspirals into a large non-spinning black hole. Our results should
presumably also describe the gravitational collapse to black holes and
explosive events such as supernovae. In the context of a theory with massive
gravitons and screening, merging objects up to away or
collapsing stars in the nearby galaxy may be used to constrain the mass of the
graviton to be smaller than , with low-frequency
detectors. Our results suggest that the absence of dipolar gravitational waves
from black hole binaries may be used to rule out entirely such theories.Comment: Important clarifications on screening and on our results added.
Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter
Lo monstruoso como proyección pesadillesca de lo conocido en Gorodischer y Rey Rosa
Este trabajo presenta un estudio de la creación de mundos monstruosos en dos cuentos de escritores latinoamericanos: “Los embriones del violeta” (1973) de la argentina Angélica Gorodischer y “Cárcel de árboles” (1992) del guatemalteco Rodrigo Rey Rosa. Estos mundos monstruosos pueden entenderse como proyecciones pesadillescas de las realidades socio-culturales con las cuales dialogan los textos. Asimismo, el trabajo estudia cómo en los cuentos se tematiza la escritura y sus limitaciones al momento de narrar las memorias de lo monstruoso
Organizational-communicative impact of collective action "Las Periodistas Paramos" 2018 in Spain
Esta investigación analiza los resultados inmediatos y consecutivos de la acción colectiva “Las Periodistas Paramos” que tuvo lugar en España en 2018, a propósito de la huelga feminista del 8M. Se utilizan la revisión bibliográfica y la entrevista en profundidad para conocer las formas de organización establecidas como consecuencia de LPP, y su aporte al capital social del movimiento feminista. Entre los resultados se obtiene la creación de redes territoriales de mujeres, un cambio de perspectiva en torno a la igualdad de género en los medios de comunicación, así como una contribución efectiva de capital social a la cuarta ola del movimiento feminista.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Educación, ciencia y blancura en 'Stella' y 'Mecha Iturbe' de César Duayen
Educación, Ciencia y blancura en Stella y Mecha Iturbe de César Duayen El presente trabajo estudia el lugar que ocupan la educación y la ciencia en el proceso de imaginar la nación deseada en las dos primeras novelas de César Duayen, a saber Stella (1905) y Mecha Iturbe (1906). A estos fines se analizan las relaciones que se establecen en las novelas entre Educación, Ciencia y Nación así como los modos en los que las ficciones se auto-atribuyen agencia para imaginar y concretizar lo imaginado en el mundo diegético. Dentro de este entramado, la tensión entre lo local y lo global –o lo nacional y lo cosmopolita– jugará un papel clave, papel que también se discute a lo largo del trabajo. Asimismo, se argumenta que el color blanco y los cuerpos blancos serán elementos centrales en la representación de los conflictos con los que se enfrenta la nación deseada y de los ideales que la guían. Palabras clave: literatura hispanoamericana, literatura argentina, cosmopolitismo, nación, ciencia, blancura Education, Science and Whiteness in Stella and Mecha Iturbe by César Duayen The present article studies the role of education and science in the process of imagining the desired nation in the first two novels by César Duayen, namely, Stella (1905) and Mecha Iturbe (1906). To this end, the analysis focuses on the relations established between Education, Science and Nation as well as on the ways through which the narratives attribute themselves the authority to imagine the nation and realize this imagination in the diegetic world. Within this framework, the tension between the local and the global – or the national and the cosmopolitan – will play a central role, which is also discussed along the essay. Furthermore, it is argued that white as a colour as well as white bodies will be central elements for the conveyance of both the conflicts that the desired nation faces and the ideals that guide it. Key words: Latin-American literature, Argentinean literature, cosmopolitism, nation, science, whiteness
Este ensayo focaliza en el papel que jugó la poesía en el contexto doctrinal y conservador que ofrecía la revista semanal El Católico Argentino (1874-1876), precursora en la consolidación de la prensa católica en Argentina. A través del estudio de la relación entre el repertorio estético de los poemas y la fuerte crítica al liberalismo y a la modernidad en los artículos doctrinarios de la revista, este ensayo argumenta que la poesía buscaba la creación de una subjetividad lectora de caráctercomunitario. Esta se presentará como alternativa a la subjetividad liberal a la que apelaba la prensa liberal del momento, promoviendo la novedad y la moda.
This essay focuses on the role played by poetry in the doctrinal and conservative context of the weekly newspaper El Católico Argentino (1874-1876), a forerunner in the consolidation of the Catholic press in Argentina. By studying how the aesthetic repertoire of the poetic pieces relates to the strong criticism of dominant liberalism and modernity in the newspaper’s doctrinal pieces, the essay argues that poetry, via different strategies, appeals to the creation of a sharedor communal reader subjectivity. This will stand as in contrast to the liberal subjectivity appealed to by the contemporary press of the time, which highlighted novelty and fashion
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