352 research outputs found
Finite temperature behaviour of glueballs in Lattice Gauge Theories
We propose a new method to compute glueball masses in finite temperature
Lattice Gauge Theories which at low temperature is fully compatible with the
known zero temperature results and as the temperature increases leads to a
glueball spectrum which vanishes at the deconfinement transition. We show that
this definition is consistent with the Isgur-Paton model and with the expected
contribution of the glueball spectrum to various thermodynamic quantities at
finite temperature. We test our proposal with a set of high precision numerical
simulations in the 3d gauge Ising model and find a good agreement with our
predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
ratio as a tool to refine Effective Polyakov Loop models
Effective Polyakov line actions are a powerful tool to study the finite
temperature behaviour of lattice gauge theories. They are much simpler to
simulate than the original lattice model and are affected by a milder sign
problem, but it is not clear to which extent they really capture the rich
spectrum of the original theories. We propose here a simple way to address this
issue based on the so called second moment correlation length . The
ratio between the exponential correlation length and the second
moment one is equal to 1 if only a single mass is present in the spectrum, and
it becomes larger and larger as the complexity of the spectrum increases. Since
both and are easy to measure on the lattice, this is a cheap
and efficient way to keep track of the spectrum of the theory. As an example of
the information one can obtain with this tool we study the behaviour of
in the confining phase of the () gauge
theory and show that it is compatible with 1 near the deconfinement transition,
but it increases dramatically as the temperature decreases. We also show that
this increase can be well understood in the framework of an effective string
description of the Polyakov loop correlator. This non-trivial behaviour should
be reproduced by the Polyakov loop effective action; thus, it represents a
stringent and challenging test of existing proposals and it may be used to
fine-tune the couplings and to identify the range of validity of the
approximations involved in their construction.Comment: 1+17 pages, 3 pdf figures; v2: 1+17 pages, 3 pdf figures: discussion
in section 1,2 and 5 expanded, misprints corrected; matches journal versio
Width of the flux tube in compact U(1) gauge theory in three dimensions
We study the squared width and the profile of flux tubes in compact U(1)
lattice gauge theory in three spacetime dimensions. The results obtained from
numerical calculations in the dual formulation of this confining theory are
compared with predictions from an effective bosonic-string model and from the
dual-superconductor model: it is found that the former fails at describing the
quantitative features of the flux tube, while the latter is in good agreement
with Monte Carlo data. The analytical interpretation of these results (in the
light of the semi-classical analysis by Polyakov) is pointed out, and a
comparison with non-Abelian gauge theories in four spacetime dimensions is
discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 pdf figures; v2: 21 pages, 8 pdf figures: references
added, new data and new figures included, discussion slightly revise
Effective String Description of the Confining Flux Tube at Finite Temperature
In this review, after a general introduction to the effective string theory
(EST) description of confinement in pure gauge theories, we discuss the
behaviour of EST as the temperature is increased. We show that, as the
deconfinement point is approached from below, several universal features of
confining gauge theories, like the ratio , the linear
increase of the squared width of the flux tube with the interquark distance, or
the Temperature dependence of the interquark potential, can be accurately
predicted by the effective string. Moreover in the vicinity of the
deconfinement point the EST behaviour turns out to be in good agreement with
what predicted by conformal invariance or by dimensional reduction, thus
further supporting the validity of and EST approach to confinement.Comment: 40 pages, discussion on the rigid string extended, references added;
matches the published versio
Universal power law behaviors in genomic sequences and evolutionary models
We study the length distribution of a particular class of DNA sequences known
as 5'UTR exons. These exons belong to the messanger RNA of protein coding
genes, but they are not coding (they are located upstream of the coding portion
of the mRNA) and are thus less constrained from an evolutionary point of view.
We show that both in mouse and in human these exons show a very clean power law
decay in their length distribution and suggest a simple evolutionary model
which may explain this finding. We conjecture that this power law behaviour
could indeed be a general feature of higher eukaryotes.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure
Comparing the Nambu-Goto string with LGT results
We discuss a way to evaluate the full prediction for the interquark potential
which is expected from the effective Nambu-Goto string model. We check the
correctness of the prescription reproducing the results obtained with the zeta
function regularization for the first two perturbative orders. We compare the
predictions with existing Monte Carlo data for the (2+1) dimensional Z(2),
SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories: in the low temperature regime, we find good
agreement for large enough interquark distances, but an increasing mismatch
between theoretical predictions and numerical results is observed as shorter
and shorter distances are investigated. On the contrary, at high temperatures
(approaching the deconfinement transition from below) a remarkable agreement
between Monte Carlo data and the expectations from the Nambu-Goto effective
string is observed for a wide range of interquark distances.Comment: 25 pages, 4 eps figures; added a reference, included remarks,
corrected a typo; version accepted for publication in JHE
Conformal perturbation of off-critical correlators in the 3D Ising universality class
Thanks to the impressive progress of conformal bootstrap methods we have now
very precise estimates of both scaling dimensions and OPE coefficients for
several 3D universality classes. We show how to use this information to obtain
similarly precise estimates for off-critical correlators using conformal
perturbation. We discuss in particular the , $<
\epsilon (r) \epsilon (0) >$ and two point
functions in the high and low temperature regimes of the 3D Ising model and
evaluate the leading and next to leading terms in the
expansion, where is the reduced temperature. Our results for agree both with Monte Carlo simulations and with a set of
experimental estimates of the critical scattering function.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Expanded the discussion of Conformal Perturbation
Self-assembly and DNA binding of the blocking factor in X chromosome inactivation
X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is the phenomenon occurring in female mammals whereby dosage compensation of
X-linked genes is obtained by transcriptional silencing of one of their two X chromosomes, randomly chosen during
early embryo development. The earliest steps of random X-inactivation, involving counting of the X chromosomes and
choice of the active and inactive X, are still not understood. To explain "counting and choice," the longstanding
hypothesis is that a molecular complex, a "blocking factor" (BF), exists. The BF is present in a single copy and can
randomly bind to just one X per cell which is protected from inactivation, as the second X is inactivated by default. In
such a picture, the missing crucial step is to explain how the molecular complex is self-assembled, why only one is
formed, and how it binds only one X. We answer these questions within the framework of a schematic Statistical
Physics model, investigated by Monte Carlo computer simulations. We show that a single complex is assembled as a
result of a thermodynamic process relying on a phase transition occurring in the system which spontaneously breaks
the symmetry between the X’s. We discuss, then, the BF interaction with X chromosomes. The thermodynamics of the
mechanism that directs the two chromosomes to opposite fates could be, thus, clarified. The insights on the selfassembling
and X binding properties of the BF are used to derive a quantitative scenario of biological implications
describing current experimental evidences on "counting and choice.
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