16,558 research outputs found
Generalized hydrodynamics of a dilute finite-sized particles suspension: Dynamic viscosity
We present a mesoscopic hydrodynamic description of the dynamics of colloidal
suspensions. We consider the system as a gas of Brownian particles suspended in
a Newtonian heat bath subjected to stationary non-equilibrium conditions
imposed by a velocity field. Using results already obtained in previous studies
in the field by means of a generalized Fokker-Planck equation, we obtain a set
of coupled differential equations for the local diffusion current and the
evolution of the total stress tensor. We find that the dynamic shear viscosity
of the system contains contributions arising from the finite size of the
particles.Comment: To appear in Physical Review
Time reparametrization invariance in arbitrary range p-spin models: symmetric versus non-symmetric dynamics
We explore the existence of time reparametrization symmetry in p-spin models.
Using the Martin-Siggia-Rose generating functional, we analytically probe the
long-time dynamics. We perform a renormalization group analysis where we
systematically integrate over short timescale fluctuations. We find three
families of stable fixed points and study the symmetry of those fixed points
with respect to time reparametrizations. One of those families is composed
entirely of symmetric fixed points, which are associated with the low
temperature dynamics. The other two families are composed entirely of
non-symmetric fixed points. One of these two non-symmetric families corresponds
to the high temperature dynamics.
Time reparametrization symmetry is a continuous symmetry that is
spontaneously broken in the glass state and we argue that this gives rise to
the presence of Goldstone modes. We expect the Goldstone modes to determine the
properties of fluctuations in the glass state, in particular predicting the
presence of dynamical heterogeneity.Comment: v2: Extensively modified to discuss both high temperature
(non-symmetric) and low temperature (symmetric) renormalization group fixed
points. Now 16 pages with 1 figure. v1: 13 page
Foraging Behavior of Zebu Cattle Grazing Deciduous Forest
The objective of this study was to determine whether the foraging behavior of Zebu cattle in deciduous forest was affected by time of the year. Data were recorded during the wet, nortes and dry seasons. Ten Zebu cows were used to record biting rate. Intake and bite size was estimated using three esophageally fistulated animals. Cattle browsed shrubs and trees in the wet season and ingested litter leaves in the dry season which resulted in differences of ingestive behavior. In general, bite size and intake were higher in the wet season and decreased during the nortes and dry seasons
A comparison between PML, infinite elements and an iterative BEM as mesh truncation methods for HP self-adaptive procedures in electromagnetics
Finite element hp-adaptivity is a technology that allows for very accurate numerical solutions. When applied to open region problems such as radar cross section prediction or antenna analysis, a mesh truncation method needs to be used. This paper compares the following mesh truncation methods in the context of hp-adaptive methods: Infinite Elements, Perfectly Matched Layers and an iterative boundary element based methodology. These methods have been selected because they are exact at the continuous level (a desirable feature required by the extreme accuracy delivered by the hp-adaptive strategy) and they are easy to integrate with the logic of hp-adaptivity. The comparison is mainly based on the number of degrees of freedom needed for each method to achieve a given level of accuracy. Computational times are also included. Two-dimensional examples are used, but the conclusions directly extrapolated to the three dimensional case
Effect of Roughness in the Development of an Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer
An experimental study was conducted to examine the effect of surface roughness on the development of an adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. Hot-wire anemometry measurements were carried out using single and x-wire probes in the APG region of an open return type wind tunnel test section. The same experimental conditions (i.e. Tâ, Uref, and Cp) are maintained between the smooth, k+= 0, and rough, k+= 41-60, cases. Results indicate that the mean velocity deficit and Reynolds stress profiles tend to increase with surface roughness. These effects of roughness were successfully removed from the outer mean velocity profiles using the Zagarola and Smits scaling, UâÎŽ*/ÎŽ. Using the integrated boundary layer equation, the skin friction was computed and showed a 58% increase due to the surface roughness effect. The effects of pressure gradient were found to be significant, of which, different profile trends with similar magnitudes were found for outer Reynolds normal stresses scaled with Uâ
Dimensionalities of Weak Solutions in Hydrogenic Systems
A close inspection on the 3D hydrogen atom Hamiltonian revealed formal
eigenvectors often discarded in the literature. Although not in its domain,
such eigenvectors belong to the Hilbert space, and so their time evolution is
well defined. They are then related to the 1D and 2D hydrogen atoms and it is
numerically found that they have continuous components, so that ionization can
take place
Vulnerability curves for masonry buildings affected by hyperconcentrated flows as natural disaster risk management tools for the quantification of material damage
The damage assessment caused by floods, earthquakes, hurricanes among others phenomenons in the world are analyzed with methodologies such as "Vulnerability curves". In Peru, disasters caused by hyperconcentrated flows are alarming due to a climatic variability such as the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon. Therefore, this research has developed vulnerability curves for 1 and 2-story confined masonry buildings in Urb. San Idelfonso, Ica - Peru; linking the variables: flow depth, associated with the event produced by heavy rains at the top of the "Quebrada Cansas"caused by the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon in 2017, and the percentage of the damage based on the methodology of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), whose formula is the repair value and total building value. The monetary amounts and items of the buildings are obtained from the RM 415-2017-VIVIENDA of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru. The process consisted of hydrological modeling in HEC-HMS, hydraulic modeling in FLO-2D, damage percentage estimate and vulnerability curves production. Finally, the vulnerability curves for hyperconcentrated flows were contrasted with similar studies regarding curves for flooding and debris flow. The results of the investigation showed that the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon in 2017 had an economic impact of at least 1.3 million soles in Urb. San Idelfonso. In addition, at least 24 buildings had a complete damage and 21 buildings an extensive damage
Evaluation of flexible barrier and sabo dam to control effects of debris flow in Santo Domingo Ravine
Coast of Peru is characterized for the presence of ephemeral creeks which drain water only on wet season. The extremely dry soil and pebble combined with precipitation produce debris flow in a seasonal geodynamic. This is the case of Santo Domingo ravine which is located at eastern Lima, and drains their water to Rimac River. In this article the vulnerability of villages near to Santo Domingo ravine by debris flow and use of flexible barrier and sabo dams are analyzed. In a first stage, the liquid hydrograph to a 100 years return period was built and a solid hydrograph, a relationship between volume concentration and time, was essayed. Then, both the liquid and the solid hydrograph are calibrated in a debris flow numerical model and the vulnerability map is built. Finally, this model is coupled to the Rimac River to analyze the possible damming effect. Calibration of numerical model was done in base to previous estimated volumes by Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). These first results permit to define high vulnerability zones which will be a reference to evaluate efficiency of control measures. In a second stage, mitigation effects of flexible barriers application is simulated in base to Debris Flow Barrier from GeobruggÂź. Also, application of sabo dams was evaluated to by using âKanakoâ debris flow simulator from Laboratory of Erosion Control, Division of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, & SABO Technical Center. Results permit to evaluate efficiency and select the more economical option
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